How to shave around her face?

Well - we made a choice - we need to shave Momo. We really wanted to see if everything would be alright and if she could take the heat when it was cool outside and keep the air on... she is absolutely boiling anyway. :(

I'm a little depressed about it - but she'll look cute anyway I'm sure. We're going to shave her probably this next weekend when Brad can pick up a hair trimmer with the guards.

How do you trim them around the head and face? Should I just leave her face alone and go for a mustachio look? I just don't want to go for the lion cut because I think it looks terrible. :? Should I put her in a hold to make sure she doesn't run her head into it? (She has done this with a dryer before so it makes me wonder).
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I can't wait to hear an anwser to this one...We just shaved murphy down except for his head and chest. He was getting a bit cranky so we stopped there until we could figure out the best way to proceed.

I compleatly agree that the lion look is NOT the way to go ;)
It depends what length you cut the body. If the body is cut at 3/4 inch then cut the head 1 to 1 1/4 inch also cut the legs 1/4 inch longer than the body, it makes them look the same for some reason.

So head 1/4 to 1/2 inch longer, legs 1/4 inch longer. The mustach is personal preference, it can be anywhere from the head length or longer.
I'm very surprised a pup needs to be shaved down? They just don't usually have the density of coat an adult does, and I was wondering why you think she is hot? Usually plenty of water and a shady place to be is enough, especially for a puppy....
She isn't old enough to really encounter any matting problems so as long as her coat is brushed to the skin to make sure lots of air can circulate and also, very importantly, the hair between her toes should be trimmed right out to allow air circulation there too. Ear plucking helps as well, since nose, ears, mouth and paw pads are how the dog keeps cool.
If you do shave her down, it's up to your how it's done. I just shave everything, that way it's nice even growth all over. I think it looks nicer than patches left here and there too anyway, but that's just me. :)
Willowsprite is right. I wouldn't think you would have to cut her before 6 to nine months old at the earliest
Last summer while I lived in DC, my guy was 5 to 7 months old and survived the heat and humidity. Lots of water was key. Also air conditioning, his own personal fan he could lay in front of and the tile floor helped him a long.

He def. slowed down a bit outside, but he would still run around enjoying the day. Just need to keep an eye on them so they don't run until they drop.

In my experience, they are pretty resilient dogs.

Maybe get a slip-n-slide!
I realized that she was hot when she was looking absolutely miserable the other day, even with all the water just laying there on her back trying to be confortable. I'm sure you guys can tell when your dogs don't feel right - and it just started getting past the point of no return last night.

I was warm (and I'm used the weather) and pulled off my blanket last night. So even with the air on I got a little warm. Unfortunatly for her, she can't take her "blanket" off. :(

She also puts her paws in her water bowl and jumps into the lake to cool off (moldy... icky... stain your white dog brown water).

We don't have much tile in our house - probably only in three places and she can't really just lay there without supervision. I also really don't want to spend most of my day sitting in a bathroom or the kitchen. :lol:

I guess I just feel sorry for her. Just recently she started looking like she was about to die (being dramatic) no matter how much water she gets.

Anyways - thanks for the tips. We'll probably only give her a little shave (nothing too short) - enough to have her cool but not enough to give her a sun burn.
You know, I've never met an oes puppy who didn't love to flop on their backs to sleep.... at least some of the time....
No - it is hot and humid - and she was sprawled on her back looking horrible. I've seen her sleep on her back before - it was a lot different.
Roger's Dad suggested Chris Christensen products in another thread. I ordered a few things including Ice on Ice. It is a leave detangler and finishing spray AND in contains sunscreen. I'm using this more for the sunscreen this summer time as she is sporting an extreme puppy cut. Her coat does feel soft!
There are special mats that are water cooled........such as Miracool Mat (check There are other types as well.

Do you think trimming down the belly would help as it allows the cooler floor to contact the skin? You could try on the abdomen, below the rib cage and it wouldn't show too much if you leave the sides long.

Around here, MO is zipped from nose to toes mainly because she can't stay out of the sprinklers or irrigation ditch in summer. New sheepdog, we'll see. He came shaved. Harry has naturally short hair, but being black, he's solar heated so stays in the shade, under a bush during heat of day.

For those of you with humidty and heat, you may have to dedicate a room as the supercool room and add supplemental air conditioning or add a fan, just for the dog.
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