How old was your OES when they became house broken?

We have a 10 week old Bella!! I know she is young and I should not expect her to be completely broken at this point. However, she gives us no warning when she needs to pee. I have tried keeping her on a 30 minute schedule (trainer told me to stop that) bell training, controlling intake by only watering at set times of the day. I have tried everything. When she goes she does not seem to get we are upset by this. I even shampooed the carpet and steamed the tile and hardwoods to make sure I had no pet oders from visiting little ones.

I know UTIs are common so I did a home screen, which was positive, took her to the vet and found she had a mild UTI. Treated that and all is good in that area.

I guess my question is how old was your little one when they started turning the corner of not peeing in the house?

Any tips or suggestions?
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Our Gracie is 16 weeks now and I think from 8-10 weeks she seemed to pee constantly. It improved shortly after that. We didn't do an 'every 30 minutes' outside thing, although we were out at least that often. We did it based on activity. Outside after waking up from a nap. Outside after eating. Outside after a robust play session. Outside after a big drink. And when she DID pee outside, we went crazy happy. GOOD PUPPY!! WHAT A WONDERFUL GIRL!! Kind of over the top crazy happy, rubbing her chest, cheering. I am sure our neighbours think we are crazy but it worked, she now stands at the door when she needs to go out, and she lasts longer than 30 minutes. Those first 2-3 weeks were exhausting, though. Just keep at it and she will get it. And pictures of Bella please!
Simon is going to be 6yrs old in a few months but oh how I remember those days.

First, DON'T GET UPSET, it does NO good. Your pup is a BABY. Baby's don't have big bladders. Taking them out often and going crazy after they do the "job" will help more then anything.

I don't understand why your trainer didn't want you taking the baby out every half hour...unless you're waking them up, I see this as a GOOD thing.

Here is what we did...hang a bell on the door. We resorted to taking Simon out every 15-30 minutes(really desperate here). Before going out, take paw or nose and ring the bell. Good dog. Take baby out, walk around on a leash and hope they do the job...if after five minutes they don't take them back in...back out within 15-30 minutes. Always on a leash. After they do the job its time for a celebration :yay: :yay: :yay: Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Its that simple....and that hard.

Simon was 4mounths old to the day when the :bulb: finally went off.

If there is an accident, take that rolled up newspaper and wack yourself over the head for not doing "YOUR" job and calmly clean it up and vow to do a better job. Keep puppy in an area that is easy to clean will be doing that.

I always use a leash. Until puppy gets the idea, outside is where you potty and inside is where you play. Period.

There is no magic pill, no magic time period. It takes time and diligence on your part. Oh yeah, DON'T GET UPSET!!!!!! It really does NO GOOD.
Thanks for the encouragement.

The trainer was telling me by taking her out every half hour I was not encouraging her to hold it longer. Seemed stupid to me since she was so young and lacking much control at this age.

I will try to get pics up soon. Thanks for the tips.
Hi and welcome-

We have a 13 week old puppy and are still working diligently to go potty outside. The advice above is what we are doing--always on a leash and timed trips out- and lots of praise.
Murphy is not good at giving signals so I watch carefully and am beginning to recognize the subtle signals.

I notice you are in Mt. Juliet--we are in Brentwood!
He had a mistake when came off the plane and then that was it! My Parents picked him up and didn't realize they should take him outside as soon as they opened the crate. :roll:

I was lucky and had a doggie door. Once he learned to go through the door. It was very easy he would take himself out potty!

That video say April so he just came to live with me so he was probably 9 weeks.
Ryleigh was 7 months old when we got her. She was just left in a backyard her first 7 months so we had to potty train her. It still took a couple of months before she stopped having accidents. Now she walks back and forth when she needs to go out.

Your baby is young, they will get it soon. :crossed:
We had a REAL stubborn girl. Like I wanted to give up 100 times because it was getting old, we got new carpets, new HOUSE uti's and we were doing things right. ...and still not until she hit 1 (like exactly 1). It got "better" but we'd still have accidents once every month or so.

Our other OES trained right away (a few months at most) from the day we got him from the breeder. Never had an accident again.
Butchy was a very slow learner, we didn't think it would ever happen but finally something clicked.

We'd had several other dogs and two other oes, nothing like Butchy.

The bassets learned fast, the other two oes, took about four months but then there was Butchy. He knows and sometimes he asks to go out, comes back in and remembers, oh ya, I was suppose to do something so he runs to get back out there.

We are lucky in where we live that he can go out without a leash or his fenced yard when it's only for potty and he loves to do that.
I got lily at 8 weeks and she had few accidents, i was pretty strict about taking her out and praising her like hell everytime. she was 100% potty trained by 5 months.
Charlie is 4.5 months old now. He just doesn't get it that he has to wee outside. I have followed all the expert advice but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I praise him when he gets it right I ignore the mishaps. It is so frustrating. I want to let him have access to the whole house but because he can't be trusted I have to keep him confined to the kitchen. He also wees when he is excited. If someone just speaks to him he will wee. Its very embarrassing. Its got to the stage my daughter who is 17 is wary of approaching him because he will wee. Its such a pity because he is a great dog in every other way. My husband wants to limit his drinks but I feel so sorry for him when he keeps licking an empty bowl so I always give in. Will this ever end? Will he ever learn?
Well, Bella is doing much better now. Now we have an accident about once every two days or so. But, that is when I missed the signs normally. I admit you get very little warning but she does give them.

We have started a new trick:: she has started pooping in her crate at night then.....wait for it....eating it!!!!!!! Yuck!!!! When she does this she then throws up as she steps out the crate. We feed her as soon as we get home (430ish) take out at bedtime (10ish) then I take her out when I get up for work at (430).

Be glad when she gets past this one!!!!
Sueroc wrote:
Charlie is 4.5 months old now. He just doesn't get it that he has to wee outside. I have followed all the expert advice but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I praise him when he gets it right I ignore the mishaps. It is so frustrating. I want to let him have access to the whole house but because he can't be trusted I have to keep him confined to the kitchen. He also wees when he is excited. If someone just speaks to him he will wee. Its very embarrassing. Its got to the stage my daughter who is 17 is wary of approaching him because he will wee. Its such a pity because he is a great dog in every other way. My husband wants to limit his drinks but I feel so sorry for him when he keeps licking an empty bowl so I always give in. Will this ever end? Will he ever learn?

We limited on the advice from a trainer. Once we did that Bella learned not to trust there would always be water so when we would put it down she would drink it so fast she would throw it back up. We had to go to only giving her a shot glass full at a time (about every hour) for her to start to tust it would be there and she did not have to drink it so fast or so much.

It did help with the peeing but at a high cost.
Izzo is short of 16 weeks and doing well. I think he does it every so often to tick me off, but I can say we've probably gone a full week now with no problems (and only sporadic problems before that). He learned to sit and lie down and shake by 10 weeks, so I was frustrated when potty training took longer. Patience is everything. I know everyone talks about schedules, but the only thing that worked for Izzo was just constant trips outside just in case. I actually asked my vet if he had some sort of infection, and I guess he just didn't want to hold it for more than a half hour. Every time he changed locations, we took him out. Every time he woke up from a nap, we took him out. As soon as he ate and drank, we took him out. He figured it out eventually.
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