Any Star Wars Fans Out There?

I'm so exited... Finally we'll get to see final movie of the second trilogy.

I remember my parents took me to the theather to watch the original star wars movie, I wish I could take Lennon and Sofa with me to the theather. :lol: That would be something.

Anybody out there is exited about the upcoming movie too?
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Can't wait for the new Star Wars movie, mostly for my 10 year old son who has been a total Star Wars fan since he first saw the original movie, he has all sorts of Star Wars stuff, and he wishes we would've named our sheepie Chewbacca instead of Max!! I, too, remember standing in a super long line with my sisters and dad to see the first Star Wars movie, I was about 12 and I never realized that someday my own kids would be so excited over this movie!! Love your avatar, that would make a great Halloween costume this year :lol:
We are all Star Wars fans at my house. Especially my 12yr old son. We
had the original trilogy and he loved that, but... He
begged for the gold trilogy when it first came out, and he was pretty
young then. There is a series of Star Wars books, which he has read
most of and loved. We also used to play Xwing on the computer and then
Tie fighter came out! I must admit it is one of my favorites. :oops:
We have had a few movie weekends, and that is fun. We have all 5 and
we get a weekly update on how many days till #3 opens. I think, despite
what I have heard and read, this will better than 1 & 2. Can't wait! Our
little theater is already sold out for opening day. Thats ok though, since
we will have to go on two days because I don't use a baby sitter. The
little one is still just too little to take to the movies. I went once when I
was 8 1/2 months pregnant, and boy did the baby dance! I think that
may have marked him for life! :wink:

Wow... One of my earliest memories is when I was 3 years old and I watched a TIE fighter explode on the screen after the escape from the death star. At home I have both trilogies, the original and the gold one.

My desk is beginning to get cluttered with all the star wars toy's I've been buying and the ones Danita gave me for my birthday. Darth Tater is a really cool Mr. Potato Head!

My theathers are also sold out for the opening night. We'll wait until the weeked too.

I wish I could have Lennon wear Dart's helmet for halloween, then Sofa could sport some buns for Leia's hair, but I don't really see that happening... They'll probably chew off their costumes :(

This is soo cool... Finally we'll get to see how did Anakin turn into Darth Vader... Do you think they'll show the construction of the death star?
Huge Star Wars fans here as well...our kids are too young to appreciate the story, but they like the action.

Cute helemt Saulmur 8)

Where can I find a Potatoe Darth Vadar?...Parker LOVES to play with Mr. Potatoe Head. Except this time I will get it for hubby as a suprise gift.
Try looking REEEEEAL hard at target and walmart, you may get them there for a nice price. Danita tried at every toy store here but could not get them, they're more of an urban myth. :?

For sure, you'll find them at eBay for a decent price. Try this link to get an idea of the prices they are going for ... turnedZ300
Okay that is adorable...I am on the hunt :lol:

We don't have Target here, but we do have ToysrUs and Wal-Mart...between the two I hope to find it.
Your new avatar is really cute Saulmr! Beau might let me put it on him, but he sure wouldn't wear it long!

My nephew is a huge Star Wars fan, too. He turned 9 years old last Friday and every toy he got for his birthday was a Star Wars item. His Dad, my brother, has promised to take him opening day and watch as many times as he wants! (Secretly my brother is hoping they don't start showing until 7:00 p.m. - LOL). :lol:
Cute avatar :)

My sons and hubby LOVE Star Wars. Jakob turns 4 on June 8th, and he's having a Star Wars party. My hubby says it's so weird how everything was about Luke when he was Jakob's age, and now, everything is all about Vader.
Two of the guys in my husband's band are huge Star Wars fans. They were competing to see who could get their tickets first. They are both going opening night.
One of the guys has almost every Start Wars figurine released. He buys them 2 at a time. One to keep sealed in the original packaging and one to play with. I'm pretty sure he and his fiance have Star Wars sheets on their bed and wear Star Wars PJ's with the trap door in them!
I'm also a huuuugggeeee star wars fan. in fact, I've taken my birthday off (May 20th- 3 more days!!!!) more to see star wars, then because it's my birthday! I always say, it is AWFULLY nice of Mr. Lucas to put Star wars out on my birthday everytime, just for me!!!

One of my earlier memories is going to see Return of The Jedi- I remeber really liking the Ewoks- what little girl wouldn't like 3 foot tall walking, purring, chirping teddy bears, anyways? I think I even askede my mom if she could GET me an Ewok- but they only had stuffed ones- I wanted a PET Ewok!

Let see- I've watched the originals umpteen bazillion times, I skipped school( the ONLY time I was actually a naughty delinquent!) to watch the theatrical versions when they brought them back to the theaters in the mid nineties, I was one of the first people to own the Episode 1 DVD (because I worked at a video store), I even used Star Wars to start dating my husband!!!

