No Sheepiepalooza for us

As if the threat of layoffs is not enough, it has been decreed at my workplace that no one will be permitted to take holidays from April to September. The federal budget will be announced March 29 here in Canada and in the couple of weeks after that we will know the results of the cuts being made. So they decided that, for operational reasons, as they sort through these cuts no one can take holidays. It is bad enough for me, but I feel terrible for the parents I work with-no summer holidays with their kids. Morale has been bad enough lately, but it will be even worse now. I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out a way to attend. Send David to Syracuse to meet up with Mark, and then I fly down? See if Amber wants to rent a big van and David and the girls meet up with them? I can't see him driving 18 hours each way, alone with 3 dogs. I wonder how much it costs to charter a small plane. I am so very disappointed about this. So many of my favourite forum folks attending. So many sheepies to sheepienap. I am going to go cry now.
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:( :( :( :( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm so sorry to read this, so very, very painfully sorry. My fingers are crossed that maybe something positive will happen. I will hope for that, I won't say we will miss you yet :( :( but we will :cry: very much.
Part of me thinks, go ahead, lay me off, then it won't matter if I am not at work...
Im not sure what kind of work you do but have you thought about going ahead and looking for a new job while you still have this one- just a "just in case" plan.

Hope something good comes your way. Was really looking forward to sheepienapping Gracie. :sidestep:
Ryleigh wrote:
Im not sure what kind of work you do but have you thought about going ahead and looking for a new job while you still have this one- just a "just in case" plan.

Hope something good comes your way. Was really looking forward to sheepienapping Gracie. :sidestep:

I am a public servant, so hard to imagine where else I would work, to be honest. And I don't want to quit just in case they DON'T lay me off! I enjoy my job, under normal circumstances. I am going to see how much it costs to fly to St. Louis.
Fingers crossed that something will change (for the better) and you will be able to make it :crossed:

Otherwise you will be sorely missed!! :ghug: :ghug:
oh..Kim~~I am so sorry that you are going through this. I would be great if David can hitch a ride with someone close to you, and then. you can fly down after work on Friday..I am sure I can get someone..or pick you up and take you to the motel We just have to put our heads together and think!!!!....there has to be a way around this....Sheepiepalooza will not be the same w/o BOTH of you AND Mady...and we all have to meet Gracie and Virginia.... :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:

......... :lmt: :lmt: I am thinking.....
Mady wrote:
Ryleigh wrote:
Im not sure what kind of work you do but have you thought about going ahead and looking for a new job while you still have this one- just a "just in case" plan.

Hope something good comes your way. Was really looking forward to sheepienapping Gracie. :sidestep:

I am a public servant, so hard to imagine where else I would work, to be honest. And I don't want to quit just in case they DON'T lay me off! I enjoy my job, under normal circumstances. I am going to see how much it costs to fly to St. Louis.

just remember it is a holiday weekend here in the state so flights might fill up fast.
Oh Kim--I am so sorry you are going through this at work. That is pressure enough and then feeling so disappointed in regards to Sheepiepalooza- :cry:

I am with Val--there has to be a WAY-- check airline flights just to see what the $$ is... David going with Mark sounds like a good plan as it would be tough for him alone with 3 sheepies...maybe Amber coming is a possiblity...

We are willing on our end too--to work out airport pick up or delivery for your return--if Val is busy with event details. Don't give up yet!! We will all think... and surely we can find a solution!

Big hugs being sent your way!

There's still some time between now and then! I'll be praying that things change for the better for you and your precious sheepies (and Dave too of course!)
If David wants to convoy with Diane and I, that would work.
We already have 2 cars. A third would be great. Then we can all sing "Convoy" on the way down.

The trip from Syracuse to St. Louis is about 14 hours but we'll be breaking it up.
Leave Syracuse about 1-2 PM on Wednesday, May 23.
A stop at my ex g/f's house in Columbus, OH to get Zeke about 7 hours into the trip. Probably 15-20 minutes there. Then 1.5 hours to Dayton, OH where we'll stop for the night. We might meet up with Vance for breakfast on Thursday morning (the 24th) and maybe a romp at a nearby dogpark (depends on timing) and then 5.5 hours into St. Louis, arriving at about 12-2 PM on Thursday the 24th.
CamVal1 wrote:
If David wants to convoy with Diane and I, that would work.
We already have 2 cars. A third would be great. Then we can all sing "Convoy" on the way down.

