poor bloo :(

bloo has been coughing and sneezing for a few days now, and he is breathing really heavy. so just got back from vets. bloo has kennel cough! so hes got antibiotics. he cant play with other dogs and not allowed to go agility or training for 2-3weeks because its infectious to other dogs....what am i supposed to do with him for 3 weeks!!!! :(
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BlooBoo wrote:
bloo has been coughing and sneezing for a few days now, and he is breathing really heavy. so just got back from vets. bloo has kennel cough! so hes got antibiotics. he cant play with other dogs and not allowed to go agility or training for 2-3weeks because its infectious to other dogs....what am i supposed to do with him for 3 weeks!!!! :(

Work really really hard on some obedience training. This will help with other issues that you have been having with Bloo (the nipping, chasing kids around the park). Ask your trainer to help you devise a few training routines while he recovers. Just some things a few minutes here and there. Good luck!!
:( Poor Bloo; That's so boring!!! :roll:
:hearts: Hope he gets better faster than you think! Kisses too Bloo :kiss:
Kennel cough is a cauldron is misc baterial infections....so many. I suspect there are some virus' in there as well. Rest, liquid, etc will bring him around. Yes, concentrate on him listening and following your obedience commands. Training sessions don't have to be long but always stop on a positive repsonse. Never give up in disgust....he wins that way.

Spend time together, you brushing him and talking to him. Maybe time for a new treat he can demolish or a new toy to keep him interesting during his down time.
Yes you can take out his matts & he won't be running around. Sherwood & Georgi had it a while back & still trying to figure out where they caught it from. Normal honey cough med works well. Trust me he won't be a tigger for a few weeks. Kennel Cough is a Canine disease and cannot be transmitted to Felines or Humans. So your cats are OK
Poor Bloo--hope he recovers quickly!
Kim is right. Now is the time to work on obedience. Maybe try some clicker training?
Poor Bloo AND Sam! Hopefully Bloo won't drive Sam mad in the next couple weeks.

Sam, you got lots of great advice. You can work on the freestyle work now that you'll be confined to the garden and house.

Keep us posted on his progress.

Get well soon Bloo and good luck on the training Sam
Oh poor Bloo, and poor Sam. Hope he feels better soon xx
It's unlikely it will last 3 weeks. With my guys, maybe 10 days at most. A week tops more typically. You still have to take care not to transmit it to others so the bad news is he'll be feeling fine in no time, with you trying to figure out how to keep him occupied. I also vote for heavy duty obedience training ;-)

I don't vaccinate for it and intentionally expose my youngsters to it. Once they've had it, I've never had a dog come down with it again, and that's even when exposed to rescue foster dogs who have come home with it. And my older dogs don't catch it when exposed to puppies who have it as long as they had it themselves at some point. I know that's not conventional wisdom, but my vet does the same thing, So the good news is that hopefully you're getting that annoyance out of the way.

Poor Bloo! Glad you caught it early and the mes should make him feel better and stop that awful cough in a day or two...now the next few weeks, you can still play ouside i think. Throw a ball and teach take it.....do some healing and atomatic sits...teach him a new trick....butr remember to let him rest. Hope he feels better soon!
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