Gracie's poops and diarrhea

I'd like people's opinions. Gracie has had on and off again diarrhea the past few days, and it's been really strange because she would have bad diarrhea in the morning, then nothing all day, then perfect poops in the evening and over night, then diarrhea in the morning again. It's been like that since Friday. This morning her poops were great again, but Kim just got home to a disaster, she had explosive diarrhea in her crate, and 3 more times outside. We went ahead and made a vet appointment for 5 p.m. today. But I was wondering if anyone has experienced something similiar where it's been almost on a schedule. :|

Up until Friday, Gracie has had the best and most consistent poops :(

Now I have to worry about two of my girls :|
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Eating anything different? Even the snow?
Increased the amount of food?

Just throwing some thoughts out. :lmt:

I hope she feels better soon. :hearts:
poor Gracie~~~

David...are you feeding her from the table???? I know how pathetic they can look, sometimes is it impossible to resist giving them a taste.....

Hope she gets a good report at the vet~~Keep us posted...

That is the opposite from what I am used to as the day progress the poops get softer sometimes. Both my dogs had diarrhea more than not. So I started feed raw and it works for me. Langley went on raw about a week after he came to me. Sometimes I find it gets better with age.(the pooping) :lol: He at times has soft poops. But Laika has firm smaller than a cat poops. His are getting there. Oh the poop worries.

I found a person that packages it up with a meal plan. Pretty much bone product one day organ, meat parts the next. I bet you have tons of options where you are located.

I am spending more than I used to when I did it myself. But I couldn't find most of these products where I live. So I gave in. I am not sure what it would cost for two dogs at 80lbs on a good kibble. It costs me about $200 month to feed them.

But it isn't for everyone I realize. Something to research. There are lots of human grade dog foods out there now too.

She is a baby I think it takes awhile for their little systems to get going too. But good to go see our vet just in case.

Sorry that is my raw food rant for the year. I keep it to myself usually. Just like when someone is a vegetarian. Some talk forever trying to make you come over to the veggie side :lol: I try and not be that person. But I just love the raw diet.

It was my vet that recommend raw by the way. Which is rare I know most vets aren't into the raw diets.
Be sure to take a stool sample with you. Ya never know. Maybe she has found a stash of something somewhere. Or stuffing from a toy? You know how "busy" a pup can get :rimshot: Poor Baby :kiss: :kiss: :hearts:
We have been very strict with food, though she has been able to sneak a bit of adult food, not a lot though. Absolutely NO treats or scraps. One thing, we do have a couple of "pine bushes" in the backyard, which we've been having trouble keeping her away from.

If you look at the larger picture you can see one in the middle, we don't have as much snow now.

But I haven't found any needles or anything else in her poops. :?
I hope you get an answer for Gracie's tummy problems.

We too are trying to keep a firm poop situation here too- and are very strict with the right food--but I too have worried about all that he finds to nibble outside--from the pine bark--to the magnolia leaves--to the unknown things he roots in the ground and chews.

Will be anxious to know what you find out.
Here's a weird question...does she have gas that would melt plastic?
Mady had fairly soft poops for the first month or so, the vet had us put her on probiotics which helped. I was expecting the same from Gracie, but her poops have been awesome until now. :cow: I will share what the vet finds/suggests. And no she doesn't have gas.
That's good. I know if one of mine has the silent but deadly thing going on they probably managed to find themselves a nice, frozen poopsicle :evil:

(where's the barf bag emoticon?)

When Simon had those it was Giardia(sp).
Generally speaking, Oscar has firmer stool in the morning versus the evening. Diarrhea is simply that the stool has not been in the digestive tract long enough for much of the water to be absorbed. There can be a myriad of reasons: parasites, overgrowth of bacteria, food intolerance, overactivity, etc. It seems really odd that she would have the worst of it in the morning.

I would suspect a parasite, or bacterial issue.

Sounds like she's not vomiting at all, which is good, as you have to worry less about dehydration. Is her tummy rumbling?

Laurie and Oscar
No her stomach is not rumbling, the only symptom is the explosive diarrhea...

