In and out of the car problem

We have 5 month old puppy.
She is ok in the car. First, she was on the laps, now she is riding crated in soft crate similar to this:

She is calm and happy in the car, so the ride itself doesn't seem to be a stress.
But getting in and out of the car is a problem. She doesn't want to jump in or out.
Also, reluctant to be carried in.

We are putting treats (like really yammy stuff: boiled beef, chicken liver and gizzards) to make her jump in.

Car is tall, suv (toyota sequoia), but she is not that small puppy anymore , so she can jump in (she clears the sofa in the house)

Any suggestions? We may try the ramp next, but it looks like in and out problem more then physical.

Thank you.
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some dogs just dont like to jump in from what I've seen. My sister has a Boxer who can jump 6 feet in the air, but he will not jump in the car on his own. He puts his front feet on the seat then she has to lift his butt in. Its pretty funny. My Sheepie jumps in fine, the hard part is getting her OUT of the car. Even though she gets car sick she loves to go for rides and doenst want to get out. :?
Ryleigh wrote:
some dogs just dont like to jump in from what I've seen. My sister has a Boxer who can jump 6 feet in the air, but he will not jump in the car on his own. He puts his front feet on the seat then she has to lift his butt in. Its pretty funny. My Sheepie jumps in fine, the hard part is getting her OUT of the car. Even though she gets car sick she loves to go for rides and doenst want to get out. :?

Thank you. That's what we've been doing with the oes we had before when she got older. We helped her to lift her butt and we used a ramp to walk her out.
But this one doesn't want to get close to door even with steak on the lower step.

But, when on the back seat, she peacefully goes to crate on her own, getting all treats in the world, when in. Also, we are using clicker at this point.
Can she come through a side door? Several of mind preferred this, squeeze between the seats and crate. Some just make it more difficult. Hate to think you need a ramp for a reluctant dog.

Reluctance to get out either means "more ride" or they are afraid or in pain when they jump down.
Ryleigh wrote:
some dogs just dont like to jump in from what I've seen. My sister has a Boxer who can jump 6 feet in the air, but he will not jump in the car on his own. He puts his front feet on the seat then she has to lift his butt in. Its pretty funny.

Millie also does this. :lol: She rides well and will get out of the car on her own with no problem, but getting in is another story. She puts her the two front paws on the seat and waits for me to lift her back end into the car. :roll: Sometimes when she has her two front paws on the seat I will wait to see if she will eventually get her back end in by herself......but she never does. She just turns her head around and looks at me like "okay, I put my paws you have to boost me........I'm waiting...... 8O " :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: It's sort of funny, unless we are somewhere with lots of people watching, then it's just embarassing :oops: :oops: :oops:

Good luck! If you find a solution, please share!
SheepieBoss wrote:
Can she come through a side door? Several of mind preferred this, squeeze between the seats and crate. Some just make it more difficult. Hate to think you need a ramp for a reluctant dog.

Reluctance to get out either means "more ride" or they are afraid or in pain when they jump down.

She never jumped out of the car so far!!!!!!!
And we are using side passenger door. I'll make a photo of crate inside later.
We have left and middle back seats folded. Only right is up, all the way back. And front seat is moved forward to have plenty of space.

She even doesn't want to go on the floor of the car. But we are working on it and been successful twice already.
My husband still can lift her. I'm finding it more and more difficult. She is 20kg (44lb) already.

So, it seems more physiological to me at this point.
Ava is in kind of the same situation at 11 weeks. She loves to ride in the car, really, she does. But she balks and backpeddles as soon as we are out the front door. I have to pick her up and put her in the car. I have noticed that she startles at cars though - I don't think she'd ever really been around them before she came to us, so they're "big" to her, and therefore scary. She startles at engines starting up too. But once we're rolling she's fine.

But it's lift in, and lift out. That isn't going to last for a real long time, at the rate she's growing. Let me know if you come up with any solutions, lol.
SamHeinous wrote:
But it's lift in, and lift out. That isn't going to last for a real long time, at the rate she's growing. Let me know if you come up with any solutions, lol.

That's where we were with Frothy at 8 week (lift in, and lift out), that's where we are now.

I will post here.

Actually, I hope she will overgrow this issue. Like crate training. With time it should come.
Archie won't jump in our car, I have to lift his back feet in, he'll happily jump out though, maybe it's a perception of space issue, but I just think he's lazy!
For 2 years I boosted Chewie's butt in. Usually I was in a hurry, so I caved and just found it faster, easier, all that!
Finally I got sick of it (and my grown kids making comments)...and stopped. These are stubborn dogs, and very much creatures of habit. He really resisted - and I was giving the command, all that. Eventually I used my legs...walked forward and kind of bulldozed him into hopping all the way in. He started hopping all the way in ...but often would regress and stall partway, not giving up hope I would boost

He eventually got the game plan down, and jumps in like a normal dog now...and also did this last year at age 5 progress to jumping up on his grooming table too!
As soon as I put Kenzie's harness on he knows he's going in the car - he drags me down the drive on the lead to the car and jumps right in! He loves it and is very settled especially on long journeys. He gets out just as easily.

OES' are certainly stubborn! :D

As a suggestion, have you tried sitting in the car and calling her in that way. Sounds silly but it might work, we had to do that with Lincoln for a while and to this day he always has to get into the car from the drivers side as thats what we did with him as a puppy.

Another thing we always do is we always take ours for a drive usually to my nans, as sometimes the puppy's first drive is to the vets for the injections. So to stop that awful memory being imprinted onto their brains we take them to Nans and back again so they realise that the car is a fun thing - going different places etc. To this day if we tell all of ours we are going to Nans, its a mad rush to the car - Lincoln picks up his teddy (as he never travels without it), Esher picks up whatever is handy and Tia just looks at them as if to say hurry up, I want to go!

Good luck with the car and I am sure it will all work out soon - its just a question of time.
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