Frankie is really sick this morning

When I came home from work yesterday, I noticed someone had vomited bile in a few places n the dining room. They both ate dinner and all was fine. This morning Frankie has been vomiting bile for the last hour. Won't take treats, which is not like him at all. He is out laying in the grass right now. He even growled at Mattie last night.

Pooping normal, at least yesterday he was. Hasn't gone yet or even tried to go yet this morning.

Could he have caught something from that gross farm we went too Sunday?

Shoul I with hold food?

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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If he wants to eat, let him eat but in small portions. Main thing is to see that he drinks. Don't let him get dehydrated. If he's not into drinking, try giving him very small amounts of crushed or chipped ice. Not alot at a time because that's not good either.
Oh no, poor Frankie! Hoping this passes quickly and he's back to the business of being Frankie ASAP! . :crossed:
The vet wants to see us this afternoon, he's worried Frankie caught something at the farm we went too on Sunday.
There were quite a few dead animals laying around the farm.
Thanks for your thoughts and advice.
Lisa Frankie and Mattie
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: Hope everything goes well :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Good idea to get into the vet. Should be able to nip it in the bud. Let us know how it goes. :hearts: :hearts:
He had diarhea before I left for work.
Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Hope Frankie feels better soon!
Oh, hope Frankie feels better...updates later please!
No food! Give the gut a chance to recover. Food free for 24 hours after the last upchuck. Glad the vet wants to see him!!
oh no! I hope everything goes well at the vet! :hearts:
Hope everything is taken care of quickly at the vet. Keep us posted.
Poor Frankie! I hope the Vet gets him fixed up quickly.
Hope Frankie feels better soon :ghug:
Positive thoughts for Frankie....
Anyone heard about this new strain of dog flu going around?
Got an email this morning from another OES owner and she asked me if I knew anything about it.
Hoping you guys have info on this????

Hugs to Frankie,
Good idea to see vet. Please update after Frankie's visit.
Sending healing thoughts your way.

Linda Zimmerman & Hudson, Chloe & Kristy
Hope Frankie is feeling better.

Laurie and Oscar
Hoping frankie is going to be alright. Being at that farm with all those dead animals lying around who knows what he has picked up. Some bugs and heebie geebies can take any where from 24 hours to several days to show up in an animal.

If you can before going to the vets take a fresh stool sample it will help for a quicker diagnosis of what is ailing frankie. If it is confirmed something diseaseeee or buggy has been tansmitted from the farm with those dead animals around then you should either ring the person and let them know especially if they are training healthy animals there with all that around or report them to the appropriate authorities.

My tip is frankie has come home with something caught at the farm.

Do keep us all updated as to what the vet thinks and how frankie is doing. :ghug: Was mattie there as well? If not then still keep an eye on her as well as it could be transmittable over to her. Try and keep her away from frankie till you know more, especially where frankie has been pottying. :ghug:
First I want too say Thank You everyone for your nice thoughts and concerns.
We took a fecal in today, and no parasites and all is well with the sample.

No vomiting since this morning, but diarrhea like I have never and I mean never seen.
No fever, no stomach pain with palpatation.

The vet put us on antibiotics, prescription canned food, and probiotics.

If vomiting starts back, call immediately.

Yes he probably caught something at the farm. Mattie stayed in the car while we were there so hopefully she won't have an issue.

The vet says we will be fine to go to Sheepiepalooza
:banana: :banana:
I wil update tomorrow.

Thank you Thank you

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Just catching up... sorry to hear Frankie was so sick. :(
Hoping the meds will quickly fix up your dear boy.
And ick... dead animals? I'd stay away from that farm.
Oh Goodness! Just catching up on posts. Sorry to hear about Frankie. Having experienced it, sounds like a case of giardi. Glad he is on the antibiotics and probiotics. When my dog had giardi, he had diarrea like I had never seen! And was frantic about it...running outside defecating all over the place...The anti biotics will help BUT it is contagious to your other dog. Like, well, no sniffing behinds...and make sure they don't step in any "left overs" from outside and get anything on their feet. Also, good idea to wash beds...You too...lots of hand washing...

Hope he feels better soon...are you doing the boiled chicken and rice? That helped my dog alot....Sending healing thoughts your way....
Hoping the meds helps Frankie get back to his old bouncy self quickly.
Sending a ton of healing thoughts and hugs to Frankie.
I hope he gets better quickly, poor boy. :ghug:
Just catching up here-so sorry that Frankie has been so sick, glad you got good news at the vet!
Ashley wrote:
Oh Goodness! Just catching up on posts. Sorry to hear about Frankie. Having experienced it, sounds like a case of giardi. Glad he is on the antibiotics and probiotics. When my dog had giardi, he had diarrea like I had never seen! And was frantic about it...running outside defecating all over the place...The anti biotics will help BUT it is contagious to your other dog. Like, well, no sniffing behinds...and make sure they don't step in any "left overs" from outside and get anything on their feet. Also, good idea to wash beds...You too...lots of hand washing...