I cannot wait till the last one comes out!!! Hooray!

And Saul- I wonder if they make kitty sized helmets? Or maybe Princess Leia or Queen Amidala hair extensions... hmmm........

Karen :)
My office is next door to the Ziegfeld theatre in NYC and for weeks now there have been tents pitched as well as the Starlight foundation--It's funny to see Stormtroopers guarding the movie theatre...even funnier to hear them talking to each other. Sounds just like they did in the Ep 1 scene on the bridge with the tractor beam power down.
I liked star wars as a kid, but not a lot. I thought the remakes so far have been well done, but I can't convince my kids to watch them, they're just not sci fi buffs... but neither was I at that age.
Hi there, Ste and I are going friday evening. We are huge fans. luv Pepe
I'll say that Star Wars is more fantasy than science fiction. The story of the first trilogy is a great one, and most of the kids I've shown them to are always delighted with the universed depicted on those movies... I couldn't care less for the prequel trilogy, and if the revenge of the sith is no good, I'll probably will tell my kids they were made by some guy and then change the subject to the first ones... :?

jsmarcus, that must be a fun view from your window, those stormtroopers gotta look cool... ever tried talking to them? Danita is going to make an Obi Wan hood for my Mr. Potato Head, once that's done I'll pose him with my Darth Tater in a fighting pose or something.

Iriskmj, the ewoks were cool, We've been watching the movies at Danita's request so she can refreshen the story, and she's always asking when are the ewoks going to appear :lol: How is that thing that you used Star Wars to date your husband?? Did you dress up as Princess Leia?
My son and I are leaving tomorrow for Star Wars Weekend at MGM Sudios at Disney World. Unfortunately, there aren't going to be any "big" stars attending due to the movie coming out. Two years ago the actor who played Wicket was there. Graham is a big fan (me too) and we have been stocking up on the new toys. He laughed so hard when he saw Saul's avitar....he's trying to come up with something for Samantha!
Haven't seen the Darth Tater yet, I hope they will have some at a toy store at DWD.

Have a lot of fun there! I'm sure you'll have plenty of stuff to see and buy at the stores... I wish we had some of that stuff closer, the greatest news here is a couple of guys camping out at the largest teather :?
Hi Saul-I aim to please; here's the story with me, my husband, and star wars...

At the time I was managing a video store in our local shopping mall. Mike (my hubby) is a HUGE dvd/video lover. He had been coming in to the store on a regular basis since he had come home from Basic Training (in the National Guard), probably about 6 months... I was instantly smitten, and had been flirting with him, sending out the "I'm available" vibes the ENTIRE time he'd been coming in to the store, to no avail. He never asked me out (I heard from him later that he'd thought about it a lot, but never got up the guts to do it).

Well, the dvd for Star Wars Episode 1 was coming out in the spring, and Mike had reserved a copy of the DVD for prepurchase. He had not, however, received the promotional item (a gift card) that went along with the reservation. So... I finally worked up the nerve, called his home, and invited him in to the store to receive his card. When he came in, I gave him the card, and asked him if he would like to go out on a date (The first and last time I've ever asked a guy out!). He instantly said YES! and our first date was on Leap day 2000.

And that is how Star Wars helped me start dating my husband!

Karen :)
Cool story, Karen! I love to hear people's stories about how they met their spouses and good "how we got engaged" stories. :lol:
So has anyone seen it yet???
Was it good?
Any spectacular parts?
Would you go see it again?
Does it tie in well with the first two and last three? In other words, does
it explain the whole Darth Vader thing and tie them all together?
Very curious on anyone's take who has seen it now!!

I'm :oops: to say I've never seen any Star Wars movies.
My family and I saw the movie today and all enjoyed it, it was action-packed. Although, even though you know Anakin turns to the dark side, it was very sad for me to watch it all happen, all the "what ifs" kept swirling in my head, it was great to see everything that leads up to the first movie.
Hi tthere, been to see it, excellant answers all the loose ends. Cannot wait for dvd to come out so much happening you miss bits. wonderful adventure, action,sad bits to. Strange feeling when you come out of cinema its sad to think it is the last one its always been there. have to admit we will miss it. luv pepe
Back from Star Wars weekend at Disney. It has really gotten out of hand, too many people...apparently there was a stuffed "Darth Mickey" for sale and the wait was over 2 hours to buy one. One employee said that there was ohly 1000 for sale, but then I heard 3,000 and then 5,000. Who knows? We didn't get that, but got the trading pins that are exclusive for the weekend. They did have Darth Tater for sale, but it was a 2 hour wait to buy anything at the attraction. So I got one on E-bay. My son was more interested in the new game Atackticks or something. There were game boards set up with people who could teach you how to play it (which is a good thing). We are going tomorrow to see the movie.

