White Noise Machine

I need a white noise machine to help with thunderstorm phobia with Rudie. I need something soothing but loud enough to drown out most sounds.

There are a ton of products with a wide range of prices. Anyone have one they can recommend?
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Could you use a TV station turned a bit loud? Or are you needing it in a specific room that is TV-less? We leave our TV on to the weather channel for white noise for our dogs when we aren't home.(but probably NOT a good choice in times of bad weather - as there might be alarms, etc.)

How about tuning into a sirius or similar station of your choice? That way you could use it for other music in non-storm times :)
I like the idea of a white noise machine but nver heard of one? I put a fan on high, put them in their crates, with the door open but they dn't come out, cover the crates half way with a sheet to make it more den like...Last night was bad though. If there is a white noice machine, I'd love to hear about it! I found the tv being on loud doesn't alwasy work. Its that background "white noise" that seems to be the key.
I like the idea of a white noise machine but nver heard of one? I put a fan on high, put them in their crates, with the door open but they dn't come out, cover the crates half way with a sheet to make it more den like...Last night was bad though. If there is a white noice machine, I'd love to hear about it! I found the tv being on loud doesn't alwasy work. Its that background "white noise" that seems to be the key.
I'm interested in a white noise machine too. Hopefully someone will have a recommendation.
http://www.walmart.com/ip/Dohm-DS-by-Ma ... 0A/9893172
We leave the Weather Channel on when we leave too.

We have a Sleepmate 980A along with another one that has rain, wind, ect. sounds. I like the Sleepmate best to actually sleep with but I don't think it's loud enough to block the outside sounds of fireworks/thunderstorms. It's been a few years since we bought one so there are likely better ones now. The other one had an annoying merge as the sound looped. :roll:

Conditioning CDs have helped here. I think it's mandatory you have good base though to better replicate the real sounds. We're to the point they need to be played during a storm or fireworks for them to settle which means getting up in the middle of the night to turn them on... loud. 8) Panda isn't scared to death now and actually goes back to sleep during thunderstorms. But I need to get a CD player for BB's bedroom... I was sick last night so just slept with him instead of getting up to turn on the fireworks CD. Panda went to bed without it last night! Both dogs here are better after a few weeks of playing them... Panda's come farther than Bumble.
if you have an iPhone you can DL one for a couple books or use the free version which has a couple sounds. Not bad but you need to charge your iphone while using it or it can use up a lot of battery
White noise is background fuzzzzzz sound. So any static, high speed fan, CD with ocean sounds (not storm sounds!!) would qualify as white noise. Radio static. I'd be trying other things before investing in a white noise machine. My guys like the Golden Oldies on the TV ...voices. Or talk radio.

I just flipped on my tower fan.....perfect white noise machine!
We leave the ac fan on, tv on loud, and a tower fan in the kitchen. I would like something portable I can put in the kitchen (until we have our door installed) so I don't come home to a mess when there is a thunderstorm.
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