Kitty bite

Okay, so Ecco and Mariska, who are totally buddies :excited: :excited: , got a little overzealous with their play and Mariska bit Ecco on the nose, leaving what looked originally like the world's smallest vampire bite :twisted:. So, Ecco, of course couldn't leave it alone and scratched her nose, opening it up more. So now she's wearing the cone of shame :pupeyes:

So, it's been over a week now in the cone, and the nose still hasn't healed. I've tried using triple-antibiotic ointment, but that seems to be making no difference. Last night there was a very small amount of pus, and the area (about half the size of a dime) still looks red and puffy.

Any suggestions on what to do? I'm worried there's an infection deep inside that is not only keeping it from healing, but also making it itch, which is probably why she's wanting to scratch it so much.

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This is her now:

This is the nose:
Cats have some nasty oral bacteria, so I bet you are going to need to add in an oral antibiotic to to get this under control. Time for a visit to the vets. :?
She still looks happy with her cone on though!
Yep, get her to the Vet, sooner rather than later. Cat bites are nothing to fool with. Can become very serious in a short amount of time.

Ask my dh, who made a few trips to the Dr. for the F.C. who bit him too often.
I agree you need to see your vet. Cat bites turn into abscesses fast.
Ditto to the vet! Also consider shaving off the hair around the wound.....I suspect your vet will want that clear. Wash the wound daily, just water, nothing else that might irritate. When Jack ripped open his nose there was no way to stitch it closed....we just ran water over the wound twice a day.

Yeah, antibiotics for sure.
If it's not healing on it's own, and now forming pus, time for a vet visit. Probably just a staph infection, but could certainly be a cootie from the kitty tooth as well.

Your vet will probably start a broad spectrum antibiotic (Cephalexin is usually the drug of choice for skin troubles), but you might want a culture done as well, in case it isn't susceptible to the broad spectrum antibiotic. Here's why. It takes a week to grow the bacteria in the petri dish, and see what antibiotics kill it. If you start a broad spectrum drug, and try it for a week and it doesn't work, now you are a week behind while the infection grows, and you have to culture anyway. It costs more to do the swab, but it is helpful in cases where you are dealing with a drug resistant bacteria.

It's possible that I subscribe to overkill on this subject, as Oscar is the current reigning king of drug resistant infections, but for me, the $70 extra spent on the culture is well worth it. Then we aren't guessing which antibiotic will work, or wasting time while the infection gets a stronger foothold.

Laurie and Oscar, the Cootie King
Always take cat bites seriously.

A friend was in the process of moving from his house to a retirement condo, but had to stay in a hotel for a week. One of his cats freaked when the maids turned on the vacuum and bit him. Lee ended up in the hospital for a week on IV antibiotics (he should have gone in sooner) and his poor cat ended up at the city animal control shelter (only because they were considered transients because they weren't in their new place yet - they wouldn't even listen to his vet of 20 years).
Please see the vet ASAP!!!! I had a bite from my house cat (by accident!) and within 24 hours it was a full blown infection with a big red streak up my arm from the bite site on my hand. I was in the hospital for 3 days on IV antibiotics. Cats have bites that seal up right away and no chance of bleeding out from the site. So, please be very careful with this. I learned my lesson the hard way and it was painful!!!!!
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