What should we do at night?

We seem to be having a new problem, we went from Gracie waking up numerous times at night to go out, to a far too brief period of Gracie sleeping through the night (if you consider sleeping from 11ish to 6 "through the night"), to Gracie being very fussy at night again. It's not because she needs to go out, we're thinking it's because she's becoming very unhappy with her being in her crate downstairs, and the rest of the family upstairs. This happened to Mady at about 6 months old when she absolutely refused to sleep in her crate and since then she sleeps uncrated upstairs. Gracie just turned 4 months and I think it's still too young to be uncrated over night. But I want to throttle her at 1 a.m.!!!! :evil:

We could bring the crate upstairs like how we had it at first with Gracie, but we found the crate's few possible locations upstairs too hot for her which is why we put it back downstairs next to the patio doors.

Is 4 months too young to be uncrated at night? Would she pester and bother the big girls too much? Would she sleep through the night without accidents if uncrated?

It's been 3 nights in a row, and last night I insisted we ignore her barking, she had pooped and peed not long before. She barked for 30 minutes before finally settling down.
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i would try and let her sleep with all of you i did that with dreamer at 4 months and no problem of course he was laying on my pillow entire nite lol
If possible can you gate her in your bathroom? I don't know your layout, but if the bathroom is connected to the bedroom she may be okay. Close enough to everyone, but also small space and tile in case of accidents?
I too would try her out of the crate at night with everyone. It may take a few nights of not a lot of sleep, watching her. If she starts bugging the other girls, THEY will probably take steps to correct her. :) Gracie just wants to be with her family and be a 'Big Girl'. :hearts: Is there a way she can be blocked off with a pet gate from other areas upstairs so she can't get into too much trouble? :wink:
Aw she is growing up. Mine were in the crate until 8 months. But they were in the bedroom with us. Try it like the others gave said. But can you block the stairs?
sounds like everyone agrees, should workout. if it were myself, i would tie gracie on a lead and around my ankle and give my wife the camera. 8)

:potstir: :wag: :popcorn:
With Butchy we made the mistake of not getting a large enough crate, when he got too big for the one we had we took the chance and left him out. He did very well.
Howie for being the wild boy he was/is, he was out of the crate at exactly 4 months. We had the same problem as you with Gracie, waking up and yapping. I think Howie got really hot in his crate eventhough it was downstairs.

Umm Gracie sleeping with you in your room out of a crate does not sound like a good choice to me. I think a separate cool safe area would be better for everyone. We gated howie down in the finished basement. Most times he could be found sleeping in the shower on the cool tiles. He now has free run of the house and still prefers the basement at night.

Hope you and Kim have a good sound sleep tonight.
p.s. spring is in the air - I've been woken up a few times this week now that I think about it!

Good luck, it is a big step for Gracie!

peg & howie
My personal thought is she's too young. Too much "stuff" to get into.

Simon slept in a crate...right next to my bed...till he was 1.6yrs old.

Side note- Crate came down but went back up a few weeks later when Gar came...he was not housebroken. He too slept right next to the bed.
I vote for crate upstairs, maybe with just the metal tray inside for something cool to lay on? I remember doing the same with Rufus, then after a while left the door open on the crate.
Update :D
Bond is sleeping uncrated on the porch with the other dogs.
He was barking in his crate too. (it was also on the porch with the other dogs :roll: )
The usual scenario is Harley and Riley are in the dog beds in the garden window, Bond and Chewie are on the cement floor.
This morning (day off!) it was Harley barking to go out and pee...at 6:30am.... :evil:
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