We went and saw it Friday, and it was AWESOME!!!! Very good, very sad. The story line really reels you in and makes you care about what's going on. And naturally- it's beautiful to look at. One scene in particular- a battle scene on a forest planet, is so beautiful- I wanted to stop the projectionist and just admire everything!

I highly recommend it to anyone who even sort of enjoys sci-fi fantasy!

Karen :)
I now, officially, feel very old!!

We went to see the movie and afterwords I was in the bathroom at the theatre and what do I hear? A gaggle of teenage girls who proclaimed, "That was pretty good, now I want to see the rest of them! How many are there?" As if that wasn't bad enough, another replies, "those are so old, who cares!?!"

I'm going to go lay down now.
Maxmm wrote:
I now, officially, feel very old!!

We went to see the movie and afterwords I was in the bathroom at the theatre and what do I hear? A gaggle of teenage girls who proclaimed, "That was pretty good, now I want to see the rest of them! How many are there?" As if that wasn't bad enough, another replies, "those are so old, who cares!?!"

I'm going to go lay down now.

o_O...Kids these days.. :roll:

I loved Ep III..saw it the second time yesterday. I rate it as best of the prequels with I coming in second, and II third. I'm a huge Star Wars all the movies all the time. :D
Well... Finally I got a chance to see EPIII, and I really, really liked it. I'm also a great starwars fan, and I'm lucky to have had the chance to see all of them in the teathers (Gee... that means I'm getting old).

Go see it if you haven't yet!!
My husband saw it last week, and he said he was disappointed. I'm not sure if he was disappointed in the movie or disappointed because it was the last.
Have not seen it yet, but am already disappointed that they didn't get James Earl Jones to do the voice of Vader?! Just read that on Yahoo..... :cry:
Probably the only thing that dissapointed me was that in some parts, the story moves way too fast... but it would've ended a 4 hour movie if it was not that way.

Vader speaks just a few lines with his helmet, so you really would not notice James Earl Jones missing.

I think it ties up very well the events that happen in the old movies, and you really realize why everyone fears Vader. I would agree that this one is one of those movies that suck you in with the story, it's really worth seeing it. Too bad there will be no more Star Wars movies any more :(
That's not true!!! Mr. Jones is definitely the voice of Vader when the mask goes on- it's kinda spooky... But then, it always was! (And if he's not... then pooh on me, but it sure sounded like him!)

Karen :)
I'm pretty sure that was Jones' voice in the new movie. Why not make more Star Wars movies?, they could chronicle the childhood years of Luke and Leia.
personss wrote:
Why not make more Star Wars movies?, they could chronicle the childhood years of Luke and Leia.

I dunno abut that one. It would be cool to see their childhood years and another story called "Shadows Of The Empire" into a movie, but then I'm already upset by the rumors that there will be a TV series about Star Wars, I feel it will cheapen the series, but what do I know? I'm just a star wars nerd. :lol:
Hi Saul! There actually have been a few tv series(and many TV cameos) based on star wars. There was a cartoon back in the eighties, I think about the original 3. Recently, Cartoon Network aired a set of very short cartoon about the Clone Wars. The 80's cartoons were pretty hokie(sp?), but I really enjoyed the recent shorties. They were action packed, showed alot of the minor Jedi characters, and were drawn well. The only bummer is they were unable top get any of the real actors to do the voice-acting, so no one sounds quite right... but they're pretty close. It's a fun view, and they are now on DVD. You should be able to take a peek at them at your local video rental store!

As for a live-action tv series, I'm a little sceptical too... I'm not sure Star Wars would be as much fun on the small screen... Does anyone remember that weird spin off (I think it was a movie) about the 2 kids that landed on Endor? That was so strange...

Karen :)
Of course I've been checking out the Clone Wars on Cartoon Network, and I have a few action figures from that series right on my desk! Even Danita tought those were cool, it's packed with action and you get to learn a lot about the backstories of many of the movies characters. Is the full series coming along on DVD?... I think I need to make up a holiday where I can get a gift... :lol:

It was 2 movies actually... ugh :P They've been showing them all week on our local cable this week. Danita loves the ewoks, but I could not care less for those movies.
Now that you say that- I do remember the 2nd one. You're right, neither of them were very good....

The animated shorts are coming out in 2 DVDs. The first one is already out, this cover the first "season". It's a lot of fun to watch them all at once. the second volume isn't out quite yet, but it's coming soon...

I'd love for them to do an animated version of "the Shadow Empire"! I'll bet they could even get Mark Hamill to do Luke, as he does a TON of voice acting. I don't think a live version would work, as all the actors are getting older, and how in the world would you re-cast Luke Skywalker or Princess Leia?!

Isn't it fun to talk to another Star wars geek (meant affectionately of course!) I'm a closet Trekkie too...

I think we might be frightening the other members though....

Karen :)
Iriskmj wrote:
I think we might be frightening the other members though....

Karen :)

Uh-huh!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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