Max seems to be improving a bit

Max seems to be improving a bit. His mobility is better, and he seems a little stronger on his hind legs. He doesn't seem to be in pain now when he walks, but we have kept him pretty still since Friday. It's been so stinking hot here, that we monitor his outdoor time very closely.

He is on 100 mg Rimydal twice a day. Any thoughts from the experts out there?? As with all meds, I have read pros and cons. He seems to be tolerating it well, but still doesn't have much of an appetite. I'm wondering if it's the meds, or just isn't hungry. He has been pretty much a slug for the last 5 days, so hasn't worked up an appetite. He will eat, just not on his top 10 list. He loves that ole stinky Hills a/d canned food, and he ate pumpkin and rice last night. Still not one bit interested in his kibble.

I know many of you have a cocktail of oils and supplements you give you babies. What additional supplements , beyond his glucosomine should I give him to promote healthier joints? Fish oil?

Thank Goodness his eyes are brighter today!!
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Yes, fish oil would help and might perk up his appetite. My guys have been on carpofen for decades......well, MO just 7 years but then dogs before her. I should own stock! Never had a lick of problems with the stuff. You do give it with food...right? Also I give half in the a.m. and half in p.m. instead of all at once.

Other treats to consider, sardines, mackerel......just a bit each day. Try a bit of parmesan cheese sprinkled over the food.
My vet prefers Deramaxx or Metacam for pain meds, over Rimadyl. I know we discussed the reasons, although at the moment I can't remember what they are. :oops:

I use a human supplement for my guys - it's a 3 way combo of glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM. I had a different brand that we have used with hyaluronic acid in place of the MSM.....both seemed to work well.

Fish oil caps here too.
With my other OES, Lucy, she responded very well to Rimadyl. We had her on Deramaxx at first and it didn't work for her. But, each dog is different, and sometimes, you have to just try different combos until you get the right one.
We also had her on Tramadol if she had pain. Unfortunately, a whole pill which I think was 10mg, was too much for her. She would pant and move around the house spaced out and it would keep her up at night. We would give her 1/2 a pill and that was better for her.....but, we only did this on severe pain days.

The Rimadyl took her a few weeks until she went from being totally lame in her back legs to fully running around. She had arthritis in her legs and fused back..... she was on Rimadyl for about 3 years before she eventually passed at over 15 years old... It did make her liver enzymes high, but, it was sort of the lesser of 2 evils at that point. I know they have liver supplements (SAMe) now to help with that and the one my vet had recommended was Zetonil.
So glad to hear that Max has improved a bit and is feeling better. :ghug:
Good news! How nice to see some sparkle in his eyes!
:ghug: to Max, I hope he continues to improve!
Glad to hear that Max is doing better. Our first OES took Rimadyl, and developed ulcers as a result. If giving Rimadyl, you might want to talk to your vet about adding famotidine (generic Pepcid AC), to help curb the potential for ulcers.

Oscar has eaten only canned food (for meals) for the last four years, as it seems to be easier for him to digest than kibble. We started him on it after a particularly bad bout of pancreatitis, and we've never gone back to kibble for meals. (He gets a few kibble for a treat.) My vets said that canned food gets a bad rap because of the myth that kibble is better at cleaning the teeth. Well, Oscar never chewed the kibble anyway! He just swallowed it whole.

Hope Max continues to improve.

Laurie and Oscar
Oscar's Mom wrote:
Glad to hear that Max is doing better. Our first OES took Rimadyl, and developed ulcers as a result. If giving Rimadyl, you might want to talk to your vet about adding famotidine (generic Pepcid AC), to help curb the potential for ulcers.

Oscar has eaten only canned food (for meals) for the last four years, as it seems to be easier for him to digest than kibble. We started him on it after a particularly bad bout of pancreatitis, and we've never gone back to kibble for meals. (He gets a few kibble for a treat.) My vets said that canned food gets a bad rap because of the myth that kibble is better at cleaning the teeth. Well, Oscar never chewed the kibble anyway! He just swallowed it whole.

Hope Max continues to improve.

Laurie and Oscar

Laurie-- Which canned do you feed?
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