Chylothorax Update- That Dog Bumble's Doing Well :)

Just an update. Don't panic at the length... just the first half is the update! :lol:

We had to leave Bumble at MSU on Wednesday for a progress check. They repeated x-rays later that day and surgically removed his chest port yesterday. All went well and we got home early yesterday afternoon. Below are notes from Bumble's doctors...

Thoracic views: This radiographic study is compared to one dated Dec. 14, 2011. Compared to the prior study, there is slightly more dorsal displacement of the ventral lung margins by soft tissue opacity in the pleural space. Thin pleural fissures are again noted, and the one between the right cranial and caudal lung lobes is slightly wider medially on the ventrodorsal projection. The access port and tube are again noted in the right thorax. The pulmonary vasculature is normal. Diagnosis: Slight pleural effusion.

"...Overall, we are thrilled with Bumble's progress! Bumble's thoracic radiographs revealed that he still has a slight amount of pleural effusion. The PleuralPort was aspirated, and although it appeared functional, no fluid could be evacuated from the thoracic cavity. Given Bumble's clinical status and the possibility for the drainage catheter to lead to the development of mild fluid accumulation, we elected to remove the PleuralPort device..."

If, at any time, Bumble appears to develop signs of exercise intolerance or increased respiratory effort, he should be reevaluated. At rest, Bumble's respiratory rate should be less than 40 breaths per minute..."

"...No further recheck is needed if Bumble continues to do well. However, it may be beneficial to have thoracic radiographs repeated in 2-3 months to monitor the status of the pleural effusion..."

His energy and endurance have been wonderful and his breathing that of a normal dog. He's currently in a 10-14 down time to recover from the port removal. I think we're all still cautious... we are only 3 months post surgery... but it's looking more like MSU's #9 Chylothorax repair using this surgical approach has been successful. :D

So many have helped us get to this point...
* Thanks first to God for allowing us more time with this beloved boy.
* Thanks to the doctors and students at Michigan State University for their kindness, skill and exceptional care. The experience has shown me how blessed we are to have quality teaching hospitals.
* I don't know who actually developed the surgical approach Bumble had but bless you!

thoracic ligation + cisterna chyli ablation + subtotal pericardectomy

*Thanks to the Morris Animal Foundation for sponsoring a clinical trial on the surgical treatment of chylothorax in dogs... along with all the patients, families and doctors/researchers who played integral rolls in establishing a better way to treat this awful condition. Without the work done, I don't believe Bumble would be where he is today in his recovery.
* Thanks to Norfolk Vet Products for sending me the free practice port for my vet to use when she was having problems evacuating his implanted chest port... it and the remaining straight huber needles were donated to MSU yesterday and included your company's name and number as the contributor.
*Thanks to my son Chris for all the trips we made down to MSU... early mornings and late nights on the road... it's a 3 1/2 hour drive each way in good weather. Yesterday’s road trip was from 5am-1pm. Hoy... "Free Beer & Hot Wings" on the radio most of the way AND I SURVIVED IT! 8) :lol: And to my husband for holding down the fort by himself during the times I had to be away.
*Thanks to Embrace Pet Insurance for paying a good portion of the bills! Chylothorax surgery and aftercare= $8,409.18... Embrace paid $6,715.05. There are $914.24 worth of recent bills, including Thursday’s surgery, still pending but I know they'll cover the approved charges.
* And thanks to the dear people here on and FB for your support... you helped me cope with a serious health crisis with your kindness and compassion. This is a wonderful community of sincere and caring people. :hearts:


I still cannot say Bumble is "cured"... only time will tell but for now he's doing WONDERFUL. But there's some outdated information online that gives a bleak prognosis. This is an bad condition but there appears to have been advances in chylothorax surgery in just the past 5-10 years maybe? Someone in the know may be able to tell us more. Below are more encouraging links in case someone lands here searching for hope...

