Bad reporting on our breed & others

Women trying to get owners of pedigree dogs to give false statements about there breed and gets banned from cruffs. I think she has tried this on a few oesd owners & most clubs have been warned in the UK. They have said they she will send a person to take photo,sat Cruffs. Trying to get her name & anyone knows about this story
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There is a certain category of people who are totally against purebreds, I imagine they are pretty active in the UK with things like that "Pedigree Dogs Exposed" film. Of course there are terrible "breeders" and breeding practices that exist and should be stamped out. But it is the great tragedy of humanity, every single human endeavour or behaviour has a horrible segment.

I totally can't stand fanatical (and usually sickening hypocritical) PETA-types who essentially want the extinction of dogs and all other domesticated animals.
I do agree. PETA needs to take their money and use it for s/n clinics While there are puppy mills and bad breeders There is a place for the pb dog. Good breeding not random I have a friend that goes nuts if you think of going to a breeder. Even in doing rescue I tell people get a rescued/shelter dog OR go to a reputable breeder go to that breed club of america and see the breeders go to a dog show and look at the breed and talk to breeders Often they can't wait and go to a bum breeder and it dosen'tturn out as well as they thought.
Too often, when I mention Benson came from a breeder, the person I'm chatting with seems compelled to mention that they only adopt rescue dogs. As though I'm somehow less than humane because I researched a breed, interviewed breeders, and spent my hard-earned money on a wonderful, healthy puppy whose background I know from day 1.

By the way, I spent the last 25 years caring for all kinds of unadoptable "rejects" from my old vet practice. I've lost track of the times I've had IV bags hanging from my ceiling at home from all the nursing care I gave my rescues. Between cancer, Cushing's disease, kidney failure, diabetes, heart murmurs, and on and on and on - don't give me attitude about "rescue" versus "breeder."

Aaah, I feel better. Rant over. :phew:
Same here Diane.

We had our first Sheepie who was a rescue for a short 2 1/2 years before he had succumb to bone cancer and we lost him way too early when he was only 7 years old. When we decided to get another to come into our home with our second, another rescue, we chose to buy a puppy from a breeder so we knew we'd have a much higher chance of having this dog around for a great long time. We wanted to remove the risk of not knowing the dog's background.

We'll probably get another rescue at some point as they do make great pets. I recommend everyone who I talk to about looking into rescue dogs, regardless of the breed they're looking at. I did this just Monday night with a guy who stopped by to buy my welder...

10 out of the 12 cats we've had over the years were rescues. I think it's safe to say we're doing our share, and then some. I'm sure that Jen and I are not alone here either.

Jonsey wrote:
Too often, when I mention Benson came from a breeder, the person I'm chatting with seems compelled to mention that they only adopt rescue dogs. As though I'm somehow less than humane because I researched a breed, interviewed breeders, and spent my hard-earned money on a wonderful, healthy puppy whose background I know from day 1.

By the way, I spent the last 25 years caring for all kinds of unadoptable "rejects" from my old vet practice. I've lost track of the times I've had IV bags hanging from my ceiling at home from all the nursing care I gave my rescues. Between cancer, Cushing's disease, kidney failure, diabetes, heart murmurs, and on and on and on - don't give me attitude about "rescue" versus "breeder."

Aaah, I feel better. Rant over. :phew:

I don't get it too often, likely because we have a whole pack here and they are a mixture of rescue, pet and show quality dogs.
I really try to stress the value of all animals, and most importantly - what you do with the dog regardless of it's "roots" after you have it as part of your family.
got sheep wrote:
I really try to stress the value of all animals, and most importantly - what you do with the dog regardless of it's "roots" after you have it as part of your family.

You said it perfectly. :high5:
We actually got turned down by a rescue as I wouldnt have Tia, who is my dog and not anything to do with the rescue, spaded - she just over the year and so I wanted her to be spaded after she was around the 2 mark. However, I decided to breed her when she was three and a half.

I did have a go at the rescue telling them they were playing God, as the people they needed to tell to get their dogs spaded were indeed the puppy farmers who ended up with deaf and blind puppies. But of course they wouldnt and they saw those that show their dog as horrid - as I often point out a dog wont be shown if they dont enjoy it.

rant finished!
Parwaz wrote:
Women trying to get owners of pedigree dogs to give false statements about there breed and gets banned from cruffs. I think she has tried this on a few oesd owners & most clubs have been warned in the UK. They have said they she will send a person to take photo,sat Cruffs. Trying to get her name & anyone knows about this story

just creeping in to put my two pennys worth in :-)

hope you can find this persons name and maybe what they look like so we can be on our guard at Cruffs,
we must also be on our guard and not leave our dogs alone at Cruffs and to watch any one trying to get to near our dogs Just in case!!

i have had a few remarks said to me when out walking our dogs ,("oh i dont agree with how pedigree dogs are bred and showing")
just know they have seen the programs on TV with there false statements , I just reply with sorry but i am still going to show my lovley dogs who love showing :-P , well words to that effect,

Val xxxx
:tea: :wag:
I don't think she will be going to cruffs but she will try & send someone. The problem I think is people taking pics of your dog & putting false statements also trying to misslead the owners plus they could take a pic of your dog while your away a do somthing to the dog/bitch & take a pic of the dog so it makes your animal looking bad & I am still trying to find out her name. As I am new to the breed also showing & don't think the dogs are unhappy showing. They get to meet other dogs/bitches also like myself you get very good advice how to groom & look after your dog/bitch
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