Butt explosions

I'm not surprised that my garbage boy Jack has periods of bad tummy. Last two nights, right about 10:30p.m. he decorates the carpets with explosive diarrhea. Obviously he's on a no-food diet until things settle down which he is most unhappy.

Harry sees what is happening and runs for the front door, "Let me out of here!" Jack also goes to the door but leaves a brown trail all the way. Lots of Pet cleaner being used. I brought out the Bissel, but the thing is old and gives me fits. Not sure it is helping or hindering.

Am considering Pampers for him, beginning early evening so incase of repeats, he'll be covered! Hope the guts is cleaned out now so we can give it rest and begin back with rice. This doesn't mean he isn't trying to sneak a carrot or lettuce when I'm not looking, but I'm being careful with him.

Jack is sleeping outside at night, Harry to keep him company. It is nice and cool early a.m. so I know the isolation is offset by the nice cool morning breezes.
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I hope things settle down soon, poor boy.
Even people get butt explosions! Not fun and I hope Jack's tummy settles soon.
Aweee.. glad Jack had Harry!!! Poor boy. I hope he feels better today! I hope you got it all up. Ick
Sigh...we just had this with Kenny..woke up to a nice explosion in the crate which was a good 2 hour cleanup of him, the crate, and the kitchen. That was on Sunday so he's back to normal now! This too shall pass haha.
Ugh, I feel your pain. With rare exception, Ava has made it outside - except when she's in the crate. Which is a disaster.

Hope he starts feeling better soon!
Ewww...that is so NOT fun!! Especially with carpet - double yuk!! Hopeful that your Bissel holds out for you until poor Jack's tummy gets better.
Kenny has taken a poo 3 times in his crate. Luckily we moved his crate to our kitchen and the 1 time he did it in a carpeted room it didn't get outside the crate! Carpet would be 0 fun :(
Poor Jack. :( And eeks, so sorry about the carpet. If it's only diarrhea and no vomiting, have you ever tried Endosorb during
these episodes?


Endosorb products are formulated with an improved attapulgite that adsorbs toxins and toxic materials present in the
gut of animals with symptoms of diarrhea. The adsorbent action helps to relieve the irritation discomfort and cramping
associated with diarrhea. If the diarrhea is caused by, or associated with a bacterial intestinal infection, then appropriate
antibiotic therapy should be started as soon as possible.
Last summer in the kitchen redo we eliminated the tile and wood floors in favor of a high end vinyl. Great for us, but not for the dogs. Old guys slip. So we put down area rugs.......which are getting cleaned at 10:30 at night. The high end dininging room rug was only slightly "dressed" last night...yeah, it's also white.

The driveway this a.m........is unique. A hose should clean up the brown sheet......Thankfully he was outside. He will be without food totally today. He's not pleased but the heat should dampen his complaints. He'll sleep a lot.
while I was in Florida a couple weeks ago, Ryleigh ate cat poop in our back yard (really wish people would keep their cats inside) anyway she had it coming out of both ends for 2 days. My husband does not do well with smells but he stepped up like a champ and took care of it. Shampooed all the carpets and had her all better by the time I got home. But he told me hes not cleaning up poop or throw up again for a year! :lol: :lol:

He even made her soup. Guess I'll keep him around. :hearts: :clappurple:

Hope your boy feels better soon, and hope the heat doesnt drag him down more. Its crazy out there.
Mine cleans our mess up as I can't get down to the floor. I follow with the iffy Bissel.

Fed poop butt 1 cup of rice a few minutes ago as he was wimpering to be fed as he watched the others eat. I'm such a softy. We'll see. I may still break out the Kaopectate tho I know it's not for doggies. Knowing Jack he'll think it a new treat.
Our vet said to feed cottage cheese when they have tummy trouble because it has more protein in it and it moves slower through the digestive system (it doesn't get rushed through so it doesn't come out runny). It worked well for us when Eevee had tummy issues.
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