The trip from Syracuse to St. Louis is about 14 hours but we'll be breaking it up.
Leave Syracuse about 1-2 PM on Wednesday, May 23.
A stop at my ex g/f's house in Columbus, OH to get Zeke about 7 hours into the trip. Probably 15-20 minutes there. Then 1.5 hours to Dayton, OH where we'll stop for the night. We might meet up with Vance for breakfast on Thursday morning (the 24th) and maybe a romp at a nearby dogpark (depends on timing) and then 5.5 hours into St. Louis, arriving at about 12-2 PM on Thursday the 24th.

It is something to think about. He can drive, but I would be worried about him coping with 3 dogs and hotels. I would feel better if one person waited with dogs while the other checked in kind of thing.
Wow..sorry to hear this...We were looking forward to meeting the family! I know the wife is going to be sad when she reads this. We will try and keep this unfortunate news from Pru as she would be rather a bit of a basket case if she found out that she wont be meeting up with some old friends! :mrgreen: I hope everything works out for you guys!! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help out in St Louis if yall decide to make the trip!!

Kim, this can't be true!! :( :( :(

I hope there is some way to make this all work out!! :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:

Call me, we can work on this together - I am going to Sheepiepalooza (period). How I get there is still up in the air. I'm thinking of flying because I'm not bringing bossy pants.

Call me...I'm pm my numbers.
Kim, if you fly down, don't worry about getting to the hotel from the airport. There are plenty of us who would love to be your chauffeur.
If David wants to convoy with us, keep in mind that we'll be 4 humans strong with 5 dogs to start with and 6 by time we get to the Lou.
I'm pretty sure we could handle that. :)

When we get to St. Louis, we can take turns watching each others pups while each person checks in. Plus, there will be dog-less people coming in and spouses, too.
OH NO!!! We will figure something out! So sorry to hear all this Kim. I have to see you! I so enjoyed your company last year! ok things will work out. Let's all think!
We are hoping it all works out too! Were really looking forward to seeing you again and meeting the new girls!!!
i feel your pain right now i can;t afford to go got a car that will take the boys but no money to go
If you can figure out how to get Carl off his a*%& and come...I've been trying to convince him that he has a very large van and I made a much longer road trip with just me, 2 kids and 4 dogs in DECEMBER!! (while pulling a travel trailer!)

He does have valid excuses but...geez....I sure would like to see my husband and my bobtails at some point in time.....and Sheepiepalooza is just about half way!

So, do you think we can figure this out? between the four of us we should be able to get all of us and the pups there...if I go and Carl doesn't...I won't have a bobtail!!!!

And I have to have a Gracie kiss....gotta gotta gotta!
Michele - that would be a MOST EXCELLENT plan!! :D :D
sheepieshake wrote:
oh..Kim~~I am so sorry that you are going through this. I would be great if David can hitch a ride with someone close to you, and then. you can fly down after work on Friday..I am sure I can get someone..or pick you up and take you to the motel We just have to put our heads together and think!!!!....there has to be a way around this....Sheepiepalooza will not be the same w/o BOTH of you AND Mady...and we all have to meet Gracie and Virginia.... :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:

......... :lmt: :lmt: I am thinking.....

I agree with Val Sheepiepalooza will no be the same with out you,David and Mady and I want to meet Gracie of course, I volunteer to go and get you at the airport and bring you to the hotel.
Any decisions Kim? We are HOLDING our Sheepie BREATH!!! It smells better around here LOL... :lol: Hoping you can find a way. XO :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Just call in sick :phew: (not collect, though) :go:
We have a big meeting tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. Fingers crossed for me!
My mother is in the same situation as well.

:crossed: :crossed:
Mady wrote:
We have a big meeting tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. Fingers crossed for me!

:crossed: :crossed: All fingers-toes and paws crossed here for you! :crossed: :crossed:
Fingers, toes, paws and eyes crossed!!!
Good luck :crossed: :crossed:

Ugh. So the federal budget will be announced on March 29. Four weeks later, some folks will get made surplus. Those that are left, in another four weeks, will be, for all intents and purposes, fighting it out for the remaining positions. That will be at the end of May, Sheepiepalooza time. Soooo, if I get fired in the first go around at the end of April, Sheepiepalooza is a go for me (well, if money permits, but hell, it might be the last fun we have for a long time). If I get 'circled' for the next round, I really have to be in Ottawa for the end of May. It won't look like I am very interested in fighting for a job if I am not even in the country. Having said that, I still think that we should explore David driving down in a convoy with others to support him (watch the dogs while he runs in for a bathroom break kind of thing) and then I fly in for the weekend. I don't know, part of me thinks that is just crazy talk, to do that when I am losing my job. On the other hand, they are asking for volunteers to leave work, with some incentives for folks who are close to retirement, so maybe they will all leave in droves and there is nothing to worry about!

