Week #3 with the new puppy (11 wk old maltese for those who have been on the moon and haven't read my thousands of post or seen the six thousand pictures I've posted). The first two weeks I was a good mommy.......... I manted to make sure that Ty "adjusted" to his new home so every time he wimpered or whined I would rush to him to take him potty and comfort him regardless of the time of day or night. Last week realized that he had gotten into the habit of getting up at 12:30, 3:30 and 4:30 AM and I wasn't getting any sleep. EVERYONE said you have to let him cry it out, put him in his crate and in a couple nights he'll get the idea......... We are on night #4 of HOWLING and I MEAN HOOOOOWWWWWWWLLLLLLLINGGGGGGGGGGGG. Can't believe a 2 lb ball of fur can make as much noice as a coyote. I've tried all the tried and true remedies, ticking clock, hot water bottle, leave the radio on, T shirt that smells like me, with no luck 8O I'm a walking zombie. His crate is in the other room with the door closed and the howling is pitaful. I feel soooooo bad for him :cry: My honey is now sleeping with ear plugs :roll: One of us has to be able to hear if the phone rings or the fire alarm goes off or one of the multitude of pagers in the house goes off (we both take call). Since the puppy was my idea, guess who gets to sleep without ear plugs!!!!!!! I'm sooooooo tired 8O This morning I got up and poor tasker was sleeping with his head UNDER his bed.......

Thanks for letting me WHINE :cry:
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Oh, I feel for you.... I have been so lucky with Dancer and Sky, not a whimper out of either of them... but I have been through it with other dogs.... just about drove me around the bend. I don't even remember what finally worked or if it just stopped.....
It sounds like you are already trying all the things I would suggest... so just hang in there! :) Hopefully other members will have something useful to add, sorry I don't have any advice to offer on this one....
I'm with you. Clyde howled his way right out of his crate-- we finally couldn't take it anymore and brught him upstairs and he's been happy as a clam ever since. Yes, I know I've been defeated by a puppy but I was just too tired to fight anymore :(
I just needed to vent to someone who wouldn't say "I told you so" :cry:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Thanks for letting me WHINE :cry:
Want some cheese to go with that whine?

Hey, you're not alone... things will get better.... or you'll go deaf. Either way. :D
Only if it's low fat or no fat cheese...............I'm a cardiac rehab nurse and it simply wouldn't do for me to be seen eating something with a fat content over 3gms.......................................................... Course maybe I should bag the whine and head strait for the whiskey :twisted:
Anything alcoholic sounds good to me.... who's bartending?
Maybe I should be giving Ty a "bit'o brandy" before bed.................... just kidding :wink:
Actually, you could try rescue remedy?
What is that?
If I were you I'd bring the crate into the room with me, or try a night light for him if he's in the dark and maybe leave the door open. When I raised my puppies the first thing I did as they got a few weeks old was, let them all out for the night to potty, played, pottied again, then back to their 6x6 kennel. Would tell them nighty night, turn off light, close door and not open it again until morning unless I heard noices that sounded like it was an emergency. Sure, at first when their mommy was removed, they whined a bit, but they got use to it. But, they had company and wasn't left alone, and that makes a differance. Volumn is aways louder with one than with 10.

If it helps....Beau is almost 6 months old now and still doesn't sleep more than 4 hours at a time. We got him when he was 8 weeks old. When he whines at 3:00 a.m. I take him out to potty and put him back in his kennel.

I guess I don't really have any suggestions. I completely understand your situation. I have adjusted to getting 4 hours of sleep a night instead of 6 hours.

Good Luck,

Karen and Beau
Tasker's Mom wrote:
What is that?

