Does your sheepie jump at the T.V

We had to buy a new table as we would not have a T.V. She jumps at it when she spots another dog & horses. So when she is in the room we cannot watch certain films. We gave up watching 13th warrior
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Ours watch the tv and sometimes bark at it, but they never jump at it. Bailey loves to watch Lassie, that's her favorite.
Bailey jumps at the TV "kitties," but leaves our real kitties alone.
Baley and Baxter will sometimes bark at dogs on TV if they hear barking--but they never have jumped at the TV. Baxter watches more TV than Baley.
Mady and Virginia have always ignored the tv. Gracie however, she's very interested in the tv and will bark at sounds from it. I understand that dogs can see High Def tv just fine. And it seems Gracie's favourite movie is the animated Puss in Boots. We watched it this weekend and Gracie sat up on the couch with us and was very focused on watching it. She barked at a few tense or exciting moments as well. :hearts:
Dahlia watches TV. She sometimes goes after the TV if she sees an animal and then she will look in the hallway and behind the TV area for where it went :headbang:

In the morning, she watches PBS kids---Martha Speaks. That is her favorite show. An animal can be animated or a real animal---doesn't matter, she can see them all and associates them as animals. It is wild.

I've never seen a dog like her react to the TV as much as she does. :popcorn:
Yep espically if any sort of animal flies across the screen, one of my girls even checks out behind the TV to see where it has gone :roll: :lol: :lol:

Brie is developing square eyes and might eventually need prescrisption doggles !!! :roll:

Her son leaps at the TV when animals are on and we brought a higher TV cabinet rather then the newer flat screen TV come a cropper on the floor. :? He loves shrek !! 8) :lol: :lol:
Did you guys know there will be a channel soon (it's available in some areas already) just for dogs called dogtv? Your dog can watch it while you're not home and it'll keep them entertained. The colors are even adjusted to make it look better to them.
Did you also know, that it is easier for a dog to watch an LCD/LED tv than it is to watch a regular tv? It's because of the speed of the frames, on a regular tv they are slower. For us, it doesn't matter, but dogs see faster than us, if that makes sense, so they can see the frames as they go by. It makes it look like the tv is flashing instead of being a motion picture like we would see.
As with everyone else Chowder loves all shows with other animals!! We have nose prints all over the TV. We yell when we see a jump coming so now she knows better.

But this may sound weird, but she loves COLOR. I know its understood that they can't see color but she loves animated movies and Wheel of Fortune but only when the wheel is being spun.
Bond likes TV. The most of any dog we've had. :)

Last week there was some random show on, with people on the screen, kind of closeups. Bond gets right near the TV/entertainment center, backs into it and sits (Like a real person was there!), and flips his head back and starts LICKING the people on the screen!!! 8O :lol:

Darn NO camera handy!! :headbang: :headbang:
i can't watch animal planet dreamer will jump towards it he goes nuts
We have a 3D TV, I wonder what Ava would do if I put the 3D glasses on her and put a movie on, lol.

Probably shake the glasses off and eat them. That's about her speed.
Neither Lily or Jack jump at the tv but both will lay down and watch it. Jack does it occasionally. Lily is a tv watching couch potato!
Bloo doesnt watch TV at home but at my nans he isnt allowed to sit on the sofa, so he plonks his but on it and sits like a human! The other day he sat there watching snooker,everytime the ball moved his head moved with it! It was well funny.

At home we sometimes watch dog whisperer (ceaser) Bloo goes CRAZY! He can be calm then the next minute he barks scares us all (I jumps high and my milk spilt everywhere!) he has once or twice jumped at our TV... Not good because its a BIG flat screen, its my dads prize pocession it cost a fortune, and if bloo knocks it off i think he better run! haha
BlooBoo wrote:
Bloo doesnt watch TV at home but at my nans he isnt allowed to sit on the sofa, so he plonks his but on it and sits like a human! The other day he sat there watching snooker,everytime the ball moved his head moved with it! It was well funny.

At home we sometimes watch dog whisperer (ceaser) Bloo goes CRAZY! He can be calm then the next minute he barks scares us all (I jumps high and my milk spilt everywhere!) he has once or twice jumped at our TV... Not good because its a BIG flat screen, its my dads prize pocession it cost a fortune, and if bloo knocks it off i think he better run! haha

Eevee barks at Dog Whisperer also, especially whenever she hears a dog barking.
ariellehg wrote:
As with everyone else Chowder loves all shows with other animals!! We have nose prints all over the TV. We yell when we see a jump coming so now she knows better.

But this may sound weird, but she loves COLOR. I know its understood that they can't see color but she loves animated movies and Wheel of Fortune but only when the wheel is being spun.

Not so weird. Dogs can see some colors, just not all.

My rescue dog jumps at the TV. She ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer. :roll: :lol: She and the boy dog both bark at any barking onscreen and so do the others occasionally. Nowhere near as bad as when i'm watching some dog related video on my computer. Then most of my dogs will bark. It seems to be more noise than movement on screen that gets to them. No HDTV here, so maybe that makes a difference ;-)

Last night we had to change channels 8O We were watching a german show of Zoo Juniors, Syd just about had the 48cm flat screen lcd tv FLYING off the stand :roll: :lol:

I do believe dogs can see certain colours, not like the old belief they can only see in black and white. I had exprience years ago, one of my girls and a big red car. While she was being doggie sat, the person looking after her had the same coloured car, RED, other people at the house when they came home in there not red cars, she did not react too at all, but when that red car hit home soil, her babysit home for a couple of weeks, she went super excited, hypo, at the red car coming up the driveway, alas it was not us she soon realised when the house person got out!!! 8)

I am amazed at the difference between the old analogue to the newer Lcd's, Led's, and the high definition there and what our pooches see more of 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:

One of mine is definately gonnna have prescription doggles due to square eyes, especially now friggin cold outside, so what is a sheepie to do in winter :lmt: , YAY TV :yay: :excited: :cheer:
Only if there are puddytatts on there!
Last night Bond did his little move - back into the TV/entertainment center, and flip his head back and lick the screen! I was watching Property Virgins on HGTV...and he licked Sandra Rinamoto, the host, right on the screen...lol Funny thing is, she has an OES girl, from Amber....maybe he knew that??!
Dexter often quietly watches TV and gets excited when there are dogs and sometimes other animals. The History of Dogs almost drove him over the top though he has never jumped at the TV!

Winston has shown a little interest that I think is mainly just trying to figure out what Dex is looking at.
Carley is strange. She likes to watch old Laurence Welk shows. She also likes some of the educational stuff if there are cute dogs on there. Our TV is up on built in shelves. I don't think she would ever try to jump on it.

:roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:

Carley's Mom
I finally remembered to take a picture of Chowder watching TV from the couch

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