Snapping the air

Our 6 month old puppy, Emma has recently been snapping the air. Normally if we are playing or she wants to play with our cats. Is this normal for Sheepdogs?

She has never bitten us or the cats and she looks like she is just playing. We've had her for almost three weeks now and she started it about a week ago.
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It is a compulsive behavior for any dog....but in a pup it might be normal expression during play.....she's all excited! I'd worry more if she does this when not stimulated.
Our Tonks is 4 years old and still does this. We call it "snappy mouth" and she most often does it when we get home from having been out. Its always a sign of excitement, and has never been aggressive for Tonks. But I don't know what it really means...
Mady does it too, when she is very happy and excited. She doesn't make contact with us, she just snaps the air. I think of it as her 'happy snap'.
In extreme cases, say the dog is quiet, napping, etc it is thought to indicate possible brain disorder espec epilepsy.

For happy puppies......wait, don't we have a word for it.....Val? Didn't you coin a term, something about sharks..... :lmt:
Ava does this too. I just have to make sure she's not right in my face when she does it. Her snappers are powerful and SHARP!
Benson does this when she's really wound up. We call it "shark teeth." :roll:
Thank you! This is a relief, I didn't want to encourage it if it was something she wasn't supposed to do. She's really cute when she does it!
Parts of town or beseiged by miller moths right now (thankfully not us). Dogs are going nuts, snapping jaws abounding. This is hunting, not play snapping.

Tristan started snapping at the Miller moths. These insects invade Colorado Springs once a year, as swarms. They are disgusting , but harmless.

So far, Trist has taken down 3 of these pests.

Art, as you know I grew up along the Front Range and indeed, miller moths are a yearly event. People are freaking out down here, I just roll my eyes, "Yeah once every few years you get these things, get a life."

Favorite game was to turn off all put one light, near a wall, capture them one at a time, throw them against the wall to stun them and watch the cat pounce upon them.
SheepieBoss wrote:
Art, as you know I grew up along the Front Range and indeed, miller moths are a yearly event. People are freaking out down here, I just roll my eyes, "Yeah once every few years you get these things, get a life."

Favorite game was to turn off all put one light, near a wall, capture them one at a time, throw them against the wall to stun them and watch the cat pounce upon them.

The stupid paper did a FRONT PAGE article on the stupid moths. Ava is enjoying hunting them too. It's impossible to get her inside at night anymore.
Probably quoted Carol S. who is state entomologist who probably had some pithy remarks about the moths the paper didn't use. No, she is a consumate professional, she saves her humor for nonmedia.
Sounds like Bloo :P LOL You wait till your pup gets a blast of wind blowing his/her way! Bloo goes mad at the wind, he tries to catch it :P
Hello all,

I had not seen this 'snapping behaviour' from Tristin before the moth invasion.

Trist is normally just calm and overly friendly. Sure, as a pup Trist would occasionally nip me in play. And sometimes claw, as well. But I considered (and still do) this as the behaviour of the OES, and nothing more.

Just to see Tristan 'hunt' is amazing, but the results, from the alimentary canal are yet to be seen.

Betsy does it as cars pass. Since about 4 months old, white pick up trucks were her first "snapping" targets. She usually does it for the first 15 minutes of every car ride!
Charm is seventeen months old, and probably will always air snap(does Val call it shurtling or maybe that is something different??). It is during play or when she doesn't get her way~like sassy remarks. Charm is a "talker" and if we don't jump to do her bidding, she will do this. Not aggressive, just the last word~always.
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