Still don't know

I told you guys I'd keep you posted as to whether or not we had to move or if Kaj found a local job in our area.

He's gone through numerous recruiter interviews - one is ready to make him an offer and that is Montreal. Housing is less expensive than it is in Vancouver and moving the animals (while nightmarish is doable) but I really don't like cold winters. (no offense to Montreal people as it's a wonderful city but my skinny body hates the cold.)
It's still with the same company so getting his work visa continued would not be a factor.
It may with another company who might not want to go through the expense of hiring him regarding the work visa.

Lisbon(Spain) (same company) also expressed interest and Pitbulls are allowed there providing they have gone through extensive phychological evaluations by a government vet in order to be allowed into the country. I can say with confidence I know Snoop would pass - as he's had extensive training since 13wks and went for his CGN last year, thankfully it wouldn't be Panda he's testing! I'd also worry about Gilligan making such a long trip at his age.

Urg only 4 more days to go before we have to give our answer. I'm crossing my fingers, toes and legs that perhaps an offer will come in where we live and I won't have to move. Again, I'm adament and thankfully he's in 100% agreement - we don't move unless all the animals are coming with us.
(Although realistically he may have to move first and I would follow eventually) More blaaaahs!

Today all the recruiters are meeting with the former employees and we'll have a better idea of where we'll end up.
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Waiting is so hard! Keeping fingers and paws crossed it all works out the way you want it too! :crossed: :crossed:
Such a tough decision!!!

Good luck and I'm confident something good and feasible will work out for you ALL!

:roses: :roses: :ghug: :roses: :roses:
Such tough decisions. Yes, Montreal is a superbly cool city, but its winters can be very cold.
:crossed: :crossed: that all works out.
Really hoping things work out for both of you and the fur-kids. I'm sure you're a nervous wreck, I would be.
I was hoping it was all a bad dream.........but guess not. Prayers and good wishes with you and your family.
Fingers and paws crossed that it all works out well for you.
I can't tell you how it warms my heart to hear you saying, in effect,
that there will be no animals left behind. Not that I would ever expect to hear that from anyone on this list, but I find it shocking how many folks on this planet there are that are willing to toss their pets aside for no other reason than they have become inconvenient.

I think you will somehow wind up where you are "supposed" to be.

Linda Zimmerman
I commend you on searching for solutions that will allow you all to stay together.
Hoping the best plan for the easiest move will soon present itself!

Fingers and paws crossed for everything working out !!!!
Thanks everyone for the positive messages!

Oops I made a mistake when I put Spain behind Lisbon as that's in Portugal. They too expressed interest as did Barcelona , which is in Spain . The company has offices in both places as well and both have a severe criteria allowing a Pitbull (Snoop) into their countries. However, as I've mentioned before I am confident Snoop would have no problem passing the test.

He did get some positive feedback from Seattle as well, which if we had to move to the US I am hoping that would be the place as it's only 4 hrs away and moving the animals would be easier. I also know many people involved in animal rescue whom have offered to help transport them should we have to move there.

I have no doubt that the majority of people on here would do the same thing for their's just that we have so many of them. :D

Today a crowd of teens I work with gathered around and asked if I'd heard anything. Another staff person whom only comes in on Thursday and overheard the conversation and found out the news for the first time commented , that she would just give the animals away and move to Paris. I responded that by refusing to give up on beliefs that I felt strongly about made me a good role model as whatever it took I would not back down .

All the kids agreed with me, :roses: :roses: :roses:

I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

You make a good role model for those kids. Hopefully if/when they ever have to make a decision like this, they will think of you and what you are going through and make the "right" one.
Having moved trans-atlantic numerous times with the family menagerie growing up, it's really not that big a deal. Though it can certainly be expensive based on the sheer number of animals you have. But even my 15 year old poodle travelled well. You may simply need to split them up into groups and only send/travel with so many at a time. Just take a deep breath and you'll get it done if that's the way it goes.

Once the decision is made and you can start making actual plans one way or another you'll feel better. It's the not knowing that will get to you. There are some exciting possible destinations on that list - it could turn out to be a great thing.

:crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Whatever you decide will be the right decision!!!!

:ghug: :ghug:
Wishing you and the whole family all the best , If what goes around comes around is true .. then you will find all will be great cause you have been an angel in so many animals lives
Montreal can be cold but, on the plus side, you would be two hours away from us, so we could actually visit and cuddle the chickens and the rest of the gang!
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