tails tails tails!!!!

Well to begin, bloo has a tail, he isnt docked.
He is coming up to 1 year old now, and recently has begun to chase his tail. He ns in circles chasing his tail for minutes, i literally have to physically go up to him and stop him. :(
I know dogs chase their tails but bloo is mad when he does it, he gets angry when he cant it! Is there any way to prevent this? or is it just a doggy thing ?? Im scared incase he gets too dizzy it causes some damage or something :( :lmt:
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Well thats interesting mine have tails and dont do that, have you checked his anal glands or if maybe fleas or something along those lines, sounds like something is annoying him..... Just a thought there, because what he is displaying is not normal.

If he keeps it up maybe a vet check to rule out impacted anal glands or some other cause for his behaviour. In the meantime I would worm him and pop some front line on him if that is not up to date, to see if that makes a difference and to rule that out. :wink:


I've also read they do this out of bordom and then it becomes habitual. Now this is years ago I read this and there may be other factors such as Lisa suggested.

I'd start perhaps writing or keeping tabs on when Bloo does this to better understand the behavior. Is he getting his fill of excercise and time racing around ? I hope I'm not insulting you, just trying to help out. He may have more pent up energy and although he is being walked and excercised, being a young fellow he may need more. We all know these guys are so high energy!

Good luck and perhaps others will pipe up as to what they think is the cause.

thanks for the ideas.
Bloo and the cats are up for fleaing and worming again so we will sort that out weekend.

Bordem... i can sort of understand that. Bloo goes to my nans all day whilst im at school, they dont walk him or anything so that could be a reason. Also i found out today nan teases him with his tail, so i am guessing its through that.

How can i break thhabit.
It's called fun, you aren't stimulating him enough possibly? so he has to make up games for himself.

Archie has fun chasing his - handy when no cats available to chase
Real handy for the cats...

I good way to get rid of pent up energy is tricks and games. Maybe your Nan could do that with him. On really nasty days outside I teach them tricks and then go over the old ones. Like bow, backup, do circles which will be easy for you :) you can just try to get him to do it when you ask. What else did I teach... speak, rollover, hid treats and get him to find them.

Here are a few videos

Have fun!
Summer chases her tail, she does it cos it makes me laugh! I dont think it will harm Bloo, he is a boy, they do crazy things As long as he doesnt bite it hard when he catches it, to serve it right!
How about getting a Treat Ball puts treats in ball then they have to roll it around for the treats to fall out ,

our 3 love it and play with it together :D

:wag: :wag: :wag:
Spacegirl...Awww those are good pups you have! Adorable vid!

My lenny has a tail and he has chased it since i got him at 6 weeks. He gives up in the end because he gets frustrated. He has knocked his head many a time trying to grab it. He is slowly growing out of it. He is only 14 months now.
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