Not what I wanted to bring home from Tennessee

During my morning shower I discovered something quite unpleasant! On the underside of my left upper arm was a tick!!!!!! :x ewwww :x I totally freaked out!!!!! Called my mom who said to douse a cotton ball with alcohol and force it out and then get it off quick. I tried....I really did...but I hate creepy crawly things and my stomach turned every time I had to look at it. So I had to call my neighbor to come over and remove it for me. Thankfully she was home and a real pro at getting them off.... :phew:

I looked up different kinds of ticks to try and identify it, and where did I end up? Right here on looking at a picture of the deer tick. Aha!!!! Thanks Ron for helping me identify my unwanted parasite.

Tennessee was great.....but next time I hope to return home tick free :lol:
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Egads!!!! I'd be so grossed out too! Glad you got it removed and thankfully your neighbor was there to help!

Even tho' it's been years since I looked at Ron's tick was enough to last me a lifetime!

PS. Just in case I'd check with your doctor if you need to go on antibiotics. Dunno much about ticks as I've only seen one in my entire life and it was on Merlin's head after a vacation. I didn't know what that "thing" on his head was. (It was so engourged I didn't recognize it as a bug but thought it was some fungus or something" I rushed him to the vet ...and when she removed it and I saw it was alive...I thought I'd faint! They put him on antibiotics as a precaution so I wonder if they do that with people too as a precaution against Lime disease? As I've said I'd never see one until 7 years ago and not since.

Oh I really do feel for you! Shudders!

PSSSSS Jennifer next time don't forget to wear a tick collar!....Oh I'm kidding!
Sorry you left Tennessee with a tick! Ick ick--hate them!
Ticks go on people?????? Oh I did not want to know that.
Years ago I was up at my Dads in Northern the spring. Discover a tick on my side by my hip while I was in the shower...embedded.

I got out of the shower and called my husband in to help. He asked me what to do 8O I asked him to please REMOVE IT BEFORE I FREAK OUT. Again he asked HOW? I replied PULL THE DAMN THING OFF!!!

Needless to say, the head stayed in :evil: Thankfully it was a woodtick and only caused a little red spot on my side before my body absorbed it.

I hate those creepy things too!!!!
Simon's Mom wrote:
before my body absorbed it....

You guys are too funny!

I grew up on a farm, and ticks were a daily thing. If you were lucky you caught them crawling, but often you found them in the evening while getting ready for bed. My youngest sister was the tick magnet in our family - we had to check her scalp every night before bed. :wink:

Now there are more diseases associated with them, but in my childhood they were just a normal occurring nuisance - not much more of a pest than mosquitoes.
No pics of the Tic on you. I have never seen a pic of a tic on a dog or a person. I don't mean off the internet
I can't stand the gross things either, but like Dawn, this was a part of the ritual before bed when I was a kid. We lived in the country and had a field next to us and behind us. Every night in the summer before bed my mother would line us up and check our scalps.

Marianne wrote:
PS. Just in case I'd check with your doctor if you need to go on antibiotics.

PSSSSS Jennifer next time don't forget to wear a tick collar!....Oh I'm kidding!

I called the doctor yesterday and he ordered some blood test to check for rocky mountain fever, lyme, and a few other things. Who knew ticks could carry so many nasty things. 8O Then he gave me a couple of medications to take for the next two weeks including an antibiotic.

Marianne, I will be wearing a tick collar for a bracelet the next time! :wink:

Simon's Mom wrote:
I got out of the shower and called my husband in to help. He asked me what to do 8O I asked him to please REMOVE IT BEFORE I FREAK OUT. Again he asked HOW? I replied PULL THE DAMN THING OFF!!!
I hate those creepy things too!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Glad someone shares my tick anxiety. Thanks for the laugh.

Mady wrote:
Simon's Mom wrote:
before my body absorbed it....


:lol: :lol: :lol:
I keep telling Kim she has a tic in her belly button.

I'm a very bad man.

got sheep wrote:
My youngest sister was the tick magnet in our family - we had to check her scalp every night before bed. :wink:

4 my OES wrote:
Every night in the summer before bed my mother would line us up and check our scalps.

SCALP!!!!! I DIDN'T CHECK THERE!!!!!! 8O Guess what my dh is doing tonight. Just the thought that one could be hiding in there is totally freaking me out. Thanks a lot guys. :roll:

Parwaz wrote:
No pics of the Tic on you. I have never seen a pic of a tic on a dog or a person. I don't mean off the internet

No pictures, sorry. Not something I want to look at ever again. EWWWW!!!
The standard protocol for prophylactic medication for a tick bite is a single 200mg dose of Doxycycline. That's it.

That should only really be done if the tick is a suspected carrier of disease (or you were in a high danger zone) AND the tick has been attached for more than 24 hours.

Testing for all these other diseases is a waste of time and money at this point; they wouldn't show positive for quite some time even if you were infected. Even after Lyme Disease is suspected if a test comes back negative it is repeated six months later.

You've got nothing to fear but.... well OK, fear and ticks.
I ended up getting Rocky Mountain Spotted fever from that damn tick!!!!!! I was prescribed two weeks worth of Doxicycline 200mg 2 x's a day. Well, I only took it for three days and felt better.....and I read a single dose was standard protocol. Then after three days off the medicine I developed a high fever(101.8 on ibuprofen), chills, body aches, upset stomach, loss of appetite, sore throat, runny nose, headache. I though I had gotten the flu and called my doctor for advice(I have RA and take medication that lowers my immune flu is bad) he advised me to go to the ER.

Flu test was negative, Strep Throat test was negative, menengitis test was negative (spinal tap sucked). Guess what I did have----Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever!!!! Back on the Doxy today and letting my body rest. I don't even want to talk about the pain in my lower back from the tap.

Omg! So sorry! Hope you feel better soon!
Oh wow--that is awful! So sorry-take it easy and get well soon! :ghug:
Sheesh, not just having the tick crawling on you but the damn thing got you sick!!

Take care and get better.
Ack, that really bites :evil:

I hope you feel better :crossed: :crossed: - and make sure you finish your medicine this time! :wink:
I'm going to check for ticks before I go to bed.. you guys have made me paranoid :twitch:
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