Eye Infection?

Hi All,

On Monday, I started noticing green/yellow discharge coming from Harriet's right eye. I didn't think much of it at first, thinking it was just an eye "booger", but its keeping up and increasing in volume. So, I'm assuming its an eye infection, and have her booked into the vet, but the first appointment I can get is on Saturday.

Any suggestions on what I should be doing in the meantime?
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Oh, poor baby....

I would look around in the eye just to make sure I didn't see any debris or something in there.
I would use warm washcloths and just hold it there softly lightly blotting away the yucky stuff. Keep the area very clean.

Sounds like she may just need an antibiotic eye-drop or she got something in it and it is irritating her eye.
Yes, it may or may not go away on it's own.
Warm moist wash cloths work great, and they usually like it, as it feels good.

Our Riley just had some of that on Monday, and I swabbed and removed it several times with the warm cloth...and it was all better on Tuesday! This is something he's never had before, so I was worried. (some dogs just seem to have gunky eyes more often, but never him) We lucked out. :clappurple: :clappurple:
got sheep wrote:
Warm moist wash cloths work great, and they usually like it, as it feels good.


Harriet always has the usual "eye gunk", but this is much, much grosser. I've been bribing her with cookies to sit still long enough to let me bathe it with a warm cloth a few times a day and to attempt to pick some of the nastiness out of her fur. She is generally unimpressed with me at the moment.
Mady has had a couple of eye infections just like this, we always end up taking her to the vet and they give her some eye cream and it clears up pretty quickly.
Baba wrote:
Mady has had a couple of eye infections just like this, we always end up taking her to the vet and they give her some eye cream and it clears up pretty quickly.

Any idea what causes them? I'm trying to figure out if she got scratched or if its something she picked up in the dog park, or while highly unlikely, a side effect from all the tissues she stole from the trash while I had the cold! :lmt:
We're not sure, Virginia had one recently and Amber says it was the first time she's had one (great! we make her dogs sick! :( ). The vet said it might have been caused by "snow-diving", we had a lot of snow at the time and Virginia does like diving face first into snowbanks. Amber doesn't get much snow in Niagara. But I imagine the dog park is still a strong candidate.
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