Fourth Survival

Maybe someday I'll like the holiday, but not with these nervous dogs! Started with a storm blowing in about 6 pm. A bit of rain, but lots of 65 mph wind, lightning, etc. Near crazy dogs and it's only 6:30. Minimal fireworks, good. At 9:50 total power outtage. No lights, no street lights, no coolers or fans. MO panics, she needs nightlights to see. Harry is beyond himself and Jack is lost somewhere outside. THEN neighbors start setting off fireworks. Must find Jack! Took awhile and he was upright, not stuck under some shrub. Find candles so MO will settle. Harry still pacing, drooling, etc. Jack settles down, thankfully. I'm sweating buckets as house is getting hotter and hotter, can't move around or else the boys want to follow me around the house. Im nervous with candles burning in the house. Finally after 2 a.m. I blow out all candles and feel a breeze through the window. Took awhile but I finally fell asleep after 3 a.m., still no power. Must get up early for vet appt but without power, no water from well or no garage door opener. Alas, a little after sunrise, power on.
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Here's my silly 4th story: out in the evening with the baby dogs (back yard, fenced) Start hearing some booms. Yay! I get to see how the puppies react to fire works. The booms are at a distance, sure I would have been less happy had they been in my neighbor's back yard.

Little girls barely notice. This is going well. Need some more booms, ideally a little closer, this is good exposure for them. Crackle! Lightening...not fireworks. :oops: :oops: :oops: So all I learned is that they're OK with thunder storms. I'm not, so I called them back and made them come inside. :roll:

Felt pretty stupid. :headbang: Guessing people had the good sense to respect the fact that everything's so dry fire works would have been a bad idea. Can't fault them for that.

Ha - I did the same thing with Bond last night!!

Our neighbors (about a quarter of mile away and on the opposite side of the road) always do a big 4th fireworks party with lots of friends and family. They all chip in - so they actually get some pretty good stuff.

I had Chewie, Harley and Dino (son's old min pin)and Bond out in the dog yard - Harley is normally scared, but he's so deaf it's been a blessing! All were OK, as I expected.
So then I took Bond out by himself. I stood out there, just walking around and watching him. Yep, he looked up to see the ones that were visible above the windbreak, and cocked his head at the "whistlers" He ignored the boomers.
Told him "good job" and went back in the house :D :D
Oh my gosh sheepieboss... I can't believe you even fell asleep with all that going on. Scared dogs, HOT panting breath wanting to be near you, hahaha water from the well ...good grief. GLAD it came on!!!!
This is our third 4th with Rude Dog, and the first time I realized he is terrified of fireworks. The previous two years he was outside with us in Wisconsin watching firework displays and had no problems. Last year though he jumped out the second story window after neighbors were lighting bottle rockets off.

Our neighborhood was a warzone last night and Tuesday night. We had the ac pumping, fans on loud, tv volume cranked, thundershirt on, some calming oils, and benadryl. 75mg of Benadryl must have been the right dose because he fell asleep at 1130 last night, opposed to 2am the night before.

I'm praying that it ends and people don't keep blowing them off through the weekend.
I hate fireworks! I said it! My dogs aren't even that bad. Langley just wants to be close and some panting and Laika lays on the floor panting. But I still hate it. Ours was on the first of July and the day before someone started so I wasn't even prepared please only on the day people! come on! Then the day before we had thunder so we had that mess. So I cranked the radio, turned on all the fans, closed the windows and they still heard it. So I opened the slats on the window and could watch them from my bed while Langley sat by me and I calmly patted him.

Funny the first year nothing bothered him but no he is a suck.

Heather that is so scary that he jumped out the window! Wow poor guy.
Ava seemed to do ok, but no one seemed to be actually setting off any loud ones in our immediate neighborhood. She's already freaked out about our impending move to a new house (the boxes interrupt her sheepie zoomies racetrack), so maybe the fireworks didn't register on her "freak out scale".

Or she was too busy eating something she shouldn't.
This morning I said "there is a 364 day reprieve until next Fourth of July, my most hated holiday for a variety of reasons." I have no problem with towns doing a fireworks show. I have mega-mother problems with the neighborhood idiots who blow up mortars (well, it sounds like mortars). I don't need my windows rattling.

Maybe one of those losers will blow off a finger or two.
Benadryl! I should have passed them out like Halloween candy last night.

I've learned to look for scentless candles in jars, so many different fragrances on a hot, stressful night.......yuck!

Yeah, Boxes here too. Bathroom and laundry redo starting Monday. I had tiles left over from the kitchen......LOL! So doing the junk toss, thrift store boogie and still have stuff for boxes. I'd rather toss all but replacing stuff is $$$$$. On the good side, I've found stuff I forgot I had and have been wishing I towels for example.
Brick used to be fine with fireworks & thunderstorms until about age 3 and a half.
From then on, he's a nervous nelly.

Yesterday wasn't too bad. Nobody was really lighting any fireworks off. And when he heard the professional ones, he just ambled off into the basement. He came back upstairs around 2 AM. All in all, it wasn't bad.
Yep three seems to be the magic number for changes in attitude and temperament etc. You are going along fine think wow I got me a well rounded dog here. BAM! seemly no reason and that changes :(

Well got though another year. Now to wait on NYE. I hate fireworks!!!
The last time I heard bottle rockets was a few years ago from the idiots behind us. The dogs didn't know where to hide. I yelled over the fence "Hey you're scaring the sh** out of my dogs." They actually said sorry and stopped. A little while later they came over and said "you didn't have to call the cops." We didn't.

Our house is closed up tight because of the raging heat and the AC. You don't hear much but I don't think there was much going on because its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dry.
All of you fireworks-haters should be in southern Indiana. ALL professional fireworks displays as well as the smaller stuff were banned, as well as fire pits, campfires, brush burning and even charcoal grills.

Sad because Nelson actually enjoys watching the fireworks display with us. 8)
We get fireworks here for various reasons-someones birthday,Christmas,New Year,Easter-seems any excuse. Sprocket was only just home with us at christmas etc so we had radio up loud and he didn't notice. He doesn't mind when planes come over from local air field,he watches them,and he doesn't mind our motorbikes starting up. He lays right under where I am angle grinding and sits on feet when I'm on the lathe so by rights should be ok-he needs to see what the noise is and then is ok.x
Violet didn't start reacting to fireworks till about 4 yrs ago. We lived on a lake where the houses were close together and when it would either thunder or fireworks the vibration off the lake/buildings was something else. So now i have a dog that is afraid of fireworks and also barks at t hunder. The house is all close up with a/c running and the tv on in the bedroom...which is the room Violet heads to when she starts getting bothered by the thunder/fireworks. He likes to put herself between the nightstand/dresser and I put a laundry basket in the front to make a "sheepie" cave for her. She usually does ok there. This week, I woke up twice and she was in bed with me. Violet never sleeps with me, she waits until Chuck comes home and sleeps with him during the day. Usually Asia/China sleep with me.

I couldn't believe how loud the fireworks were this year. We live out in the country and there aren't many of us out here. Oh well, people have to have fun...I did wonder about fire...we've had a lot of rain lately, but doesn't take much to start a fire here.
A year or so ago there as a move to leave banning fireworks up to mayors descretion due to drought conditions. Idiots up in Santa no. Now certain areas can be banned.....the narrow forest strip along the river is one and of course the national forests have always been off limits. We got off big fires due to fireworks and the rains have arrived. Still waiting here, but other areas are getting wet. Think I heard last night on news, over a ton of illegal fireworks were confiscated over two days. They can't be purchased in the county but doesn't mean the Indian Rezs or other counties don't sell them.
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