Does Your Dog Dream?

Yesterday afternoon, the girls were sleeping in the livingroom and I was doing some work on the lap top and all of a sudden, I hear a dog crying...yes crying. I stopped what I was doing, looked at the dogs and thought "did I hear what I think I heard?" all dogs were quiet and sleeping, again I hear the crying dog and Asia jumped her head up too and looked back at China. I said "China, are you ok.?" She started her feet running in place, the way she does when she has dreams. I got down on the floor and petted her and said her name a few times and she woke up looked at me with a look that said "what?" Back to sleep she went.... In the past, China has barked in her sleep. She seems to have very visual dreams.

Do you think your dog has dreams?
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Angus has done the same...sometimes just a quiet whimper.
I can't help but be rude and interupt their deep sleep at times.

I'm kinda glad you made this post because I was going to post about Yuki and her dreaming too. Since we moved to our summer home, she has had INTENSE dreams that go well beyond normal feet running. After a day of chasing deer and catching bugs and frogs... she ALWAYS comes home, sleeps and starts her dreaming. She starts with growling... followed by her teeth showing in full "I'm going to attack you" mode ...then biting whatever it is ..constant biting like she's tearing it to shreds ...and last the feet running like it got loose and she's chasing it. We've never seen her like that ...and no touching, laughing to make fun of her, or even rubbing her wakes her up. NOT until she makes the kill (what we call it ...which is when she finishes chewing up that prey) ...can any "touch" wake her.


Maybe she hates those june bugs THAT much although she can chase a deer like no dog I know!!! She gets so intense and has a "stance" she does when she sees one ...and if I open the gate, WATCH OUT!!!!!
Joahaeyo wrote:
I can't help but be rude and interupt their deep sleep at times.

I'm kinda glad you made this post because I was going to post about Yuki and her dreaming too. Since we moved to our summer home, she has had INTENSE dreams that go well beyond normal feet running. After a day of chasing deer and catching bugs and frogs... she ALWAYS comes home, sleeps and starts her dreaming. She starts with growling... followed by her teeth showing in full "I'm going to attack you" mode ...then biting whatever it is ..constant biting like she's tearing it to shreds ...and last the feet running like it got loose and she's chasing it. We've never seen her like that ...and no touching, laughing to make fun of her, or even rubbing her wakes her up. NOT until she makes the kill (what we call it ...which is when she finishes chewing up that prey) ...can any "touch" wake her.


Maybe she hates those june bugs THAT much although she can chase a deer like no dog I know!!! She gets so intense and has a "stance" she does when she sees one ...and if I open the gate, WATCH OUT!!!!!

OH my she is funny!
That is facinating Mrs J. Your story reminds me a bit of Pearl. She was a house cat for the first 7 yrs of her life, but once we moved to Florida, she became an outdoor cat, meaning she would go in and out the doggy door. Our yards have always been fenced so no worry of her getting out. She was like a new cat. She would chase the bugs and geikoes. I would watch that beautiful white cat in full "hunting mold" sleth across the backyard waiting to catch her prey. Those were the best 10yrs of her life. So I can understan how Yuki must feel to finally have a game to play with those long legged creatures that can run so fast, so makes it fun for her.
Thank you for sharing your story.
Marley twitches and cries and runs in her sleep *every single night*. I spent three nights on the couch last week because she kept waking me up.
Chowder twitches/runs in her sleep all the time. Sometimes she barks. BUT sometimes she cries. We've debated her if dogs have nightmares.
Bailey will sometime twitch and whine in her sleep, if she sounds upset I'll wake her up. I know I don't like bad dreams, so I don't think she would like them either. Eevee doesn't have too many dreams yet.
Max dreams too. He wimpers, growls and "runs" almost everynight. It is a deep, deep sleep. In fact, after his accident, that is how we knew he would be able to move his back legs. One night, about 4 months after spinal surgery, we were watching TV, and Max was sound asleep. All of a sudden, those back legs started running... John and I both cried, we were so happy to see him move them. From then on, we "pushed" him a little harder to walk, knowing he could move those legs.

Amazing, isn't it.

On another note, I have always wondered what individuals that are blind from birth, see when they dream....
My dogs bark, cry, run in their sleep. In fact. last night Bowie was sleeping with his legs sticking out from his side facing a mirror on my closet door. He was SOUND asleep and running with his feet hitting the mirror - all night long! I tried to call him away but he was in a deep sleep and otherwise comfy. No wonder he was tired when he woke up!
Carley dreams often. You see her legs moving and you hear all kinds of sounds coming from her. if it sounds like she is crying or upset I will wake her up.

I would love to know what they are dreaming about.

Bonnie/Carley's Mom
Oh definately dreams do happen. Bunny chasing, active paws going at a hundred miles an hour, heck even snoring too. :? :lol: :lol:

Last night Syd crept into our room, made a thump on the floor, Hubby got a great kick in the back as I thought he was the fog horn, turned out Syd up the side of the bed was the culprit snorking away :lol: Poor hubby, those two boys are FOG HORNS!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :twitch:

Brie has the best dreams, even when we are watching TV of a night and she is snoozing in a heavy sleep, you can just about live & experience her adventure, growls, whimpers and muted barks, darn those bunnies!!!! :excited: :yay:

Yes dogs do dream and pssst snore too. :wink:
lisaoes wrote:
Oh definately dreams do happen. Bunny chasing, active paws going at a hundred miles an hour, heck even snoring too. :? :lol: :lol:

Last night Syd crept into our room, made a thump on the floor, Hubby got a great kick in the back as I thought he was the fog horn, turned out Syd up the side of the bed was the culprit snorking away :lol: Poor hubby, those two boys are FOG HORNS!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :twitch:

Brie has the best dreams, even when we are watching TV of a night and she is snoozing in a heavy sleep, you can just about live & experience her adventure, growls, whimpers and muted barks, darn those bunnies!!!! :excited: :yay:

Yes dogs do dream and pssst snore too. :wink:

I have 3 snorers, besides my hubby. lol
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