Wendel has liver problems

Wendel had been puking intermittently last week. We thought nothing of it, he has gotten into trash, surfed counters, and found items abandoned by raccoons in our backyard before. He's always maintained a happy disposition and has displayed all his normal behaviors. A few days ago we noticed that his appetite had changed. Wendel will eat ANYTHING, even on a full stomach, he is always ready for more. We took him to our primary vet three days ago. Blood was drawn and found that his liver enzymes were high about 210 when a normal range was 30-100. She thought he may have gotten into something, but that 210 wasn't terrible. She sent him home with antibiotic and a medication to help calm his belly. She told us to keep him on a bland diet and that if the puking continued on the meds to bring him back in. She said we could recheck in a week if there was no puking.

The puking stopped, but Wendel still has no interest in food. Josh took Wendel back to the vet where they did an x-ray. The noticed what they thought may be an obstruction in his gall bladder, so off we went to the specialty vet for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed no blockage, but did show that one part of his liver was healthy and normal and the other part was bad.

The vet gave us three scenarios. The first, though the vet said was unlikely, is that he had eaten something that had torn the liver slightly, causing the problems. The second is that he has Hepatitis, there are two different strains, one a little less severe than the other but both can be treated with lifelong medication. The final possibility is cancer. The vet didn't want to give us percentages, and he did a guided biopsy and sent the cells to Iowa City for results. We should hear results on Tuesday.

Has anyone had experience with liver issues? We were told he is slightly jaundiced. He still wants to snuggle, get attention, will drink water, and otherwise appears pretty normal. But he won't eat, he'll nibble on a bit of offered food, but hasn't really eaten in two days. He's on two different liver supportive meds, one antibiotic, and one antacid.

This terrifies me, Wendel is only 6 and other than being born with a malformed testicle which we had removed at his neuter, he has been in perfect health. Does anyone have any thoughts?
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I'm sorry... wow, poor guy! I hope you guys find out it can be treated with the lifelong medication. ...until then, we'll have to cross our fingers and give you some prayers.
The cause of the liver damage is going to be key. I think it's encouraging that part of his liver was found to be healthy since it's an organ that's able to regenerate... so maybe he'll be able to heal if the progression of the condition has been stopped. I'm of course not a doctor but it seems to be encouraging that the entire organ isn't affected.

Meesha never went on to be jaundiced but her ALT was 1,231... supposed to be in the 5-107 range. X-rays showed her liver is half the size it should be. We did all the testing... except for the biopsy. We put her on SAMe, milk thistle, a human drug for 7-10 days that I can't remember the name of and prescription Hill's Diet l/d. Her ALT level gradually dropped and has since been in the 170-180 range. We still have her on the l/d and she gets a little of the pack food daily too. She goes in for a checkup soon... hoping all is still well. She's happy, naughty and active. It was diagnosed in May 2009... she'll be 13 in July. http://oesusa.com/Meesha-May2012.jpg

I know the worry you're experiencing. :( Has your vet told you which human/dog foods are best for liver dogs? I know Kathy had a liver boy that she also maintained on Hill's l/d for several years... she gave me hope for Meesha. Another friend had a girl who was much more seriously affected. I think she found a Yahoo Group that had lots of ideas and support... maybe this one? http://pets.dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/ ... dir&slk=14 But the first thing will be finding the cause.

Also ask your vet which heartworm and topical flea/tick products will be safest before administering the next dose. They may have you postpone it or recommend something different.

Hoping for good news for Wendel.

WHAT a positive uplifting story about Meesha. Hoping you get the same news for Wendal
Pooh Bear was diagnosed with a liver tumor when he was 10. The ultra sound showed half his liver was affected, but we decided not to do the biospy. Our vet said to get a true picture of the cells you would need to get a piece of the liver for a diagnosis, since the needle aspiration could be a hit and miss senario to get cells out of the mass. When they get older you really hate to put them through too much trauma.
He was put on the Hills L/D formula and I supplemented with milk thistle, vitamins, fish oil, etc. His liver panel stayed about the same and with a decrease once in a while. He was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor under his front leg a year later and we knew that needed to be removed. Luckily the tumor was encapcilated. We lost Pooh Bear last year at the age of 12.
I'm sorry I didn't mean to alarm you with this. Hopefully this will not be your situation. Pooh never vomited during this time with his liver issues, so I hope Wendel's problem will be easily fixed! My thoughts are with you! Let us know what happens.
Thank you for the responses Jackie and Mary. Wendel still isn't very focused on food. We did find that we could get some steak into him and a few treats, but for the most part he's avoiding it. He is still possessive of me, but his siblings are being pretty good to him. He used Asterisk's head as a pillow last night and Levi has been sleeping cuddled up next to him. Even though there is occasional sibling rivalry, the trifecta is pretty close.

He does seem a bit brighter today, but that could also simply be because he was a bit sedated yesterday for the ultrasound. I hope to get good news on Tuesday. I would gladly take daily meds for the rest of his life if that is what it would take!

I am constantly amazed at the knowledge of this group!!!