Hope he feels better soon...are you doing the boiled chicken and rice? That helped my dog alot....Sending healing thoughts your way....

When Simon had this, from drinking water at the dog park, I made sure the vet put both dogs on was right before a sheepiepalooza then too.
Simon's Mom wrote:
Ashley wrote:
Oh Goodness! Just catching up on posts. Sorry to hear about Frankie. Having experienced it, sounds like a case of giardi. Glad he is on the antibiotics and probiotics. When my dog had giardi, he had diarrea like I had never seen! And was frantic about it...running outside defecating all over the place...The anti biotics will help BUT it is contagious to your other dog. Like, well, no sniffing behinds...and make sure they don't step in any "left overs" from outside and get anything on their feet. Also, good idea to wash beds...You too...lots of hand washing...

Hope he feels better soon...are you doing the boiled chicken and rice? That helped my dog alot....Sending healing thoughts your way....

When Simon had this, from drinking water at the dog park, I made sure the vet put both dogs on was right before a sheepiepalooza then too.

Ditto to both these posts, giardia is horrible and goes through the pack at home. You can tell, the poohs are amazing, extra pungent and have sorry to be so explecsive jelly like over the looseys. The smell is out of this world and lots of it coming out also, even though they still want food and are acting normal in every way!!. Just keep a close eye on Mattie too, with giardia when my pack had it, it took treatment with not only antibiotics but a metrogyl compound as well to clear it up, yes a double course of both for 3 dogs. One girl contracted it and it spread to the other two over a couple of weeks. No display of being unwell, just to start the chuck followed by the awesome, smelly, covered in a mucous diarreah.

Hope frankie does not have this, by a stool sample even hard for a vet to diagnose along with camphlavactor (sp) usually picked up where animals defecate or are dead. I hope you advise where you went training with him to that person, if they dont take any notice then if they are still training healthy dogs, advise for goodness sake the appropriate health authorities. This should not be happening.

I hope you make sheepiepalooza
and mattie does not come down with whatever is ailing frankie and both are OK to go :ghug:
Moe had something almost exactly like this althought it started at the back end. We took him to the vet after he woke up every hour to try to poop.Next day he threw up anything.Vet also put him on probiotics,antibiotics and prescription dog food.Its been a week and he is back to normal. Moe is sad though Vet said dog park..also there was a round of kennel cough from dog no more dog park for Moe..but we will be going to the beach next week!!
How is Frankie?
Thanks for asking Diane.
I've been worried about him, because he hasn't pooped since Friday. Formed but soft.(this has to be the only place you can talk poop like it's no bigg deal)
But he just went out and pooped. Mostly normal.
I did call the vet about Mattie catching it, and their thought is that Frankie has nothing contagious. All of his tests came back negative, for any knd of infectious or contagious parasites.
They are treating him for some kind of intestinal disturbance. But they don't know what kind.
Too make me and everyone else, feel safe,they agreed to put Mattie on meds also.
Hopefully he will be a hundred percent soon.
Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Glad to hear that he finally did his "business" today. I know when Oscar has pancreatitis, and is off food for at least two days, it can take three or more days for him to poop. Even though we have been through this waaaay too many times, it is still an anxious couple of days waiting for the "finished product" to make it's way out of the Oscar's "factory". :D

Is Frankie on Flagyl (metronidazole)?

Laurie and Oscar
Yes, that's what they put him on.
Hope he is OK. Sad when your dog is ill as they cannot talk & fingers crossed that he gets better fast and Mattie don't get it as well
Happy to hear Frankie is on the mend.

Flagyl is the drug to take for parasites, possible giardi, worms, etc. If its working, GREAT! It has always worked for my dogs. I think its smart to treat your other dog too. Parasites, especially Giardi, are hard to detect. So good they are both being treated...And the lack of poop...if he has been having big time diarrea, he will take a while to poop normal. Don't be concerned. He let out alot of poop in the last few days. Now it takes time to get his sytem back to normal, poops to get formed and then out. Yup, you are right. Nowhere else can we talk about poop so freely :lol:
everyone be very careful traveling........especially when stopping at rest areas where other dogs have been.
There IS a new strain of Parvo going around...
I hope Frankie is better enough to go have fun!!
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