The saga of my poor Jeep

First a pole jumps behind me as I'm backing up and I bend the thingy that holds the spare tire on. Then I'm backing out of the garage and WHAM my mirror hits the side of the garage and breaks.

At work I park in a parking garage and you have to twirl your way down to get to the street. So as I'm twirling my way down I hear something. Hmmm, I haven't hit I put on my brakes to slow down and WOW, thats some neat grinding noise. Turn down the radio and now as I roll along it sounds like something is dragging on the inside of the right tire, right in tune with the wheel turning. Get down to the street and put the brakes on again and yep its definitely a grinding noise.

Now what??? I call dh and as I'm telling him whats wrong my phone dies. Oh yea. So I drive home, grinding everytime I apply the brakes. Dh meets me outside and says take it right to the dealership and he'll follow and pick me up.

The guy behind the counter asks me if I can re-create the noise and we hop in my Jeep and I don't even get out of the parking lot and its making neat grinding noises. The guy says maybe its wheel bearings or maybe its this or that and all I hear is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

So now my poor beleaguered Jeep is in the hospital and I'm jeepless.

Oh yeah, as dh is waiting he orders another mirror to replace the one I broke.
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Mine did it just like that and it was the brakes. Apparently something in the caliper was hanging up and wore my brakes to nothing. It took 2 sets and 2 repairs, but the 3rd time was the charm.

AND as they got the caliper to malfunction the 2nd time, it was 100% covered by my extended warranty!!
:excited: :excited: :excited:

Good luck...and I got my mirror replaced last is good. :phew:
It's definitely brakes.
Probably a caliper slider froze and kept one of the brake pads applied against the rotor, wearing out both the pad and the rotor.
They'll probably want to replace the calipers, rotors, and pads.
If it's the rear brakes, they may want to replace the parking brakes shoes as well.

Expect at least a $500 bill.

I loved my Jeep, but after 175,000 miles it was starting to live up to it's nickname: Just Empty Every Pocket. Church deacon has one with 250,000 miles and still going strong.

Eventually things wear out and need to be replaced. This, while inconvenient, it's a deal buster. Should have many more years.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Sorry, just one more thing huh.
Got the call early this morning. Seems my Jeep needs "four" shiny new brakes.

I was worried yesterday that I wouldn't have a Jeep come Monday when I have to go to work. I just got the call to say its ready :) the tune of $750+tax :( . The down side of owning a vehicle.
Simon's Mom wrote:
Got the call early this morning. Seems my Jeep needs "four" shiny new brakes.

I was worried yesterday that I wouldn't have a Jeep come Monday when I have to go to work. I just got the call to say its ready :) the tune of $750+tax :( . The down side of owning a vehicle.

Hoping it included the mirror too!! :crossed: :crossed:
normal wear and tear. :cry: At least it wasn't transmission or engine!! Yeah, hope that includes the new mirror!!
New mirror is extra. Dh is going to install that. I don't understand why I can't keep the black duct tape on it and when it gets warmer just glue it all back together :)
Simon's Mom wrote:
Got the call early this morning. Seems my Jeep needs "four" shiny new brakes.

I was worried yesterday that I wouldn't have a Jeep come Monday when I have to go to work. I just got the call to say its ready :) the tune of $750+tax :( . The down side of owning a vehicle.

Actually, that's not bad for both axles. It's at a Jeep dealership?
What exactly are they doing for that price?
They have fancy duct tape now!!! You could do purple, hot pink... Or zebra stripes!!! :wink:
Sorry to hear of your jeep trouble. As Long as it gets you to sheepiepalooza, right?
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