Stupid owners

Walking Archie this morning, along a winding path with trees shrubs etc, three dogs come on bounding in the biggest makes a bee line for the pup, growling barking and snarling clearly baring it's teeth while snarling then it settled to sniff Archie as there was little more than a slight elevation of wariness from him, nothing untoward happened, the owners (elderly ish one in a mobility scooter) finally appeared along the path "oh don't worry he's noisey but harmless" then they had to tell off the smallest dog that was yapping and creating, they didn't seem to happy with me advising them that as harmless as you may think he is he shouldn't really be out of their site and if he'd met a less tolerant dog than Archie (Mr Placid Mr Cool Mr Chilled out Dude) there could have been a blood letting, "but he wouldn't do anything" erm yes what about the dog he meets and greets like that?

They left me muttering...............

I then related this story to Buttons (Archie nemesis - Staffy mix :roll: reacts to Archie on site or sound - always on the harness ) owners and they said if the dog had approached Buttons like that they said more than likely the dog would have left minus a few pints of blood.

Why do owners of packs (in the UK at least) seem to think it perfectly natural for the pack to run about off lead? and no harm could come to them?
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Don't get me started! They always say they like other dogs they are fine. What if mine aren't. What if I don't want a bunch of dogs in my dogs face. I cannot even walk mine together on trails because of that situation. It is too much to deal with especially since Langley reacts by wanting to play and this sets Laika off. Then they turn on each other. FUN! I look like the idiot. Just want I nice calm walk. I hear yah!

Only if you have totally recall and the dogs sticks with you should you be allowed to let you dog off leash.
I know my dogs would be friendly to any dog that is friendly to them, but I'm also aware that not all dogs are going to be nice. So I never take the dogs out off leash, especially Bailey because she'll run off. The closest Eevee gets to off leash is walking with me in the yard with her leash trailing behind her, so I can always grab the leash if something happens. We aren't supposed to have dogs off leash here (except on private property) so we don't get a lot of loose dogs walking around, but it happens from time to time.
SMH......owners are dumb. I think i told you guys this but with Kenny going through his nervousness (we're hoping he's past it now...had good times last time out)....some lady kept walking up to people with dogs and was like blindsiding them and trying to get her dog to play with others.

Note, she did it on the leash but she just randomly surprised us from behind and was like "play with him" (to her dog). Luckily kenny just ignored the dog but he's big enough and was in his strange stage that he could have snapped out easily. Then 10 minutes later in a different part of the city center, she came up to us again!!!! She was like "oh nvm, we already tried with you".

Lol, notice as well that the other dog (her dog) didn't want to play with any dogs either...just a dumb owner doing dumb stuff. Hate it!
Mark we get that all of the time until sherwood thinks who are you and old grumpy git & beats them all up. I gey a ear full from the owners & I just turned round & said who started on who. He is now 14 years of age & don't need some lottle yappy dog comming over. Sort your dogs out or put them on a lead. Georgi just wants to jump on
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