The Morris Animal Foundation
"Comparative Clinical Trial for Surgical Treatment of Chylothorax in the Dog" ... trial.html

"Clinical Trial for the Treatment of Chylothorax in the Dog"
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison ... /index.php

Purina Pro Club Hound Group Update Vol. 5 No. 2 July 2007
"Researcher Aims to Establish New Surgical Protocol for Chylothorax" ... te0707.pdf

American College of Veterinary Surgeons

I think this is what we faced with this condition... a waxing/waning, "percolating" condition as described by one vet, that had been going on for some time...
An abnormality within the thoracic duct has been suggested as a possible cause but although this is a factor and may be demonstrated, particularly in the younger animal, many of the dogs may reach middle aged before they develop clinical signs. The possibility that these same dogs may have had a mild effusion for many years and have coped without demonstrating any significant severe symptoms to bring the matter to their owner’s attention is always possible.

Bumble's chylothorax symptoms- Lack of endurance or exercise intolerance; lying down when outdoors; "Breathes labored at times... I think there is physical discomfort." and "discomfort breathing" is exactly what I told doctors that saw him in January and February of 2011. He would cough only occasionally... head down with a hard "hack" like attempting to bring something up... there would sometimes be a bit of white froth brought up. His chylothorax is termed "idiopathic" meaning there is no known cause. Unrelated to this condition, he has also dealt with recurring staph infections/pyoderma since August 2009... a food allergy is now known to be a big contributing factor but he likely has another allergy that cannot be determined through testing.

The following is difficult to look at but I think important to share. Note that he had been under the regular care of veterinarians... the waxing/waning of symptoms, his ability to "look good", but also a seldom-seen-by-vets condition delayed a diagnosis in my opinion. This is not about blame... it's about learning so we can do better.

Previous videos from February 2011... they had been shared with vets...

Jim and I specifically asked for a chest x-ray upon seeing this and took the videos in for the vets to view again. Note he had 2 liters of fluid in his chest cavity.

But this had been him playing with his purple pumpkin just 3 days before, the night of those videos and the day we headed down to MSU for the diagnosis-

It is said to be a more uncommon condition in dogs except for a couple of breeds. Vets in general practice do not see this condition very often... two had seen it just once in 30+ years... two had never seen it in their 20+ years. Bumble's and my journey through his health problems, from a pet owner's perspective, can be found here- and also on at this address- viewtopic.php?f=9&t=35289 . Sharing it because there was little detailed information of what others have gone through when I searched for reassurance that my dog might live... maybe it will help someone else. If there is one thing I would do different it would be to have demanded a chest x-ray back in January/February of last year... go with your instincts.
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Bumble must just have the biggest heart to go through so much and keep on being so adorable despite it all. Wonderful news that he is progressing so well. :ghug: :ghug:
That's wonderful news and I hope all the follow up checks keep showing improvement.

You have been thru a lot with Bumble, you are just as amazing as all the people that have helped you.
kisses to bumbles :kiss:
Well done Bumbles....xxxxx from Summer :wag:
That is wonderful!!! Lots of hugs and kisses to Bumbles :hearts:
Gentle hugs to that sweet boy.
That is wonderful news!
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

I am so glad to know Bumble is continuing to be ok, and even improve.
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

He's is such a darling boy and I am in awe of how everything and everyone came together to save him.
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

I also really appreciate the medical information although I hope never to need to know this personally.
Please continue to keep us updated (with pictures!) about your amazing boy and your entire sheepdog family.
Great news! :ghug: to both of you!
Great news, Jaci! He's so lucky to have ended up in YOUR family! :hearts: :bow: :go:
Awe... Bumbles. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
He's a fighter......just loves living with the pack and doesn't want to leave.
Just having an official diagnosis lessens the burden. Prayers for Bumble's continued uneventful recovery.
good news about Bumble! I just want good news all around always!
I'm so glad Bumble's port removal went smoothly..and hoping his continued recovery continues just the same!

:go: :go: :D :go: :go: :D :go: :go: :D :go: :go: :D :go: :go: :D :go: :go:

Sadly, Bumble was put to rest on August 27, 2012 after a chylothorax recurrence. He had a second surgery at Michigan State University... there was a very brief remission but in the end they were unable to stop the leak of chyle.

Bumble's Chylothorax Journal
It begins at the bottom of each page-

10/15/11 to 11/21/11
11/22/11 to 02/07/12
02/10/12 to 06/23/12
06/30/12 to 08/27/12

Bumble will forever be greatly missed... he was our once in a lifetime boy.
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