Weird coarser fur?

So Eevee, is mostly all soft and puppy fur feeling, but on her back right between her shoulders she has this big patch of fur that is coarser than the rest and looks like it might be gray (but it might just be white furs and black furs mixing together to make it look gray). It makes me wonder if that's maybe her next coat coming in? It's only in that one spot. From what I've read I wouldn't think she'd be switching coats at all already since she's only four months, but I guess maybe it's possible? It totally drives me nuts too because it makes this big flat spot on her whereas all her other fur is all fluffed up, lol.

We just did some more practice brushings today, she's pretty tolerant of it so far. I'm practicing line brushing, so far I'm doing alright (I think). She lets me do most of one side before she gets sick of it and decides she doesn't feel like cooperating anymore. So I brush the other side like I would a normal dog so she doesn't look funny, then line brush the other side next time we work on brushing. We've been working on ear cleaning too, we do that at least once a week. She's definitely not too fond of that, but she has the dirtiest ears I've ever seen! So it has to be done. We also clipped toenails today! This is the first time I've clipped toenails on a dog, I've done cats before though. It's about the same. Hopefully this will cut down on all the scratches we get!

Another thing, how do I keep her fur out of her eyes? It's too short for me to clip it up and she keeps running into things.

Puppy pictures for a puppy post! All cute after grooming.

And here's that weird gray spot of hers.
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When Benson's hair started getting in her eyes, I went to the local drug store and bought little girl hair clips. That plus a little water or pomade on her nose worked well until it was long enough to use bands.

You want to keep the nose well haired least they get sunburned MO, numerous times to where she now has skin issues. I agree pomade to keep the snout hairs low.

That could be an early hair change for you!
Ava's hair is weird like that - but only on her butt. Which she wiggles around so it gets all nasty and needs constant brushing. Woo yay.
Yep, that's her next coat coming in. Coarse hair is the correct hair - only should be soft for the puppy coat.
I do a little ponytail with the little clear or colored bands (the plasticy ones) or do 2 of them (pigtails).

Not the best picture, as we were out on a walk on a windy day -
Wow, I didn't expect it to come in so early! That's cool :D
It's not long enough for little ponytails yet, I'd have to make a ton of them. I think I'll try little hair clips. That should work.
Ramsey is 4 months old and has grey coming in. Along his back in the middle a bit and also his front paws, a lot. I'm going to dye him back to black! Haha.
I took some pigtail pics of Bond last night before we left for class.
I looked at your photo, and I used the little bands in pigtails when Bond's was that same length. I tried the clips, but he shook his head and they kept coming out.
He's so funny, he knows neat hair means going someplace. (That's how I started training it - I always did his hair before we left, so he always was SO happy to have it done! - even before he really needed it done because his hair was pretty short. :bulb: ) Now he backs into me, sits and tips his head up for me to do his hair! :hearts: :aww: :hearts:

Looking a little bashful :wink:

And my young man...sadly, he is looking less and less like my baby pup, Bond is growing up!

He has just turned 7 months - on the 13th. :aww:

When our Caity's hair started becoming an issue, it too was too short to do anything with. Until I thought about it for a minute... That's when i came up with what I called the iKnot. It's just a top knot, but a lot lower on the head. Ok, so it's more of a front knot...

We've since been moved up to real top knot status and loving it. As long as I can get her to leave the darned things on her head.

Mao is 14 months old, and has exactly the same coarser hair, right about the same place as you describe between the shoulders.

I always thought it was the result of the mix of his parents, his dad is grey but his mom is much darker almost black!

to bring the junior/adult through, puppy's coat are best comb through on a daily bases
junior/adult coat can come though at a very young age,
then you may wont to tip puppy's coat as new coat comes though
brushing and combing you have got the balance right :high5:

:wag: :wag: :wag:
By seeing lots of sheepies, bloos fur is reaally coarse! Its really harsh and more like horse hair to touch, it matts so easy!
We always laughed...
The breeder said he was show quality because he has solid black, but we found a white spot on his tail it grew each day!!! But then.....The grey got further up him back etc....Now he is kind of almost all grey, he is still black behind his neck, but him but and back legs and tail are light grey! I love the gey its pretty :P lol Bloo started turning grey at 14 weeks, by the time he was 6 months he was basically half turned!
Bloo is a pretty handsome man dog! :D
I thought it was just another white spot at first, cause she's got a few white spots in her black fur, then I noticed it was different texture than the rest.
I like that "iKnot", I need to get little rubber bands for her because all I have is my ponytail holder.
She hates it when I start messing with the fur on her face, so I'm gonna have to get her used to it.
I know what you mean, George is six and a half months and on his shoulders on his back the fur is white and black mixed and a bit coarser and very unruly looking haha

when I picked him up at 9 weeks he already had grey coming through! But he's still not very grey. He has his patches but I was expecting him to have been completely grey by now. he's only just starting to mat up, never had any problems before, so I'm gonna get him shaved... it'll be weird :eek: he won't know what's going on! But I think he will look grey once he's trimmed cos it seems the black is on the tips of the fur and the grey at the roots.
The course coat is desirable in these dogs as for colour don't be at all surprise if your once black and white dog turns into a ghost at some point

it will darken again but not to black unless you get skin damage from say a bite
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