Oscar the poodle/Goat has been add it again

Oscar is at the vet office tonight, he got into something again, looks like he ate one of that bones made out of string I think are call booda bones or soemthing like that.

He started not wanted to eat Sunday and having the runs very bad, so we took him to the vet this morning and she is doing some xrays and have him on fluids, she will tell us in the morning if he is going to need surgery again.

I dont know what to do, I never tought that he will eat one of that thngs, he never pay attention to them before, we are going to have to take all the toys away from the dogs so Oscar the goat don't eat them.

I hope he will be ok, because after this surgery I am puting him to work on something to help to pay the vet bills !
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Oscar, Oscar, Oscar, you have to learn to eat only approved for dog consumption items.

Your Mom will go broke, your health will go to the ...... erm, cats and your canine companions will not be happy if they lose all their toys.

I hope you are feeling better and that this passes without too much veterinary intervention. :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Poor you, sometimes you wonder if they'll every learn.
Oh No :( :(

Keep us posted....hoping it will pass and poor Oscar won't need surgery! :crossed: :crossed:
:crossed: :crossed: that all is ok with Oscar. Keep us posted.
Well, Oscar is in surgery, doctor say that he will be ok, he has something in his stomach and of course has to come out.

I told the doctor to put a dipper on him so next time it will be easy and cheaper.

I will keep you posted, he should be out of surgery in an hour
Poor baby. Don't you wish they could understand when we till them not to eat that.
Hopadogmom wrote:
Well, Oscar is in surgery, doctor say that he will be ok, he has something in his stomach and of course has to come out.

I told the doctor to put a dipper on him so next time it will be easy and cheaper.

I will keep you posted, he should be out of surgery in an hour

I'm so sorry, Monica, though I have to admit I had to chuckle at your commentary and sense of humor surrounding his affliction. As one who has seen evidence of the goat gene herself... :roll:

Hope he makes a smooth recovery. I presume hoping he'll have learned his lesson is too much of a leap, but I'm willing to give it a go. 8)

Oh no...crazy Oscar!!

Well, I'm hoping he has learned his lesson.... :crossed: :crossed: :lmt:
:hearts: :hearts: Poor little boy, Oscar. :hearts: :hearts:
P.S. What is a "dipper"? :?
dogmom wrote:
:hearts: :hearts: Poor little boy, Oscar. :hearts: :hearts:
P.S. What is a "dipper"? :?

Sorry I meant to say "Zipper" or better yet Velcro strips.

The vet call and he is doing ok, I on my way to see him, he has to stay with the vet until tomorrow, but he will make a full recovery.

I don't know what to do to prevent him for eating stuff that he shouldn't, any Ideas?
dogmom wrote:
:hearts: :hearts: Poor little boy, Oscar. :hearts: :hearts:
P.S. What is a "dipper"? :?

I'm guessing it was just a typo for a zipper?
:oops: Now I get it :oops: Oscar will be so happy to see you , Monica. :banana Let us know if he has a zipper or velcro. :ghug:
Oh Monica, I'm sorry about poor Oscar! Hope he has learned his lesson. What will his fur siblings do without their toys, chew on him :!: :!: :!:
Oscar made out of surgery fine, he has a incision about 8 inches long in the middle of his belly.

Hi will stay in the vets office until maybe Thursday depending on how he is doing.

part of the problem was that he had the most of the stuff in his stomach and the other had pass to the intestine, so it was not a easy thing to clean.

the good thing is that he made it and he is in his way to recover

Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts.

He did not got Velcro or a Zipper :( :( so we are just going to have to watch him like a hawk every day
So sorry about Oscar. A wonderful sense of humor is great to have in situations like this. Good thoughts to you guys.
I'm glad Oscar is through the surgery and now he can heal up.

:cheer: :phew: :phew:
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