I hope Wendel's issues are easy to treat, and he feels better soon!!! It's so hard when the babies are sick. :cry:
I don't have any dog liver experience - but with humans it's pretty similar, and as mentioned by the previous members with experience.
I'm pulling for Wendel!!
The jaundice is a symptom of the liver not working well.
A poorly functioning liver will cause nausea, lack of appetite and malaise.
Fingers crossed for a good report on Tuesday.
Wendel is at the Emergency Vet, for at the least, the next 24 hours. His skin was very yellow this morning and his urine was brown. Our vet gave him fluids and said because of the holiday, keeping him on a drip for at least a day, will hopefully help flush his liver to help preserve his other organs. He is alert and otherwise pretty happy, other than being a bit subdued. His levels went from 210 to 1200 in the last few days.

I'm just beside myself right now. It sucks because it's a three day weekend and we won't get the results back for a few more days. I miss my dog! But at least Josh and I can go visit and bring him dinner and his meds. I feel so sad and heartsick...
I honestly ache for you and have tears in my eyes. Your baby is
where he needs to be right now so he can receive the best care.
Waiting is so hard. I'm glad you and Josh will be able to go see him.

Erin- so sorry and the waiting is so hard! :ghug: hugs to you and Wendel and special thoughts sent for both of you!
:crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Keeping my fingers crossed everything will be ok!
I know how hard it is, but he is where he needs to be right now. Visiting will help you, Josh and Wendel. BIG HUGS and lots of healing thoughts coming your way!! :ghug:
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Will be thinking of you and your family this weekend.
Lisa Frankie and Mattie
I hope everything goes alright!
Wendels ALT and ALK went down but his BLT went up. He's still jaundiced and pretty tired. The fluids and perhaps the medication seems to have cleared a bit of the waste products from his liver. The real concern is what is causing the inflammation in the duct that allows all the waste material to be flushed from the liver. Hopefully it is just chronic hepatitis and not cancer. At least with hepatitis, the medication he is on right now will aid in the inflammation being controlled.

The good news is that the vet doesn't think we have to worry about system wide organ damage yet. Wendel also climbed onto the sofa with me in the vet's office and snuggled with me. It's one of the more normal behaviors he has. I hope he's feeling better...
I am so sorry to hear Wendel is not feeling well. It sounds like you are having a pretty rough weekend. I don't know much about livers in dogs other than I know they can regenerate and heal. It must be rough on you to not have him home but it sounds like he is where he needs to be. It is good that you can go visit.
I am glad there is not system wide organ damage. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Sheepie hugs to all of you. I hope Tuesday brings good news.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Carley's Mom
Keep sending postive thoughts your way.....been there!
Did the vet do a bilirubin count? A note of caution, I would run anything you want to give him (milk thistle,etc.) by your vet first. You can tempt his appetite with baby food (check the label for onion) and yogurt. Good luck!
Wendel's billirubin was 6 on Saturday, 9.6 Sunday, and is 8.6 today. His alt and alk dropped yesterday and are the same today. The ER vet started him on IV antibiotics today. Wendel had blood coming from his nose, but he sneezed out a clot. His blood count is good but his red cell count is a little low, the vet attributes this to the fluid therapy diluting his blood a bit too much. The x-ray of his lungs were clear. He's still jaundiced but he's starting to accept food again. He's very tired and I can tell he wants to come home. We should get our results tomorrow, at which time my husband will have his own surgical consult. We're leaving to see Wendel in a few minutes, hopefully he has perked up more.
We had a dog with liver problems. All his levels went nuts right after a traumatic incident (atypical bloat). We got him through that, but his liver was discovered to be horrible (they saw it when they opened him up and operated for the bloat). We were asked if we wanted to let him go.

We declined, and they did a biopsy. Two weeks later we found out that he had nodular hyperplasia (old dog liver) which is benign. On the right meds he lived a very happy and healthy three and a half more years (he was eight when diagnosed). We had to monitor things closely, but he did well.

Here's hoping that you have a similar happy ending with Max. Fingers and paws are crossed for you here.
Tonight Wendel was displaying a bit more normal behavior. He is having an interest in food, it's not a whole lot, just a few pieces of chicken here and there, but it's better than it's been the last few days. He climbed onto his back legs and wrapped his arms around me for a hug and even hopped onto the sofa for a snuggle. He's still jaundiced and the ER vet wants to transfer him to our regular vets care tomorrow morning. We should get our DX tomorrow from the specialist and can begin a more aggressive therapy for whatever is causing the liver distress. I know he wants to go home so badly, when I've taken him out to potty at the ER, he'd pull so hard toward our car and he seems so distressed when we leave. I miss him so much!
Thanks for the update on Wendel. I know it has been a long difficult weekend. Hope Wendel gets to come home soon! Hugs to all of you. :ghug:
Thinking of you and hoping for some encouraging news today from the biopsy. :hearts:
Fingers crossed for good news today. :ghug:
Poor Wendel :ghug: Hoping for some good news today :crossed: :crossed:
Wendel will not be getting any better. He has diffuse liver cancer that encapsulates his whole liver. All we can do is make him comfortable and enjoy what time we have left. I don't think I've cried this much or this hard in my life.
Oh no! I am so so so sorry. :( There is nothing they can do? Oh god, I am so sorry. :(
I am sooo sorry. I have tears for you. Bringing back alot of memories for me. Enjoy every moment you have with him. I tried to inhale and memorize Pooh Bear's smell. :( :(
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I am so sorry you are going through this with Wendel. :( Wish I could give you both a big hug right now. :ghug: There is never enough time with our furkids. I hope you can find a way to enjoy every minute you have left with your sweet boy.
I'm so sorry! :ghug:
Oh poor buddy. I am so sorry.
My heart is broken for you. I'm so sorry.
:cry: :cry: :cry:
I'm so sorry, Erin. Tears falling for all of you.

