Bump under skin at sholder

My 4.5 month old puppy has a lump on her left sholder under her skin. It doesn't seem to hurt her when I touch it, it doesn't appear unusual on the outside. Its about grape size. This is my first dog so I'm unsure if this is normal or not. Ideas?
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I'd think it's likely a cyst if it moves freely. She seems pretty young for a tumor... fatty or otherwise.
Still, the only way to know for certain is to have it aspirated.
Has she recently had a shot in that area?
Yes she has her last set last week, could be. Shes acting odd today, I think I'm going to call the vet's anyways. She made me take her out of the crate last night (she typically sleeps through the night) she then "went" maybe 6 times between 2:30am and 7am. She keeps squatting with nothing comming out. I think they need to recheck her UTI. Shes already done two rounds of antibiotics...
Sometimes they can develop a small lump at the injection site.
ChSheepdogs wrote:
Sometimes they can develop a small lump at the injection site.

Chewie has one from a shot as a pup. It's about a small grape size. He's almost 6yrs old now, and it's just sitting there, unchanged. Seeing I just gave him a haircut, I am feeling it more again! :?
The vet said they could check it now or just watch it. She thought it would go away if it was vaccine related. I opted for the waiting.

Ugh the UTI is still going strong she tried to pee about 30 times at the vets office. Her specific gravity was off (as it was the past times) but they did the blood work on her kidneys and there fine. They're going to do a urine culture to figure out what bacteria is causing it and how to treat it (since this is the third round of this). Hopefully she'll finally get over it and on to house training.
Poor poochie. She is a doll baby! Best wishes getting her 100%.
OnTheLam wrote:
The vet said they could check it now or just watch it. She thought it would go away if it was vaccine related. I opted for the waiting.

Ugh the UTI is still going strong she tried to pee about 30 times at the vets office. Her specific gravity was off (as it was the past times) but they did the blood work on her kidneys and there fine. They're going to do a urine culture to figure out what bacteria is causing it and how to treat it (since this is the third round of this). Hopefully she'll finally get over it and on to house training.

I hope so...poor baby! ...and poor you - makes house training darn impossible.
Good idea to culture it. You never know what kind of cootie you might be dealing with. Hope she feels better!

Laurie and Oscar
It was e-coli resistant to both types of antibiotics she was on previously. Good thing they cultured it. Now shes on the right type. It seems like I've been mopping all the time for a very long time now. I'm sincerely looking forward to that mythical hour for every month holding it time.
Good news now hopefully it's all been indentified and she is on the most suited anti-biotic it clears up soon. :ghug: It should now :wink:

Injection sites I've had two that developed lumps there, took months to go away. Not uncommon and your vet said the right thing, just keep an eye on it over the next several months to see if it does go away completely and does not increase in size.

Great news on your possum, she should be on the up and up in the potty department now. :clappurple: :ghug:
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