Need some direction with this hair...

When Edward was a puppy, we groomed him every other day--then we realized! Hey we forgot his ears, paws and neck! So poor Edward had to be shaved down. We were determined that we wouldn't make this mistake again. Edward started going to a doggy daycare 2x's a week, where there's a pool and waterfall for the dogs to play in. He loves it there, but now we have major issue with matting on his paws, legs and the more the hair grows out, the more he has a bad scent. Any recommendations on a good cut and length and something for the odor???

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Don't cut his hair :( or you will be back a square

1. how old is he
2. If you don't dry him. He will smell as his coat will be damp & it will cause more issues.
3. If he is between 12 to 24 months he will be going through the coat change & thats when the fairy matts turn up :(.
4. Depends how much work you want to put in. If you have time then don't cut his coat also speak with your breeder.
5. Most groomers don't know how to groom an old english & if you can find someone near you who could help.
6. We have some good vids on this site how to groom your oesd
Also where are you from ?
If you are going to continue with the swimming and water play on a regular basis, a shorter haircut is going to be much easier on you and your dog.

As it gets longer, it will mat and felt up when it gets wet if there are any tangles, so they really shouldn't get wet (be it a bath or going swimming) unless they are fully brushed out.
For many people, that just isn't something they are going to short hair is a better option!
Then add in the extra drying time after they swim with a long coat, another good point for shorter hair.
We're from Los Angeles, his breeder lives in Wisconsin. I haven't been able to find a good OESD Groomer : ( Edward is about to turn 12 months at the end of April. At this time we are brushing him daily and when he comes home from the daycare we blowdry him and start the process of removing the matting.
Thanks Got Sheep! I was thinking that short hair might work better. As you both might be able tell this is our first OESD..It's been a learning experience! Thanks for your help :D
Given where you live (and likelihood of being in the water/pool often), and age of your pup, I would go with a shorter cut. Coat transition is a hard time, with matting as the puppy coat needs to be groomed out and the new coat is coming in. And if you aren't getting hands on instruction from your breeder or an OES person, your odds of making it through this transition time with a long coat are pretty slim. Many people choose to cut the hair at this age. Add in a pup being in the water a lot and you have a recipe for disaster pretty quick!
I would say a 1-2 inch length should be manageable at this time - short enough you can keep up with grooming, but still long enough to give a little fluff. :)
1-2 inch! Got it! thanks so much..Have a great day !!
Yes i agree with you there. Shorter fur is better if edward is swimming a lot! :)

We made the same mistake with bloo, he was in full coat and we were swimming and rolling around in mud etc... we bathed his frequently and dryed him etc...but the coat is so awkward when its wet. I had trouble with bloo matts so hes been shaved down too now. Its easier and doesnt matt as quickly in the rain and water.

Long coats for showing, but otherwise shorter is best ecspecially if he likes water like bloo!!
This is bloo now...2-3inches (i think) its grown loads. Hope you manage to keep on top of things noow . Dawn gives great advice.
Bloo went from this mess

To this fab puppy cut
First off, love the pic of Edward running thru the water.

Second, a puppy cut would be the way to go to reduce coat maintenance, especially if he's going to get wet frequently.
For me, 1/2 inch to 1 inch would be a nice length.
I've always had to keep my guys short through the summer as they tend to gravitate towards water....especially MO. Muddy, tangled, stinky from bacteria building up....yuck.

Start hunting for a groomer that will scissor cut him, they all want to shave them down. Surely easier and faster thus more $$ for the shop, but may not be what you want. If the groomer finds just one mat, they immediately say they "must" shave. So before you take them in, go over him, nose to nub and work out or remove all mats. Of course when you brush him out at home, remove his collar as there's always a nest of nasties involved with the collar and behind the ears.

Since you have this water pup, keep his under carriage clipped or maybe even shaved down. The first 18 months are a learning experience......they go thru the coat change which is very difficult for the last 4 months or so you begin to understand your job for the next 12 years.

In time you'll invest in a grooming table and proper brushes, combs, clipper and various blades....and eventually a blower for after baths. Welcome aboard!
Cute picture! I feel your pain about the ears. We did the same thing and poor Mady had to have her ears shaved down. It is a learning process, that is for sure.
I am a huge fan of the puppy cut. Oscar has it year-round, even here in the Chicago suburbs during winter time, and he is never cold. He has health issues that require a weekly bath, so it's much easier to deal with his skin when he is clipped down.

I shave him down to 3/4 in. during the winter and 1/2 in. during the summer. Oscar's hair is thinner than an OES's should be, due to his hypothyroidism, so I have to be careful not to go shorter and risk a sunburn on his pink skin. 8O

The odor sounds like either bacteria or mold/fungus getting a foothold in his fur. Since you are drying him anyway, you might want to quickly shampoo him with a gentle or diluted shampoo first, rinse him, then dry him, maybe once a week or so. Not sure if you have any tick or flea issues in L.A., but the shorter clip makes it alot easier to spot the little buggers as well.

Love the water photo with the Corgi! :hearts:

Laurie and Oscar
thanks for all the great feedback! Bloo is soo cute! I never knew the short cut was referred to as a "puppy cut," this is definitely a learning experience (I write this as Edward has gotten into my sock drawer)! One of my co-workers had her dog scissor cut, but this was so foreign to me I barely knew what she was referring to. I'll check in with her to see who she used. We have been meaning to get a grooming table, it's on the to-do list for sure! I think the odor might be from the water and laying out in the sun?? I'll try the shampoo recommendation ---THANKS AGAIN!!
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