Man! Have I missed this place!!

Hi, all. I've been away from the forum for about 11 days and do I ever have catching up to do!

My sad tale: I have a bad back, have already had 2 disk surgeries. About a month ago, I fell in our shower. Didn't hurt, which surprised the heck out of me. Apparently it started something though, because when I did some heavy housecleaning 2 weeks ago, I wound up in excruiating pain. Was flat on my back all last week. Went to the family dr on Thursday, who sent me for an MRI. Determined I had "multiple herniated disks." By Saturday night I couldn't take it any more and the feeling was disappearing from my left foot. Ended up going to the emergency room. Talked to the neurosurgeon on Monday and Tuesday, and decided that another surgery was the way to go. Turns out I had a piece of disk that had broken off and wedged behind a nerve. Had surgery Wednesday, and came home yesterday (Thursday)! Yikes!

So now I'm home on the mend. The pain is different but bearable. At least I know there's an end to this one!

The thing that made me the saddest was that I had to miss the Philly picnic last Saturday. I cried and cried over that, and now I cry when I see the pictures! Hopefully Drez will still be with us for next year's picnic!

Now I have to catch up on everything that's been going on since my absence. Wow! You don't realize how much is posted in such a short period of time!

To all new posters - welcome! To all friends who have offered their thoughts - thanks! I am so glad to be back!

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So glad to hear you are on the mend. We really missed meeting you at
the picnic, but better you recuperate! We got a really late start and didn't
get there till around 2! I think we missed a bunch of people.
Sounds like you are mending though, and that's great. Hope it goes
well. Missed you around!

Wow, sounds like you've had quite the ordeal... I'm glad you're back! :) I hope you get well very quickly.... and no more falls!
Get lots of rest... I'm sure Drez will keep you company, probably very watchful of you.....
Welcome back :)
Glad you are back
Good health
Welcome back :D There is no pain worse than in your back, better take good care of yourself...maybe a chef, a maid , a gardener would help you recuperate faster :lol:
Just rest, relax and get better.
Nice to see you are back!!!

We did miss you at the picnic!!! You and your situation were a topic of conversation amongst some of us forum people. So, just be aware that even though you weren't physically there we were thinking about you!!
(Maybe we all should have packed up and driven up to see you. :o )

Hope your recover is quick and we'll see you next year!
Glad you are on the mend!! Please make sure to take it easy..(Im sure you already know this) but just to sound "mom" like...even when you start feeling much better, dont do too husband did this right after his back surgery, and now he is right back where he started...take care and rest up!!!!
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words and thoughts.

Stacey - hopefully no more falls. Stupidly, until I fell, we didn't have non-skid strips on the floor. Why, who knows. Just the stupid thought that nothing could ever happen. Yeah, right!

Shellie and Maxmm - I really felt horrible about missing the picnic! I'm coming next year, even if God doesn't let Drez stay with us that long.

Bestdogsx4 - I have a chef, gardener and maid - called a husband and a daughter home from college!

Darcy - In my head, I know I have to take it easy. But it's so hard to do in reality! I'm sure your husband can relate. You feel so badly before surgery that once you start feeling better, you delude yourself into thinking you can do anything again - WRONG!!

I'm under strict orders to do absolutely nothing for 2 weeks. Guess I'll listen to them this time. Third times the charm, I hope - no more!!!

I missed Drez so much while I was in the hospital. When I came home, my husband went to unlock the house, opened the door and said, "Mommy's home!" As best as she could bound, Drez bounded out of the house and ran up to the car, showering me with all the Drezzie kissies I missed so much. She stayed right by my side the rest of the day. What a sweetie!

In my own words - this, too, shall pass. Thanks, all.

Welcome back Chris!

If it'll help keep you on that couch, I'll send you a box of books and DVDs.

Thanks, Jil! :lol: The "nothing" I'm to do for 2 weeks is supposed to be an equal mix of laying down, sitting, and walking, but the walking is no more than a one block distance at a time. :?

