Our crazy night....

So yesterday, we found out someone got into our car, went through our stuff, left most of it all over the passenger seat, and may or may not have taken things (we didn't notice anything missing, and we generally don't leave anything important in the car). We figure this happened sometime during the night or early morning. So later around midnight, we went out to the car because I thought I left my phone out there (I ended up finding it in the couch) and while we were out there we heard yelling from across the street but we couldn't see anyone. They were swearing at us and stuff, and said something along the lines of "you better lock your car or we'll steal your CDs!" (We do have a lot of CDs in the car). Pretty scary!! So we called the cops. That didn't help anything. They continued to yell things all night, I could hear them through the walls. It got lighter out around 5 and then I saw that they're all in the house across the corner from us, and they're yelling a bunch of mean stuff at cars that go by, plus being loud in general. There's at least three of them, and they look like teenagers. One of them came outside in a cape 8O and another one of them decided it would be funny to pee in their birdbath, GROSS! So we went and had a talk with a police officer today, he said if they do it again tonight to call the station and if they catch them doing any yelling, they'll get in trouble. So yeah, pretty crazy night. I have no idea who these neighbors are either, they moved in like last month. All our other neighbors are nice people though, either old people or families with kids. There's at least five people that live in the house across from us, but I've never met them. There's two little kids who were picking on the neighborhood cat, too!
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I would of kicked there butts. I remember a few years back I put one in a wheelie bin shook it around made the teen cry & never had any issues after then. His dad was a bit of a soft touch & thanked me & I told him put your foot down
Got a video camera? You'll need evidence on their behavior. Neighbors like that can be a real pain to deal with......and the fact they will break into cars is down right scary. Of course nothing!!! is left in the car and windows and doors are checked at all times. I

've often thought surveilance cameras and recorder were extreme until a friend's dh put them on their house (he's retired military cop) and the cameras caught burglery across street leading to arrest.

Keep contacting police when problems occur, it shows a pattern of behavior. Lets hope the kids are old enough they'll be gone soon.
They look like they're maybe 16. The police guy said we can take them to court and throw a real fit if we want. I'll definitely take a video next time it happens, my phone was almost dead last night and its my only video camera. I can't see my car very well from the house due to the positioning of the garage and the bushes. We do check our doors constantly as that's a habit of Jacob's.
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