Pearl used one of her lives today, I thought I had lost her!

First IGNORE Gia and her broken leg...(she broke it in 2009)
SECOND LOOK in the background...
THIRD LOOK at the steps there are 5 steps and there is only one railing on the other side of the steps... :roll: :roll:
FOURTH READ what happened

I took Pearl over to Joey's today for a wash and dry....since it was in the 80's and sunny today.

I opened the back door...and my old senile senior walked quickly out the door and, instead of WALKING down the steps...MY PEARL thought she would just avoid THAT and basically THREW herself off the porch!! When she hit the ground, she crumbled and skidded on her FACE~~~~~ :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I couldn't do anything...NOTHING, but cry, (I think even before she landed).
I really, truely thought..she's DEAD!!!!! no question in my mind...DEAD~~~ she did not move for about 2 nanoseconds, which seemed like a lifetime to me, as I ran down the steps (the right way) she slowly brought herself to a standing position, shook it off, and looked back at me and I could almost hear her say ....."""WHAT????""" I THOUGHT I COULD MAKE IT!!!""""

:phew: :phew: :phew: :phew: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead:

God help me!!! I think she is trying to give me a heart attack so I will be at the bridge waiting for HER!!!
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Oh no! Poor Pearl. I'm glad she is OK. And, I'm glad you are OK too!

(By any chance, I hope that Gia didn't break her leg on those steps??)
She was just testing you! Gotta keep mommy on her toes!
It is so hard when the once agile young dog gets old. MO is starting to pull these heart breaking acts too. She's not thrilled about them, just like Pearl. Glad Pearl is OK, eyes failing?? :hearts:
Oh Geez! 8O 8O
I would have had a heart failure as well. :phew:
Very glad she's OK...may need some pain meds tomorrow??
I was smart and hung on to the 8 foot long ramps I made for our Cocker when got too old to do steps. He loved the ramps! They're stored under the deck,, just in case.

So is Val going to snuggle up to her favorite bottle tonight to mello out?

omg thank goodness she and u are ok.. i had many moments like that with my miss daytona reminds me of the time when my boys ran passed her and she got side swiped i thought that was it for her..
So scary for both of you, glad she's ok.
omg how scary that must have been. Poor girl and poor you. What is it with our 2 Pearl girls? My Kitty Pearl was so sick for a week I thought the end was coming and your Pearl taking a nose dive off the steps. More grey hair.
Poor sweet Pearl, that is so sad :( No senior should have to endure the indignity of a splat, not to mention the stiffness tomorrow. Poor sweet Pearl :hearts:
Poor Pearl (and her mom too) :(

I thought that too Brenda about the stiffness tomorrow.
Good Golly that would scare anyone to death!!! I'm so glad she's okay!!!!!
Glad yuur both okay. I'm having more senior mishaps with Ziggi and I already have a bad heart so I can't take it.
I guess it's time to get the leash out for movements like these. :(
Oh Val what an scary few moments for both of you. It probably took your heart a while to slow down from racing!

peg & howie
So glad that sweet Pearl is ok. Poor baby! Something like that makes the ole heart pound! Relax tonight and give her extra hugs and kisses! :ghug: :kiss:
I would have been scared too. I am so glad you are both OK. She may be sore tomorrow.

:ghug: :ghug:

Carley's Mom
OMG...Poor you! Poor Pearl.

I'm sending a virtual hug!!! I can only imagine that heart stopping moment and how you felt.

Glad everyone is okay!

Give that old gal a belly rub for me.!
Oh my goodness! Glad Pearl is okay! Hope she's not too sore tomorrow! I can only imagine how worried you were!

Oh my!! I hope that you both have recovered. :ghug:
OUCH! Poor Pearl! So glad she got up. That image will haunt me. . . Uggghhh! :hearts:
Poor Pearl girl. Hope she is resting and won't be feeling too battered. I have a feeling you're still shaking :ghug:
Well, I finally calmed down, Pearl has been sleeping all afternoon and evening, so SHE wasn't traumitized, but I am thinking that she will be sore tomorrow, I'll post if I see any soreness.

(fyi..Gia broke her leg on the dreaded trampoline~at a friend's house. One of the kids landed on her shin and cracked it..) :roll:
OMG....Poor Pearl and poor you! I can imagine the panic you must have felt! So glad she got up! Bet she spends the next few days doing a lot of resting. Hugs to you both.
Oh My Poor Pearl..I'm glad she's ok.
Giver her extra hugs and kisses.

I'm glad your feeling better also Val.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Welllll....once again...I am amazed at how Pearl handles the little bumps of life..(I wish I could take some lessons from her... :( :( )

This morning, although she got up very slowly, which is normal, there was no limping or bruising I can see~~~

She ate all of her food and is now, once again, on her tuffet, deep in sleep.

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Thanks for all your comfort and support
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
Very, very good news! :D :D

:ghug: :ghug:
That is such good news!
Poor baby!!!!
It's so great that she is ok.
Wow! I couldn't breath reading your original post. So glad you both are ok
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