She's as bouncy and playful as always, and eating/drinking normally. Kim did not feed her at lunch because she was worried about her being left alone in the afternoon.
Frankie was like that when he was young
Same thing, we would come home at night and he would have exploded in his crate. It was kind of funny, smart boy he is. He would put his butt up against the crate sides, and poop outside of the crate all over the carpeting.

Normal poops in the morning and explosive later in the day and night. But never having to go outside extra times at night.

One time at the groomer he exploded all over the other dogs when he was being groomed :roll:

The only thing I ever found to work was dog food with extremely high fiber, and always adding a spoonful of pumpkin to his meals.
Chicken and rice or just rice never worked either. Just made them worse.

Hope Gracie is better soon.
Lisa Frankie and Mattie
I thought possibly a parasite as well, especially with the unseasonal weather here. Her stool was tested 2 weeks ago and it was negative. My inkling is the bush she has been chewing on.......looking forward to hearing what the vet says.
Glad to hear that the tummy seems quiet. I'm still guessing parasite or bacteria. It could also be an imbalance of the normal gut flora as well. You probably want to keep the other dogs aways from her stool, just in case.

Oscar has had Giardia, Clostridium Difficile (commonly known as "c dif"), and E Coli infections, all of which cause explosive diarrhea, so I know how much fun it is. :roll:

Laurie and Oscar
Mad Dog wrote:
That's good. I know if one of mine has the silent but deadly thing going on they probably managed to find themselves a nice, frozen poopsicle :evil:

(where's the barf bag emoticon?)


Ah yes...the only thing worse is when they decide to throw it back up unexpectedly! :sidestep: (We need a gagging emoticon).
Poor Gracie, glad shes not feeling badly. Will keep fingers crossed that it's nothing serious and....passes quickly :sidestep:

I know that's not really funny, given the situation but I couldn't let it pass!!!
Update on lille Gracie...I don't think is he ate something that got tsuck she would continue to have all those poops - especially the good ones in the afternoon. Pups an pick up some giardi or other parasite pretty easily. Let's see what Vet says. I think the most serious problem with loose poops, etc in a pup is the chance of dehydration...

Hope nothing too bad and she feels better soon!
Gracie's poop came back all clean again (as it was at her vet appt a week ago). They tested for Giardia and Parvo ( :twitch: ) just in case, all negative (THANK GOD!). There is nothing obviously wrong. Basically our vet is thinking we got a bad bag of dog food. This is our 2nd bag of puppy food, we got it last Sunday, she started having diarrhea Friday. We have this special food, some meds, and Fortiflora. So good news I guess, we'll be tossing that bag of food out.

P.s. I realized I just posted about "clean poop". Well, that's my life now :D
That vet appointment was stressful. I am happy that she got a clean bill of health but why the heck would she have perfect poop for weeks, and I mean perfect, then suddenly the food is the culprit? I blame that bush in the back that she has been chewing on. I think it is a dogwood, if I remember correctly. I hate the idea of switching foods based on a few episodes of bad pooping when she had 3 weeks of great pooping. She is a puppy, so lord knows she can, as much as we try to prevent it, get into things she shouldn't. I TOLD her to stop eating my little trees and bushes! Would you guys switch food based on this?
Mady wrote:
That vet appointment was stressful. I am happy that she got a clean bill of health but why the heck would she have perfect poop for weeks, and I mean perfect, then suddenly the food is the culprit? I blame that bush in the back that she has been chewing on. I think it is a dogwood, if I remember correctly. I hate the idea of switching foods based on a few episodes of bad pooping when she had 3 weeks of great pooping. She is a puppy, so lord knows she can, as much as we try to prevent it, get into things she shouldn't. I TOLD her to stop eating my little trees and bushes! Would you guys switch food based on this?

Well, you could get a new bag and see if it makes a difference. If it does, then you could pretty safely assume something in that other bag is just not good.
If you think the bush is possibly the culprit, spray it with something like bitter apple or even a mixture of red pepper with some water so it sticks to the bush. Good luck
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