keeping bums clean

ok I have a question for all of you bum lovers out there. Most of you keep your sheepies hair on the butt long and fluffy, how do you keep poop from sticking to it? :oops: :oops:

I keep Ryleighs shaved pretty short because I feel like Im always having to wipe it. My husband says she looks like she has a bamboos butt. :lol:

He also says Im not allowed to clip her myself for the next several months because he doesnt want the other sheepies laughing at her at Sheepiepalooza! (I forgot to put the guard back on after cleaning the blade and she has about a 5" strip shorter than the rest :oops: )

Luckily her hair grows fast so it should be good by May. :crossed:
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All mine have had the strip. When DH has the clippers it becomes a bulleye 8O

I know most hairy butt dogs get a regular wipe......and if things stick, a washing. I don't think PAM would work...... :wink:
Trim with scissors, not clippers. You can leave just enough to ensure modesty, but take off enough to ensure cleanliness. It's trial an error till you get it to look OK, but it grows quickly so in a couple of weeks you can always even it out till you get the hang of it ;-)

It's a rare dog who will have anything stuck back there if you keep it short, but too short is, hm, not pretty, no. Have gotten a bit carried away myself from time to time :mrgreen:

We buy baby wipes in bulk...
When the occasional loose poop hits, I find a dry paper towel, then a squirt of spray and another paper towel works best.
Tried wipes (as I had them handy with grandkids), but they didn't work as well.
That 1st grab with a dry wipe seems to do best :wink:

Thankfully, we have a good dog food rotation that agrees well with tummies here, so it's a pretty rare occurrence where poop is an issue.

And a good trim does wonders for when you need it. Scissors only, never a shave.
Most of the time Mady is fine, we do have it trimmed fairly short around "there", but it's not noticeable at all. Sometimes she'll need a couple of baby wipes, and sometimes it's easiest and cleanest to just pop her in the tub and hose and shampoo around there.

My girls have very clean butts as a rule! :lol:
thanks all. I guess Ill get back to wiping bottums. :wink:
Oh and I should point out, Kim has never cleaned a sheepie butt. It's apparently my job only! :evil:
haha Good for you though! My DH would puke if he had too.. He has such a weak stomach when it comes to poop and throw up. :lol:
Baba wrote:
Oh and I should point out, Kim has never cleaned a sheepie butt. It's apparently my job only! :evil:

Yes, it is your job only and from what I see it is your ONLY JOB!! :evil:
I just keep the hair around the rectum shaved close. You need to keep an eye on it and keep them clean. I also use wipes on the bum if there is any leftover poop when they come back in. It works!!
I just used scissors and cut around that area and below/above. I am by no means experienced in this sort of thing but it looks fairly normal and the issue only occurs when it's the nasty kind now haha.
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