Will I need anything else

This is going to sound stupid, but I am so excited.
My new shavers/trimmers are going to be delivered tomorrow. I'm taking Friday off of work and Mattie is going to get groomed.

Is there anything else I will need?
I bought 2 of the puppy cut blades forgot what number already. Thats what I plan on using on her mostly.
Do I need to have cleaner or coolant(sorry not sure what it's called)?
I'm sure I can pick that stuff up at the local petsmart.

Thank you all for your help.
I will post before and after pics.
Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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I'd say just switch them out when they start to heat up. Clean before replacing and lube as needed or after each use.

Yes, you will need the juices. I use the cleaner in a wide mouth container (comes that way) and dunk the blade while still running to remove the hairs. Wipe it dry and continue. Also lubes. If things are getting too hot I'll use the spray to cool and lube and still remove the blade and put on the other.

Meanwhile, brush puppy out well to remove mats, life will be much easier with the blade. If you have mats.......work underneath them. There should be room. Take breaks giving you and puppy a chance to move around, pee, etc. If it takes two days, so be it.

Be sure to clean the blade before you begin. Practice taking it on and off. Relax, it is really easy. If you get stuck, Ron has some info in the data base for this site.

When done, clean and store dry. I predict you'll end up with a blade box in the future. Will take awhile though.
I like to keep a trash can next to the table to put as much hair in as I ca, as I go. Does nothing but reduce clean-up at the end.

I use mine not that often, so I'm not that fast. I have one of those soft flexible ice packs (big one) that I set on the counter next to me. Whenever I stop, I lay the whole clipper right on it. Before I start, I press the clipper in and mold a little "nest"...for maximal contact!
got sheep wrote:
I use mine not that often, so I'm not that fast. I have one of those soft flexible ice packs (big one) that I set on the counter next to me. Whenever I stop, I lay the whole clipper right on it. Before I start, I press the clipper in and mold a little "nest"...for maximal contact!

That's a good idea. I'm going to try that when I shave Clyde this week. Clyde takes a long time, too because not only is he huge, but he's wayyyyy fidgety. I can't even do him on a table because he freaks out so it's also an uncomfortable endeavor for me. I don't even bother using the 3 3/4 on him anymore because it takes way too long and we're both miserable. I like the length but that 3 3/4 is a slowwwwwww cut, especially is you're slow like me.

I know this sounds terrible, but if I'm shaving with something like a 7 blade, for a fairly close cut, I'd rather the dog actually be a little matted because it makes shaving so much cleaner. The hair clumps up and you can hold the pelts as you shave instead of millions of little hairs getting everywhere. If you're using a 3 3/4 or something close to that, that isn't an option, though.
DON'T use the spray coolant! It will gunk up blades and the clipper and cause more problems. Besides, it's expensive, mostly alcohol and totally unnecessary.

Do clean the blades frequently during the clip. The wide-mouthed jar of special blade cleaner is perfect. If they don't have this at the store where you bought your clipper, Sally Beauty will have it behind the counter. With the clipper running and blade attached, dip just the clipper blade into the cleaner and let run for a few moments. Just don't submerge the clipper. Loose hair and dirt fall to the bottom of the container and you can pour off the clean solution and reuse.

Find a piece of ceramic tile, steel or stone that you can set a hot blade on to cool quickly throughout the groom. Keeping two of the same blade sizes is a great idea, one can cool while the other is on the clipper.

Oil the clipper frequently during the trim. Better too much than not enough.
I just came back from buying a spray can of Andis Cleaner. It was 5 in 1 coolant cleaner and a couple of other things. It's all they had.
So don't use it....
I'll have to try Sally's in the morning.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
babysheepie wrote:
I just came back from buying a spray can of Andis Cleaner. It was 5 in 1 coolant cleaner and a couple of other things. It's all they had.
So don't use it....
I'll have to try Sally's in the morning.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie

Personally, I wouldn't use the spray. Can you take it back? Our blade sharpener/repair guy is also a professional groomer (Jeff of Northern Tails Sharpening). Those that have to fix the damage caused by baked on gunk are never too fond of the stuff. Besides, being mostly alcohol it's really a waste of money on top of aerosols being bad for the environment.

With limited use, like a once a year trim, the spray won't cause serious problems. Just don't depend on it to really clean or lubricate. The blades really do need a thorough cleaning or they will get dull very quickly. Oiling too. The bulk of the dogs I ever use a clippers on are rescues and you can imagine the condition their coats are when they come in. Dirty, matted, flea-infested... Ugh! Nothing short of dipping the blades and actually taking them apart will get that stuff off!
Blade attachment combs?? Used with a #10 blade, they can give you a length upto 2"
They wont go through matts but do give a lovely finish.
And dont forget your toothbrush for cleaning out you blades!
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