I'm going to attempt too shave Frankie tomorrow

Really dumb question I'm sure.
Do I have to comb Frankie out before I shave him tomorrow?
He was line brushed good last weekend.
His coat is really thick. I plan on using 40 blade and a comb attachment.
Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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If you plan on using a comb attachment, I would say 'yes', you will want to regroom him.

My only attachment experience was with Chewie in full coat and I wanted a longer shavedown to transition out of his lingering puppy coat at 18 months.
I had him so well groomed you could run a wide toothed comb thru him down to the skin everywhere.
The clipper with an attachment wouldn't even budge thru his thick coat. And this was with a real groomer doing it, and she tried several of her clippers. We eventually had to ditch the attachments and go with a shorter cut with a plain blade.
That's why I only do scissors cuts now. 8)
yes and you still may not be able to get thru it. That darn double coat is really a hang up. If he's had all his underwear stripped out, you'll have no trouble. Otherwise all those hairs need to be facing the same direction for the combs. Under no circumstances remove the comb and just use the 40.......that's presurgery length.....or just about. You are right down to skin.

So, have scissors just in case.
Attachment combs wont go through matts and do struggle with matts.
I would rough clip, then bath and dry then clip again. Do clean your blades after rough clippibg before the bath.
If you struggle with a 40 blade you can go upto a #10 its bigger teeth may cope more with the thick coat. Keep an eye on your blade that it doesnt get hot, it maynot burn your dig but it will warp, use a ceramic tile to cool it down quicker.
Also keep fluffing and clipping as the comb will flatten the hair.
Good luck x
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