It is an herbal rememdy, to calm them down, like a very mild sedative. I don't personally know if it really works, but it is worth a try, it can be found at any health food store, and many pet supply stores.
If you just ask for resuce remedy they will know what you are talking about, it is made by Bach's.
For information on Bach Rescue remedy please see my
posts on April 14/15 at medical /nutrition -topic was, separation
anxiety and rescue remedy

Hope Ty settles in soon!!! :D
I was in Agway last night and noticed they had some kind of "plug in" that gives off what is supposed to be a calming scent for dogs. AROMA THERAPY for dogs??????????????? HEHEHEHEH I thought it was funny. Last night was a bit better, he slept til 3 woke but only howled for a few minutes. This morning I woke up before he did so I went to him immediately, I want him to learn that he doesn't HAVE to howl to get let out of his crate. In the meantime Tasker, bless his pea picking little heart, is his usual laid back self, he does make sure he's in the bedroom with us BEFORE I close the door though :D
That sounds like a better night... and you getting to him before howling this morning may just be the thing he needed to have that lightbulb go off in his head that tells him "Ohhhh ok so that's how it works!"
I suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure hope so!
Tasker's Mom wrote:
I manted to make sure that Ty "adjusted" to his new home so every time he wimpered or whined I would rush to him to take him potty and comfort him regardless of the time of day or night. Last week realized that he had gotten into the habit of getting up at 12:30, 3:30 and 4:30 AM and I wasn't getting any sleep. EVERYONE said you have to let him cry it out, put him in his crate and in a couple nights he'll get the idea.........

Have ya noticed how us "mommies" seem to make the same mistakes with our puppies as we did with our babies. lol (Which is not a bad thing, but.................. lol) My puppies taught me just as much about people as they did about dogs. So maybe if you "think kids" it will help teach puppy. Glad you got some sleep.
Mouthypf-sooooooooooo true! In fact getting a puppy was a response to a raging case of "empty nest syndrome" :? So I have no one to blame but MYSELF!!! My "motherly instincts" have certainly been fullfilled :lol: :lol: :lol: We might survive this though, last night he did pretty well again, one brief period of howling around 3 and then he slept til 5:30. I can deal with that!!!

I am also amazed at how well Tasker has taken to him. Tasker was getting to the age where he was starting to "slow down" and act his age. I hoped that a puppy would "young him" and get him moving. HAS IT EVER!! The two of them are really funny to watch tearing through the house. I'm not sure what those of you with two sheepies do!!!! They get along better than I had ever hoped, or actually Tasker tolerates him better than I had ever hoped.

So a little lost sleep is a small price to pay for so much enjoyment!!
Oh boy, can I understand! I have a 2 yr old and a 3 yr old...neither are sleeping through the night yet! They both sleep with me still, so I probably get 4-5 hours a night with them. Then, add Jasper into the mix, and he's still waking up 1-2 times a night to go out, and it goes down to 3-4 hours of sleep every night. My hubby worked midnights last night, and he let me sleep in until 10 this morning. The kids would come into the room every little bit and try to wake me up, but he was pretty quick to get them out. It felt like Heaven! He just didn't make the kids breakfast, and gave them Triscuits and apples to eat, lol Oh well, at least he didn't give them candy. :) He's soon (week after next) going to be deployed for a couple of months, so I won't get chances to sleep in like that for long! I'm gonna miss him!
YIKES!! You win the sleep deprivation contest for sure!!!!!! I'll quit complaining :D Actually Ty is doing MUCH better and I'm starting to feel human again.
Wow Gail... that all brings me back... and makes me glad mine are older... lol.....
I never let mind sleep in our bed though, and only shared a room with them for the first 3-6 months with each, then out of the basinette and into a crib in their own rooms. I am so glad I did that....
Tasker's Mom wrote:
YIKES!! You win the sleep deprivation contest for sure!!!!!! I'll quit complaining :D Actually Ty is doing MUCH better and I'm starting to feel human again.

It's not that bad. Your body adjusts to it. My oldest son was VEEERY colicky (8-12 hour screamfests every single day), so he got me used to this schedule, lol My youngest was a preemie, had apnea and bradycardia, reflux, etc... so I was up watching him all night. We lost our first child to SIDS, so I really didn't sleep much at all the first year of either of our sons' lives. They were both on apnea monitors, but still...I couldn't sleep from fear. Before kiddos, I was a full-time college student and worked two jobs, so I only got about 5-6 hours of sleep a night then. It's probably not good for me, but one day, I'll be able to sleep a full night every night (maybe, lol)!
JakobandBrandonsmom wrote:
:) He's soon (week after next) going to be deployed for a couple of months, so I won't get chances to sleep in like that for long! I'm gonna miss him!

Thank you for serving your country!
Want some cheese to go with that whine?

My 8 year old now says that :twisted: ...too scary.
I would really like to sleep until 8, pluleeze!
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