I feel like my life is in limbo. A rational person would say, just go to Sheepiepalooza next year, but, dammit, there are PUPPIES I want to meet. They won't be puppies next year! Of course, at work I can't complain to folks that I might have to miss Sheepiepalooza. They just give me that look. You know the look, that 'you really are nuts' look. :roll:
What crappy timing...ok, the WHOLE DEAL is crappy. :( :(

If it helps your decision making process, please remember there won't be a Sheepiepalooza next year. The plan was to make it every other year. And next year is basically out anyway, as the OESCA National Specialty will be in St Louis at the Purina Complex in Sept. 2013.
The timing really is a bad thing! :( And it must be very stressful for you going through this whole thing. I hope things work out for you at your job the way you want it to and I will keep you in thoughts and prayers.

Yes I know that look very well- 8O -I am actually supposed to be in Greece with my company during Sheepiepalooza this year. I wanted to go to Sheepiepalooza so I just told them that I had a personal conflict this year. Only very close friends know why I am not going with them to Greece- and even they give me the 'deer in the headlights' :cow: look 8O --then they sigh and shake their heads.

One reason that I made the decision to go to Sheepiepalooza instead of Greece is because of what Dawn said--Sheepiepalooza is only every other year now.

It sounds like you are looking at Plan B and then maybe Plan C--I so hope you all can work it out to be there--We will all help David with the girls until you get there :D
sheepiezone wrote:
We will all help David with the girls until you get there :D

That is the only reason that I can even consider this, is that I know that you will all help him out if he needs it. Heck, even when I get there, we will still be outnumbered. I am hoping that some folks without dogs show up this year...
:wag: :wag: :wag:
I think you should proceed with your plan~~ There are many, many doubles (couples with only one sheepie...although they ARE getting to be a rare breed :wink: :wink: ) they will be standing in line to help David.
And as Dawn said, Nationals will be in the LOO in 2013, which will be very exciting, but a very busy crazy week and not at all like our special sheepie event.

soooo...just post after you make your reservations and the time of arrival, and we will have a welcoming committee waiting at the motel.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
:wag: :wag: :wag:
Don't worry Kim. I'll stick Melissa with Izzie and the Taynado (Taylor) and take Mady off David's hands :hearts: :hearts:
Good luck Kim, it sounds very stressful and I'm sorry you have to be in limbo like this... Whatever you decide to do, and whatever the outcomes with work, we are here. To listen if you need to vent, or to hold your doggies while your hubby uses the potty or eats breakfast at sheepiepalooza. Hugs :ghug:
Breath! Things will work out. I cannot wait to see you, Dave and the girls!
There is a slim chance I'll be in Ottawa mid-April and then be driving back the end of May, stopping in St. Louis for--what else---Sheepiepalooza!! So, there is definitely a possibility of a caravan.
Carl's wife wrote:
There is a slim chance I'll be in Ottawa mid-April and then be driving back the end of May, stopping in St. Louis for--what else---Sheepiepalooza!! So, there is definitely a possibility of a caravan.

Awesome!! :cheer:

I'm going to Sheepiepalooza without my sheepie (too old to travel that far). I will definitely help David with the girls. One can even stay in my room if that helps. So hope both David & You can make it. I need an accomplice for puppy napping. I figure together we can round up three or four cute puppies
Little Lizzy wrote:

I'm going to Sheepiepalooza without my sheepie (too old to travel that far). I will definitely help David with the girls. One can even stay in my room if that helps. So hope both David & You can make it. I need an accomplice for puppy napping. I figure together we can round up three or four cute puppies

What are you doing with the lovely Ziggi?
Grump Pants (or lovely Ziggi) will be going to my brothers. She won't get the same love and attention, but she does like it there because my brother leaves his dogs food down all the time. He has one of those constant filling bowls of kibble. It's kind of like a buffet for Ziggi since I only put food down at her meal times.

Why would you like a replacement sheepie for the weekend if the girls go away?
Little Lizzy wrote:
Grump Pants (or lovely Ziggi) will be going to my brothers. She won't get the same love and attention, but she does like it there because my brother leaves his dogs food down all the time. He has one of those constant filling bowls of kibble. It's kind of like a buffet for Ziggi since I only put food down at her meal times.

Why would you like a replacement sheepie for the weekend if the girls go away?

I just wondered what better offer Ziggi had to be missing the party in St. Louis. On the other hand, it is an awfully long drive for a grown up girl like Ziggi.
Ziggi also get motion sickness, so 18 hours in the car would be horrible for her.
Little Lizzy wrote:
Ziggi also get motion sickness, so 18 hours in the car would be horrible for her.

