To Cut or not to Cut

My wife and kids all want me to cut Daisy down for the summer because they think she is to warm with a full coat. She has never been cut and is 3 years old. They all want a puppy cut, anyone have any photos of a good puppy cut on a 3 year old with their head still left longer.
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Unless she is showing heat stress, pants alot, isn't interested in play time, you don't need too. Some people here leave the head, but personally I prefer to do the whole body. When the cut is even or at least in proportion, it is charming.

For sure if she will be playing in water, etc, having a puppy cut.....think stuffed animal much easier to maintain and will be properly shaggy by winter.
This is billy with 3-4" coat and the head left longer

^^^^^ one of the best puppy cuts out there!!! Billy looks awesome!

Thank you lee, that was taken at the british dog grooming championships.i Didnt get placed but billy enjoyed himself, i was against about 50 other groomers
Lovely, pulling the hair back, fluffy ears, soft cuddles body. My objection is when the body is very short even shaved and nothing is done with the head, so all this hair flops over with the short body. I keep thinking, "back up to a clipper, right??" Billy he's been to the stylist, not a sheepshearer.
this is Ryleighs puppy cut. She gets very hot in the summer and pants a lot so I keep her in a puppy cut.
Those are beautiful and dignified cuts! :clappurple:

No question about it... we embrace, even celebrate, the character cut. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have a pack (and a life!) and I need to keep them at least somewhat tidy. I scissor the big heads, sometimes muttonchops,
and fluffy legs... with Kobuck the hind legs are scissored from the hips down. But I usually shave the bodies shorter. If
they've grown out in the winter and it's time for a haircut, I use a #3 blade... but in the summer it's often a #6 blade
because my guys are active. I don't want them just lying down outside because they're too hot to play. And they also
go swimming or play in the kiddy pools so they're faster to dry.

The clip also depends on the coat type... whether it's thick or thin, coarse or soft. The dude in the bottom pictures gets a
extreme sport-clip. :wink: His coat is beautifully plush/dense/coarse... but he's short so tends to look like a dumpling in a
fuller coat.

This is Dexter with his first cut at about 18 months. He is cut to 2-3" so we could put him back in the ring this fall. She cut a little too much of his fall; we wanted to keep most of his head hair. That was about mid-May and he is back to a short, show coat now but has retired so...............

I think Ryleigh's (above) cut or Bloo's cut are just about the best puppy cuts I've seen.

Here's a picture of Bloo.

And Darcy's Panda (RIP) had a great cut, too.
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