Quality time now. :hearts:
You love him good for the time you still have together...
he'll do his darnedest to do the same for you and Josh.

:cry: :cry: I'm so sorry, Erin.

:ghug: Hugs to you and Josh and Wendel :ghug:
Oh Erin! I am so very sorry. :ghug:

I'm thinking of you, Josh and of course dear, dear Wendel. :cry: :cry:
Erin, I am so sorry.
My heart just fell when I read your last post.

Make every minute you have count.
Wendel seems pretty happy for the most part. Since he's been home he's be nestled on the couch with me and laying in my arms. When I'd get up to get a kleenex, he'd wait for me to come back and would snuggle with me again. He's very tired and from what I understand, he'll continue to wear down. He has no interest in food. I've told Josh to call me if Wendel worsens when I'm at work and we'll take him to our vet. I hope I can get as much time as I can with my precious boy. I hurt so much... but the only thing that gives me some sense of peace is that he isn't hurting. He's going through all this and just feels tired.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I am so sorry. Give him a kiss on his nose for me.

This is why I feel like I know your sweet boy. I am so sad for you. I just hope you have nothing but good days left. :cry:
Oh Erin--there are just no words. I am so so very sorry. Gentle hugs to Wendel.
Special thoughts and prayers for all of you. :ghug: :ghug:
:( I'm so sorry and my heart is breaking for you.
Erin, Josh and Wendel

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

I have been away from the forums and am just catching up now. I am so sad to hear this news but happy that he is not in pain. I will be thinking of all of you. :ghug:
so very sorry i know this must be so hard on you..
:ghug: :ghug: Gentle hugs to you, Josh and Wendel. :ghug: :ghug:
So sorry for the bad news...Wendel will be in our prayers :ghug:
I'm so so sorry to hear about this, poor Wendall, my heart breaks for you and Josh, Wendall, Asterix and Levi :cry: :cry: :cry:

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Thinking of you and Wendel Erin. Hope Wendel is comfortable and doing ok. :ghug:
I am so very sorry.
:ghug: :ghug: Hugs to you, Josh, Wendel, Astrisk and Levi. I'm so sorry about the news. He is such a sweetie.
This is terrible news. My heart is breaking for you.

:ghug: :ghug:

Laurie and Oscar
We lost our Farley to the same thing, I know full well what you're going thru and how much your heart is breaking.

I am so sorry.
I've been thinking of you often.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I'm so sorry.
Thank you, everyone, for all your kind thoughts and words. I am feeling crushed under the weight of my grief. Over the past 6 months I have spent nearly every week at hospital with my husband due to his medical problems, and finally when things were getting situated, this happens. I have never experienced such pure love and devotion as I have with Wendel. It is so clearly obvious to anyone how much he loves me. Over the past few days, when I get home, he is laying in my arms, like there is no other place he wants to be or anything else that will give him comfort. I've cried myself out for days and haven't slept at all. The anguish I feel when I am watching him steadily getting slower and getting more jaundiced, yet despite it all, still acting as though nothing is wrong, is crushing down on my chest. I hurt SO much and think I'll be hesterical when he goes, which I feel will be just days off. I still can't wrap my mind around how this could happen to such an amazing part of my life. I feel so lost and painful.
We haven't met but we do share the deep love for our OES family members. You will always love Wendel. And he will always love you. It's a beautiful thing that you two found each other and have experienced sweet togetherness. It's just so sad that our bodies wear out. I'll be thinking of you all. Best wishes in the days ahead. Sending love.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: You are in our prayers!
Oh Erin--my heart hurts for you. There are no words to ease your pain. Just know that we understand and are thinking of you during this very difficult time. Thoughts and Hugs to all of you.
Just want to say, you are not alone :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
There is nothing harder than saying goodbye to our OES. It's been nearly a year since we had to say goodbye to Pooh Bear and I still cry....like right now as I am writing this. I am convinced they are always with us and show themselves in different ways. Pooh Bear had a certain look he would have on his face. I still have his picture I love on my cell phone. Angus looks totally different than Pooh did. The other night I walked past Angus and looked at him and it was I was looking in Pooh's face, he just had that "look" that I never saw on Angus. Pooh had a white face and Angus has a mask across his eyes, but it was Pooh's "look". I can't describe it.
We understand your pain. This chat room helped me heal and still has me crying for other members and their friends. We are thinking about you at this time. :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
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