Fleas between the toes

Just a frustrating couple of days...

So we just moved back to West Texas, and I apparently forgot how pest friendly this area is! We were in our new home not two days before we started seeing fleas and even a couple of ticks on Ecco. The ticks we caught before they bit and plucked them. We got the frontline out right away and treated all the animals. I sprayed the backyard with flea and tick killer, and we treated all the carpets with a flea powder.

Yesterday (about 16 hours after frontline treatment) I noticed a whole boatload of fleas jumping off Ecco and running for the hills. I got out the vacuum and sucked up all the ones I could see. This morning I checked Ecco, and though it looks better, she still has some fleas hanging out around her toes. The other dogs and kitty seem clear. I'm wondering if the thicker coat of the sheepie is protecting them from being chased away by the frontline.

I'm going out to get some flea shampoo to clean her feet, and I think that will clear the last of them away. Any other ideas?
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You are supposed to wait 72 after application to bathe them or get them too wet.

I would also be concerned about the effect ofthe frontline and flea shampoo on the liver. I firmly believe that Bailey's liver was damaged by the combination of flea/tick meds too close together.

I would use a nit or flea comb (they are the same thing) and comb out like crazy.

Did you treat the lawn? Again, I worry about the liver, but ....
I hadn't thought about a flea comb. I will try that.

I did treat the lawn. I was worried about all the chemicals, too. Luckily she doesn't spend much time out there right now as its too hot for recreational use.
I sprayed the lawn when I found a few fleas on Brick last year.
But then I did not let him on the lawn at all for like 6 weeks and only after some heavy rains.
I walked him to a grassy area in the village so he could get his potty on.
If it is that bad there, I'd move to hard flooring, in the rooms the hound is allowed in.

Are you sure the new place wasn't already infested?
Oh, this yard was DEFINITELY infested when we moved in, which makes me all the angrier since the previous homeowners had dogs themselves :evil: (dogs that were never allowed into the house :evil: :evil: ). They must have been being eaten alive back there! On top of that, the yard is filled with "goatheads" that stick in the paws. Luckily, we have boots to put on the dogs for the time being. We also have a landscaper coming out to remake the yard into something more friendly for dogs and humans :clappurple:

The main parts of the house have hard flooring, so we've had good success with fighting the menace. I haven't seen any critters on Ecco in 36 hours :phew: . As a caution, we've restricted her from the yard until we're certain the spray has worked and had a little time to dissipate.
The other thing I did to insure the fleas were eradicated was to put Brick on Comfotis oral flea preventative IN ADDITION TO the Frontline Plus topical he was already getting.
Lotsa vacuuming, restricting him to the tiled kitchen & dining room, sprinkling Borax on every soft surface, spraying the yard, flea combing him every night.
It was a real pain in the ***!
Our fleas haven't been too bad this year ( :crossed: ), but we have had a few. Besides keeping Benson on Frontline, I'm using my own flea and tick repellant as a supplement, and that's been working incredibly well. I gave some to a friend who is on a farm, and whose long-haired dog was just being tortured by fleas and ticks. He uses it regularly, and Hank hasn't had a single flea or tick since.

Here's my recipe:

5 drops Lavender essential oil
3 drops Cedar essential oil
3 drops Rose Geranium essential oil

Mix with a scant 1/8 tsp of vodka or white vinegar in an 8 oz spray bottle and shake well. (This helps break up the oils.) Fill the bottle with distilled water or spring water (anything without chemicals). Shake well before each use, and spray a light coat all over your furbaby, avoiding the eyes, of course. For her face, I just spray some into my hands and pet her head.

I like this because it is not chemical, and the amount of essential oil used is really quite small, but still enough to be very effective.

(I get my spray bottles here: http://www.sunburstbottle.com/plastic-bottles/cobalt-blue_2/8oz-blue-plastic-bottle-p-cb8aw)
Do you get your essential oils on line? I would really like to try that but don't live close to any stores that would have the oils. Thanks!
There used to be a great whole foods store near me that carried a good selection of oils. Now that we've moved I tend to order from Starwest Botanicals online. I've heard good things about Mountain Rose Herbs as well, but have never ordered from them myself.

Hope this helps!
another thing to keep in mind, if you live in a neighborhood your neighbors yards are probably infested to. When I spray my yard I spray over the fence into their yard too. I also use K9 Advantix II. It seems to work better on my dogs then Frontline did.

Hopefully we will have a cold winter this year to kill some bugs out. This past winter was way to mild. :crossed:
How often do you spray them with the essential oil mix?

There's not much of a hope for a cold winter down here :(
I live in Dallas area, we've had some good cold winters in the past few years just not this past winter. We usually get a few inches of snow and ice, but just got a dusting this year. :cry:
kerrym wrote:
How often do you spray them with the essential oil mix?

There's not much of a hope for a cold winter down here :(

We spray Benson every few days, since she is always on a leash with us and we know where she's walking. Best judgement? When the smell wears off :D My friend sprays his dog every morning, because Hank has free run of the farm, so he is much more exposed.

A very light spray seems to do the trick - just enough to get that pleasant perfume smell, but not overpowering.
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