For those with performance/conformation dogs

Have any of you gotten bit, stung or otherwise attacked by something other than what you were showing or working with?

I ask this because during the show last weekend, i was making my final go around and I got zapped on the upper right cheek by a sweat bee that was big enough for Jen to see a good 40 feet away. She asked me about it as soon as I came out of the ring. Luckily for me, I have no reaction to the bee, except the initial pain.

So, who's gotten bit by what?

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Around here the horse flies (some call them deer flies) are out...and when we walk our 4 miles, they in are one area, and are going for the dogs. Thankfully my hairy boys are safe, but when I walk Riley or Biscuit, they are magnets :(
Also, I got bit by one on my back yesterday morning when we were out...I actually feel lucky that I've only had ONE get me!
A long, long time ago......I had one of my dogs at a puppy match in September. It was still quite hot outside even tho' we were thru the worst part of the summer heat. You know, the time of year that the bees seem to be EVERYWHERE? Puppy match so people were casually dressed. It was my birthday to boot. I got stung by a bee who's GPS wasn't working properly & he ended up flying up the leg of my shorts!
ChSheepdogs wrote:
A long, long time ago......I had one of my dogs at a puppy match in September. It was still quite hot outside even tho' we were thru the worst part of the summer heat. You know, the time of year that the bees seem to be EVERYWHERE? Puppy match so people were casually dressed. It was my birthday to boot. I got stung by a bee who's GPS wasn't working properly & he ended up flying up the leg of my shorts!

YEOW, Marilyn!!!! 8O :sidestep: 8)

My insect encounters, knock wood, haven't happened when working dogs - except maybe skeeters in summer - but back when I was working horses I had a wasp fly into my hair when I was out riding. When I removed him, he stung me for my efforts. Wow...that HURTS. Horse probably thought rider had lost her mind. I wasn't exactly quiet about the encounter. :roll:

we are lucky in the UK as we only get bees and wasp's
Parwaz wrote:
we are lucky in the UK as we only get bees and wasp's

ONLY!?! That's Enough right there. I'm not scared of them, just don't want to put up with their BS...

ChSheepdogs wrote:
A long, long time ago......he ended up flying up the leg of my shorts!

OMG... This made me laugh so loud, my dogs are looking at me as if I've lost my mind. Marilyn... I can only imagine the dance involved to dislodge that bee!

My first (and as it turned out ONLY) Flyball class with the Chessie, he got stung by a bee. He was a bit of a momma's boy, so it was high drama. And when we returned the following week, he refused to get out of the car. He was O V E R Flyball.

That was such a smart dog....when we went to the Vet's office, the moment he saw the tech shaking the thermometer down, preparing for insertion, he would get up and sit his big brown behind down in the corner of the room! Never failed. He knew where a thermometer went!

I got stung on the toe at a show, though not in the ring. I did however get sick in the ring. We were returning for breed competition and all of a sudden I was feeling really sick. I was the first one back in the ring and stopped short and hung my head over into the next ring (my attempt at being courteous to my ring, while completely oblivious to the next ring!)and started retching. I heard the woman behind me telling me to move up, then saying, "Oh no, are you okay?". The next thing I heard was a fellow competitor asking if they could take my dog in for me. As I ran out of the ring, they took my dog, tore my number off and I bolted for the porta potty, which under any situation always makes me sick. We didn't place! Go figure.

I adore the group of women I showed with that day. They were all so helpful! :hearts:
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