:( :( And just as horrible for YOU!
Oh Kim, I just saw this post and I'm so sorry...what a terrible time at work it must be for you. If it ends up that you guys don't go, then we'll have our own sheepiepalooza in Ottawa with our pups... and wine! And if David takes the girls without you, then Win would be thrilled too fill in for M, V, and G and give you enough kisses to make up for all 3 of them being gone!...with wine too!!
This is so hard! The timing of these job cuts is interfering with my holiday plans! Is anyone going to be down there with a lap top? If I am 'circled' at work, I have to compete for my job. From what I hear, 50% of us will be circled. So maybe it won't even be me! My boss says that it might be workable if he can at least reach me by email. We don't own a laptop but does anyone else bring one so that I could check my email? From what I heard from the union guy, we will be getting these track record documents the beginning of May and have the month to fill them out. I can't see why I can't do it early in the month and then just bugger off to St. Louis, checking my email when I get there.

So this leads me to think, since the previous Monday is a holiday for us in Canada, I should take that entire week off and maybe even get to St. Louis a bit early. We just don't seem capable of saying that we are NOT going this year. I am doing all kinds of rationalization now. If I hadn't gone last year and enjoyed myself so much, it would be much easier to say no this year! Damn all of you people for being so kind and fun and interesting!!!! :evil:
Mady wrote:
This is so hard! The timing of these job cuts is interfering with my holiday plans! Is anyone going to be down there with a lap top? If I am 'circled' at work, I have to compete for my job. From what I hear, 50% of us will be circled. So maybe it won't even be me! My boss says that it might be workable if he can at least reach me by email. We don't own a laptop but does anyone else bring one so that I could check my email? From what I heard from the union guy, we will be getting these track record documents the beginning of May and have the month to fill them out. I can't see why I can't do it early in the month and then just bugger off to St. Louis, checking my email when I get there.

So this leads me to think, since the previous Monday is a holiday for us in Canada, I should take that entire week off and maybe even get to St. Louis a bit early. We just don't seem capable of saying that we are NOT going this year. I am doing all kinds of rationalization now. If I hadn't gone last year and enjoyed myself so much, it would be much easier to say no this year! Damn all of you people for being so kind and fun and interesting!!!! :evil:

Kim - I will have my laptop with me. :high5:
I travel all the time with it, and I used it last year at the hotel with no difficulty (other than no spare time :phew: ).
See Kim?????? I know there will be people with laptops, and if worse comes to worse, we can take a detour to a house here and you can look at your emails. There is a WAY...when the WILL is wanting it~~~~

And we ALL want you to come!!!!!!!!! :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead:
Mady wrote:
This is so hard! The timing of these job cuts is interfering with my holiday plans! Is anyone going to be down there with a lap top? If I am 'circled' at work, I have to compete for my job. From what I hear, 50% of us will be circled. So maybe it won't even be me! My boss says that it might be workable if he can at least reach me by email. We don't own a laptop but does anyone else bring one so that I could check my email? From what I heard from the union guy, we will be getting these track record documents the beginning of May and have the month to fill them out. I can't see why I can't do it early in the month and then just bugger off to St. Louis, checking my email when I get there.

So this leads me to think, since the previous Monday is a holiday for us in Canada, I should take that entire week off and maybe even get to St. Louis a bit early. We just don't seem capable of saying that we are NOT going this year. I am doing all kinds of rationalization now. If I hadn't gone last year and enjoyed myself so much, it would be much easier to say no this year! Damn all of you people for being so kind and fun and interesting!!!! :evil:

Kim--I will have my laptop with me and I can also bring my ipad so that you can check things while we are out and about. We can keep you in touch! :D
Sounds like a plan. That would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool if you guys get to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kim, I'll have my laptop and you can even check from my iPhone if needed!

I am going to go and talk to the big boss today and see what he thinks. Wish me luck. Thank heavens he likes dogs and, because I live a block from work, he has met my dogs on occasion and they did NOT jump up on his very nice suit!
:plead: :plead: :plead: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :plead: :plead: :plead:

Tell him that we are desperately needing to see the five of you, and aren't too proud to grovel. We will start a letter campaign begging and pleading, send pictures and add him to the Christmas card exchange if that will make a difference :!:
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

All of the forum is thinking good thoughts about your meeting today with the Big Boss!!!!!!

Please post ASAP~~~~(even BEFORE you call David)~~~~~~

:crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :popcorn: :crossed: :crossed:
Good Luck Kim. Would you like me to come down to your office and march back and forth with a placard
:popcorn: Anxiously waiting for great news!
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