what would bloo do?..

Bloo is a happy chap, but when it comes to ` oh whos there ` he is very different.

He lies in the passage way in the doorway with his head out the door, and just a fw minutes ago he goes ruff ruff in a super deep voice and starts growling and howling, blo doesnt growl or howl only when he thinks someonme is about, i went out and showed him that its just the children playing on their roller blades. (we have new neighbours on the block) even though i showed him he was adament he needed to go see why they were there..

Im thinking what would he do if he really thought we were in danger, would he rip someones limb off??
Any one else have a guard dog sheepie, i never thought they were made to be guard dogs ?
Bloo lies by he door when its open, mom said he is guarding the flock, when i am home alone with just bloo and he starts doing hiis warning ruffs im terrified, im like `omg who is it ` haha he sure does let you know wos about... he is only 1 (almost) ?? Its really creepy, noone hears bloos scary bark, someone must think i have a rotweiler not a sheepie haha :P If they saw bloo after hearing him bark theyd be in shock haha inncoent oes :P

A postitive is if a burglar came and saw bloo snarling he would definately run off and never try and burgal us again lol :P :P :P

I love my sheepie :) He must love me too :) I feel safe when bloo is around me :)
He always lies by the open door we always thinks its because he is hot, but now im thinking s he guarding the house?!!! :potstir:
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yes, he is guarding the house. Mine still bark at anything that walks along the fence.....or overly large truck. Cars are too common to bark at any more.

I like the idea of him being taken outside to see the kids.....and maybe interact with them, if he is calm. This way he learns what is common and acceptable.

Let him continue to be loud with strangers, but also teach him to "turn it off" at your command. This way plumbers or other household repairmen can safely enter.

Don't assume Bloo won't attack......sheepdogs do and will attack. Many groomers will not take OES because of bad experiences. Any dog, no matter the breed, is a potenital biter.
Bloo is doing his job and very well from your description.

When we had our big boy Bentley, I always pittyed anyone who would even try to do anything to our house, especially to Jen. He was VERY protective. Funny story - we had an ADT Security salesman come to the the door one day. He started into his schpeal and the whole time, Bentley was standing just in sight. I stopped the guy after a bit and told him we didn't need anything he had. He asked if I was sure. I let Bentley come closer to the door and he started growling. Then Zoey decided she needed to show her displeasure too. It was then that I said so long as I have these two, I think we're good. The ADT guy actually agreed.

Good boy Bloo!!!

Vance, one the saddest cases I've read of a guy who broke into someone's house and shot the sheepdog so they could steal items w/o the dog snarling. The dog did not die immediately due to blood around the house. So don't assume your dog(s) will be able to defend your property. Not all are disuaded by a dog.
Sam, our first big dog was a sheepie cross called Polly. She came from Woodgreen Rescue as a tiny puppy. She was so placid, so good natured, the kids could do anything with her. I used to take her, and my then yorkie Misty, for a long walk down a wide alleyway a street away. Polly loved it down there I let her off her lead, no cars, and lots of nice smells. There were people about but not many. I used to speak to this old man and Polly used to let him make a fuss of her. One day I tripped and the man came rushing over to help me up, Polly was 20 or so yards in front. Suddenly there was this large snarling barking dog come rushing to protect me! Luckily I got to my feet and caught her. She was fine when she realised I was OK, but it just goes to show, she would have bitten him. :wag:
Ziggi barks and growls at anything that moves in the front yard...real or imagined. I have a pizza delivery guy who won't come to the door until I put Ziggi in the front powder room and then he will walk up to the front door and deliver the pizza. Leave her out and he will turn away and drive off with the pizza.

Now Ziggi may bark tough but then she hides behind me. She would probably help a bugular carry the expensive stuff out of the house.
Violet was my first dog I adopted when I moved to Florida. I spent a lot of time by myself while my hubby was getting establised with our business, so any time someone came to the door, I trained Violet to answer the door with me. She knows to stand right next to me and I don't have to say anything to anyone, they get the message. Even 9 yrs later Violet always comes to the door with me and pushes past the Aussies to get to her rightful position.

Violet also always lays over all the doorway in which ever room we might be in, which can be inconvient trying to get to the bathroom during the night.

All three of my dogs are friendly, but when Workmen come into the house, sometimes they ask me if the dog is friendly and I always tell them "you never know because they are animals after all." I do this on purpose just incase they have any grand ideas. lol Asia usually scares them because of how big and black she is. lol She also likes to roll her r's.
My first sheepie Simon was a sweetheart around people and kids. He was very loyal to me.

He was up in age and having more difficulty walking, back legs not working as well as they used to. I was in the front yard raking leaves with my husband and Simon was resting in the grass watching us. My back was to the road so I did not notice a strange dog enter our yard behind me. All of a sudden Simon jumped up, ran across the yard, practically draggin his back legs. He ran behind me to protect me from this unknown dog. We just looked at him in disbelief cause we had not seen him move like that in a long time.

My husband was convinced, Simon would have died trying to protect his mom, me.

Thank goodness nothing bad happened, we shooed the dog off our property.

I have felt that same kind of loyalty from our next sheepie, Cooper.
The few times that Mady has done the scary sheepie growl and bark, I found out the next day that the corner store, five houses down, had been robbed. The last time she did it, last week, was at around 1:30 in the morning. The next day I asked the guy at the store if anything had happened at 1:30 a.m. He showed me a picture from the security camera of a guy robbing the store at that time. Now what the heck do I do next time? Call the cops and say that my dog is growling, check out the Quickie Mart?? The corner store guy asked if, the next time Mady does this, we could at least call the store and make sure the clerk is ok. I didn't know Mady had it in her but I no longer take my big fluffball of a girl for granted!
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