Anal gland removal

My Mo (3 yrs) is going in for anal gland removal surgery tomorrow. He's only been with me two weeks (rescue jack pot :clappurple: ) but apparently there was a history of infections and impacted glands. Anyone have experiences of what to expect post the removal surgery?

I'm a bit nervous as my first OES had surgery and did ot survive the following night. I know that her situation was significantly more acute and medically complicated, but the rational reasoning doesn't always quiet the nervous worries amd 'what ifs.'

.....afraid I won't have nails left by tomorrow afternoon.... :pupeyes:
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It is a somewhat risky surgery, in the fact that if you damage the nearby rectal sphincter you get loss of bowel control.
We had a fellow basset rescue member have this surgery on her dog. It was successful. It was about 5 yrs ago. I do remember that it usually is considered a last resort (based on the risks) after all other treatments are tried.
Good luck to Mo tomorrow-- :crossed: :crossed: hope the surgery is successful.

:ghug: :ghug: to you--
My Maggie had that surgery last year after years of enduring a squishy anal gland that was always bothering her and would never empty. It was even getting hard for the Vets to empty it. I was so nervous about it -- and particularly the risk of bowel incontinence - but it went fine. My Vet said it is much safer if they only have to remove one gland because even if they nick nerves, the other side should be sufficient to control the bowel.

Post-op, I needed to keep the area clean with a warm, damp cloth and apply some ointment. I think I had her in a Bite-Not collar -- I don't really remember that part.

I am really glad I got it done because it is no longer a problem and it used to bother her nearly constantly.

Is your dog having both removed? I will be thinking of you. Any surgery is scary. Will be looking for good news.
Any word on your baby yet?
I keep looking too. Hoping all went well!
Hope it was successful and she'll be home soon.
Thinking of you guys and wishing you well with the surgery! :ghug:
Hoping all went well with the surgery today. Thinking of you and Mo. :wag:
Aaaaawww i feel so supported finding all of you thinking of us! First off: all is well. Surgery went well and we are back home. The big guy is O.U.T. His surgery did not take place until in the afternoon so he's still sleeping away. I got home and he would not budge so had to call my nephew to run over to carry him in with me. :)

The vet said that one of his glands had so much scar tissue that it was challenging to find the duct which they use to fill the gland in order to identify the whole gland for removal - sounds like a good thing it is out now....? They did remove both glands, given how much trouble there has been with the left one. I'm guessing preventively took both so that the right one doesn't feel pressured to catch up! Heh.

Boy I'm glad this day is over (I'm sure my boss is too since I pretty much got nothing done all day... :twitch: )

I'll report back with further recovery news. Thanks again for all your good vibes and thoughts!!!

Hooray! I've been checking too, hoping for good news. Sounds like your vet knows what he was doing. I hope the recovery goes smoothly and that your big guy can enjoy his wonderful new home with you.
:clappurple: very good news!
Glad the surgery went well. Guess it was a day full of surgeries and every sheepie came out of it alright! Hope mo has a speedy recovery!
Yay! :clappurple: :clappurple:

Now on to an uneventful recovery for Mo!!! :clappurple: :clappurple:
Glad Mo is home and sleeping comfortably.

Hugs from us.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
This has been a stressful few days with our forum family. I know many of you are the same way, but I really do fret about my little furry forum friends. I don't have access to the forum at work, so spend my time texting David, who does have access, and asking for news. I hope that Mo recovers quickly! :ghug:

My OES was a rescue, as well. Wondering the streets of Colorado Springs last June.

He was very sick with this same problem for about two months. But I have seen worse with a much older doggie.

Vet visit last week revealed no problem in that area, he just would like Tristin to loose 10lbs! He was 92lbs!!! Up from less than 60 lbs just last June. So, I've cut back on feed about 1/3, slowly and with NO treats save milkbones, for his teeth.

Hope your OES recovers fully and has no future problems 'back there'.

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