puppy cut

Lola is almost 15 weeks...she has super fine puppy hair...in fact, around her neck where we use the choke collar, her hair is breaking off...

do you think it is too soon to shave her? I love the feel of her baby hair but i would like it to be all one length....
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How bad does she look? 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:

You can shave them at any age, as long as they're OK with the clipper. I don't know that most of mine would have stood for a full body shave in one "sitting" at that age. So if you go ahead with it you may be better off doing it in sections.

from her head to neck, it is about 1/2'' difference...but her body seems to be growning faster..there is about an 1 1/2'' difference.....

she looks like she is super wide bodied...lol....

im thinking to that maybe i should get a smaller choke...im using pandas old one (adult)...

she doesnt really pull that much...not quite heeling, but close...but she does try to walk with the leash in her mouth and sometimes gets caught up in the collar....

any ideas how to stop her from ''walking herself''?
Your kidding, right? I'd do a little trim here and there, maye to even up, but no way would I clip down.

Is someone a little OCD?
Eevee's entire rump is super poofy, her shoulder area is all grey and short, and her head is floofy. It really doesn't look that bad though, it's kinda cute! She's getting close to 6 months now. I wouldn't clip her, I love the fluffy puppy look. Besides, if you clip her, she's probably going to grow back unevenly anyway because Eevee's hair is all definitely growing at different speeds.

As for getting her to walk better, in obedience class they are telling us to hold a treat in one hand and a leash in the other, then keep the treat in front of the dog and say "heel!" and walk. She should focus on the treat instead of putting the leash in her mouth. It's never too early to start training! We use buckle collars here so I can't really advise you on choke collars at all.
I don't really have a comment on the cut...mine is the collar!
Having a little pup like her on a choke collar is really not my thing at all. In fact I rarely use one on adults.
Instead, work on nice loose lead walking and attention/focus activities with her while on and off lead.
OK..now back to the topic.....;)
I think you can diff types of collars which don't pull the hair out. There are link collars which cost a bit the the normal chokes also it depends on why type of training your are doing so there are lots of factors. Lori uses a diff type of lead and collar so its stops Georgi pulling her. My self uses a link & a outdoor one which don't lose any hair & the we have a training collar & show collar. So it depends on what we are doing with her & Dawn might have a better idea as you does lots of diff things with her dogs & I would agree with Susan as well
You are not supposed to leave a choke collar on unless walking. They can be dangerous. I wouldn't use a choke collar on a puppy that age - in fact, I don't use them at all. The Gentle Leader is much better and gentler on the neck. And of course, a puppy training class will help alot.
I can't imagine a 15 week old puppy needing any sort of trim anywhere, and I didn't see any need for it from the pictures and video you've posted recently.
Ashley wrote:
You are not supposed to leave a choke collar on unless walking. They can be dangerous. I wouldn't use a choke collar on a puppy that age - in fact, I don't use them at all. The Gentle Leader is much better and gentler on the neck. And of course, a puppy training class will help alot.

lola does not even wear her regular collar inside, let alone the choke collar...only for walks...

her hair is super fine....hence the breakage...i cant get myself to cut it yet...its like the baby's first haircut...

i know how to use the choke collar correctly. our building has 30+ dogs in it...some are friendly, some arent...a quick tug is effective for lola and me. at almost 16 weeks, she may not be 100% potty trained but she does know heel.

i wasnt asking for harness info, just whether or not to trim her all over
Darcy, If you RAELLY REALLY REALLY feel the need to trim, use a scissors, just a little tiny bit. :) Don't shave little angel Lola down. She is wayyyyyyyyyyy too cute!!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
In the over 30 years I have been owned by Sheepies,
I have never shaved my dogs, even as pups until Oliver was acting like a weiner when I tried to do a full body scissors on him about 4 weeks ago. He ticked me off big time so I used a #10 blade on him. Ollie is going to be 10 this month. :kiss:
As far as Lola's 'self walking', mine did the same when they were pups and grew out of it.
If you clip too early you will ruin the coat as it will not give the outer layer time to grow and this protects against wind rain and sun. Also you should always use a rolled leather collar as this prevents pulling the hair out.
If you clip too early you will ruin the coat as it will not give the outer layer time to grow and this protects against wind rain and sun. Also you should always use a rolled leather collar as this prevents pulling the hair out.

Totally not true. Cutting fur or hair doesn't change the follicle in any way, therefore can't change future hair. It is not possible unless the skin itself is damaged.
Rolled collars are totally a personal preference. There are many options that prevent the
hair from being pulled out. Darcy has lots of collar experience. :wink:

Darcy, I understand what you are saying, and it would really bug me too if it was
my puppy. However I agree that it's like a first cut for a child and I would really
hesitate to do it. It will be a little less soft just because of the cut ends, Plus it
will never be this soft again... I'd trim as little as possible if it was me. (but that's me...)

Bet you never thought this little question would get anyone's dander up did ya? :roll:
It's just not like it used to be...

Shellie wrote:
If you clip too early you will ruin the coat as it will not give the outer layer time to grow and this protects against wind rain and sun. Also you should always use a rolled leather collar as this prevents pulling the hair out.

Totally not true. Cutting fur or hair doesn't change the follicle in any way, therefore can't change future hair. It is not possible unless the skin itself is damaged.
Rolled collars are totally a personal preference. There are many options that prevent the
hair from being pulled out. Darcy has lots of collar experience. :wink:

Darcy, I understand what you are saying, and it would really bug me too if it was
my puppy. However I agree that it's like a first cut for a child and I would really
hesitate to do it. It will be a little less soft just because of the cut ends, Plus it
will never be this soft again... I'd trim as little as possible if it was me. (but that's me...)

Bet you never thought this little question would get anyone's dander up did ya? :roll:
It's just not like it used to be...


Thanks shelly! :hearts:
sara (my breeder) and i met up yesterday to take the girls for a walk around the local mall and for lunch...lola and rosie did awesome...sara suggested to fade from her upper neck down with scissors...

i just cant cut that puppy hair either..i see her grey slightly starting to come in under her black, although, i think i will in sept b4 we go to san diego...just because she will be spending a lot of time in the water and on the beach...

sara did suggest a finer choke, more like a show choke....

oh and i dont like the rolled collars because with panda, they always seemed to dye her neck whatever color the collar was....
Every time I see a new Lola pic or video I can just imagine how
her fur feels, and I can almost smell the puppy breath. You have
got yourself one fab little girl. She is just something.
I never liked the rolled collars either for the exact same reason. I'm
sure the color bleed is now a thing of the past(I sure hope so!) , but
now the rolled collars are not at all for me. I did find a really nice
rolled leash made of nylon, and it even matches my guys coats, but I
haven't brought myself to use the matching collars. And for the record,
(and I know they recommend against it strongly) but all my dogs have
worn choke collars, and I leave them on all the time. In 30 years I have
never had a problem. I know it only takes once, but with all the other
potential risks it's low on my list. I think for me the greater risk is that
one of my guys takes an walk without me, without tags. Now that's not
nearly the risk it used to be, but still...

So, anyway, glad you seem to have found a solution. And I am glad you
aren't shaving down, (but I didn't think you would :phew: )

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