I am reading the latest Grisham book, The Broker, and I bought (about a year ago!) but still haven't read The DaVinci Code, so that will hold me. We've been renting DVDs and they are okay, but even that gets boring. I just can't stand to sit for that long. :x So I just hobble around the house a little and pretend like I'm mobile! Hey - whatever works, right? :wink:

Do you have to wear a turtle shell?
Glad you're back! Isn't it amazing how much you feel like you've missed? I've been outside putting in a new patio all day and I couldn't wait to get done for the day so I could check the forum!
I loved The DaVinci Code! In fact, I read it in one sitting, but I do read fast.

Hey, you could walk Miss Belle! I bet she doesn't move any faster than you, and it wouldn't drive you crazy.

I agree though. That much sitting drives me crazy too. Especially when it's nice outside.

Holly - at least a turtle shell would tell people not to expect too much from me, right? :wink:

Jil - I sure could walk Miss Belle quite comfortably! Could you just picture it? Me, with both Miss Belle and gimpy Drez in tow, shuffling my way down the street!! :lol:

Ha - three gimpy (no offense, of course) girls, all shuffling down the street!

What a visual, huh? Actually, I'd LOVE to be gimpy right about now. Would be a step up for me!!!
So sorry to hear about your ordeal. I hope your are improving QUICKLY!!!!! A few years ago I went through a similar experience and know how painful and frustrating it can be. Take it slow and don't expect too much of yourself too fast. The turtle shell is really hot and uncomfortable so be glad you don't have to wear one. As a nurse, I am a firm believer in "living better chemically" :D so take the drugs they give you and REST!!!
Hope you have a quick recovery!
Okay, I must be missing something here. Is the turtle shell a real thing that back patients wear?? I've never heard of it!

And I agree - science is our friend!! I'm taking my drugs and enjoying the benefits of them all!! I'm resting pretty much, but as each day passes and I feel a little better, the urge to keep on going is getting stronger. Have to suppress that, I know.

My daughter and husband are taking wonderful care of me. My daughter is such a caretaker, said she learned it from watching me. What a kid! Knows how to spread the manure at just the right time!!

Thanks to everyone for your well wishes, and please know that they are so much appreciated. :lol:

Yup, sure is. A turtle shell is a hard plastic brace in two parts, front and back that velcros on. Often used after surgery when there is a spinal fusion done. It is sheer torture!!! Glad to hear you have such good caretakers, that can make a huge difference. :D
It's not really called a turtle shell but that's what it looks like. I wore one for almost 3 months after a spinal fusion and it's not fun. You even have to sleep in the #^%@ thing so you "sleep" sitting up in a chair :( You do get lots of sheepie kisses though :D One word of advice...take whatever your Dr. offers you for meds. I had to take Vicodin and Robaxin for almost 3 years but it helped me a lot.
Holly and Tasker's Mom, thanks for the info on the turtle shell. I had never heard of it, and from the sounds of it, I don't WANT to know about it. Before they decided that my surgery was a third diskectomy, one of the things they were considering was a spinal fusion of the bottom two vertebrae. So glad now that we didn't have to go that route!

Holly, I'm also on Vicodin and Robaxin. The Robaxin is for at least the next 6 weeks, hopefully I can wean myself off the Vicodin sooner. I try to take it just at night to let me sleep easier.

Ain't it a b*%^# getting old and decrepid??? My first two surgeries were when I was in my 40's and I bounced back easier from them. Combination of a third time and age, I guess. :?

Do you have access to a hot tub?? It can be a life saver. I have ruptured 3 disks in the last 5 years (I'm 50 :( ) and found that the hot tube helped my recovery more than anything. Yup it's #$@* to get old. I'm a nurse so I guess it's my destiny to have a bad back but is sure is a pain in the, well, it's a pain in the back!!!!
Hey Chris-
Glad you're back! :D How are you feeling? :?
Thanks, Tammy! I'm not doing too badly, all things considered. Trying to stay as inactive as possible, but when you start feeling better, it's more of a struggle NOT to do things! It's a rainy day here today, so that will at least keep me indoors!

When you're working, the thought of a 6 week "vacation" is fantastic. When you're actually in it, it's pretty boring, at least right now. But at least I'm walking a bit better, so just have to bide my time, I guess. :?

Yes, it is hard to be still when you do start feeling better. Hopefully the rainy day will help and you can relax and enjoy it.

I am glad to know you're walking better!! Take care of you!! :D
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