Sheepiepalooza - etiquette

Just to address a few issues that have come up in posts lately -

When traveling or dining with your dog please consider the following. Remember we are fortunate to have so many places that are dog friendly - we would like to continue to be accomodated at these places, especially since we are such a large group.

HOTEL etiquette

Your dog is not supposed to be left alone and uncrated in your room.
This is not a problem if you are eating breakfast in the hotel or unloading your car etc. as you are on the hotel grounds.

Just because there are lots of hotels that allow dogs there is not necessarily so many rooms made available to them. We are not the only patrons in the hotel. I agree that people can be just as noisy as dogs and you have the right to complain about noisy people at a hotel. People can also complain about noisy dogs and a hotel has the right to refuse a large group like us in the future.

RESTAURANT etiquette

We are very lucky that the City of St. Louis passed a law that leaves it to the discretion of the restaurant owner to allow dogs on their outdoor patios. That is why we go to the places we do on Friday evening and Sunday. The county does not have such a law so please use discretion if you choose to dine on your own.

When we are dining together if your dog gets testy towards another dog or is barking a lot, try to work something out so that the dogs have more space between them or are in a position where they are not staring at each other as this can create aggression.

While we are very tolerant of dogs and encourage their participation, we are not the only patrons at the restaurant so we must be considerate of other diners and attempt to keep the dog noise to a minimum. If that means you need to get up and give your dog a break do so - no different than a crying child at a restaurant.

The good news is that the first day is usually the worst as the dogs begin to acclimate and wear out by the end of the weekend.

I am always so glad to take my dog dining with me that I let my tip reflect that gratitude.

GENERAL dog etiquette

Please pick up after your dog everywhere!!!
If you don't have a poop bag - call out for one, someone will have one.

Be mindful of letting your dog wander into another dog's space!
If your dog goes close up to another dog and gets snapped at, that is your fault for not keeping your dog on a "short" leash.

Be mindful of sensitive dogs.
Sensitive dog owners allow your dog plenty of space from the friendlier dogs.

I appreciate everyone's understanding in this matter.

It is not intended to be a source of debate but more of a reminder that dogs do not have rights of entry like humans do.
Often our behavior can make their behavior more acceptable to others.
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Judy, thank you for posting this. included...needs a reminder at times. I know that last year, the first night, I took my boys out of the restaurant for a little wander because they were getting a little stressed.
Please tell val that i just cannot make it , yet again.
Dr. Says no traveling longer than 2 hours. until i get my legs straightened out.
Judy I have one of the boxes of items for silent auction..............if you or Val would please send me an address i will make sure to get them out to you this week or next.
I shall miss this. Maybe oneday i will be there.
Ali, Cali, checkre's ,Dee, Ricky and Lucy
Thanks for the gentle reminders, Judy.
It applies to every one of us, no matter where we are.
We must remember we serve as ambassadors for the
breed whenever we are out in public.

Mona Berkowitz, beloved OES breeder, judge and mentor,
taught me this lesson the first time I ever met her.
My dog was yanking and pulling me towards the
breed ring as Mona was walking alongside us.
She politely pointed out that I was not giving a very
good impression of the breed to any passersby and
asked me to "get my act together" before the next time
I went out in public. It was good advice.

So wishing we could attend the Sheepiepalooza!
Everyone have fun and enjoy the heck out of
being there with your DOGS!!!
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