Some crate training questions

Right, so my routine for putting George to bed at the moment is to put him in his crate with a tasty treat that he will focus on for a little while, and I stay in the room with him or leave for a minute or so to set down the rest of the house for bed time (lights off etc) so I can go straight up to bed myself.

When we first got him he wasn't too bad going down to sleep, but once we had to start crating him in the day, any time he was crated he'd FLIP OUT. He's not too bad now, but I have to sit with him until he falls asleep. I'm still trying to find the best time to turn the light off, my mum says I should do it straight away but then I can't see when he's settled down to sleep.

If I don't sit with him until he's asleep, he'll bark and whine very anxiously and claw at his bedding and bite the cage and basically scream :lmt: He was hearing me leave and creep slowly up the stairs (when I stayed with him until he fell asleep) and started barking but he'd settle down after about a minute.

A couple of days ago I decided he would wake and bark anyway so a waste of time spending ten minutes climbing the stairs :lol: So I purposely started walking up them and he didn't even wake!! I figured maybe he knows the sound of walking up stairs whereas creeping up them might make weird creaking noises that might freak him out.

ANYWAY - I'm only spending about half hour settling him down which is fine. But I wanted to know what kind of progress I should be making to get to a point that we will live with :lmt: me and my mum stopped flushing the toilet at night as not to wake him but then we realised he was gonna have to get used to hearing it so we started flushing.

Any other progress I should be making at this point? He fidgets a lot at night, (well, when I'm sitting with him) is that normal? How will I know if he can't get comfy? and how do I tell if he's too hot or cold?


Just for good measure, here is a picture of me and the monster taken about an hour ago

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Pretty much about the same. :))))
About settling comfortable at the crate.

Such a cute puppy you've got here :)
And I just replied in your topic!! :lol:
Kayleigh, how is it going with crate training?
It's going well, thanks. I stay in the doorway for about five minutes and that seems to be enough. I give him his peanut butter treat that means bedtime and turn the light off and he gets the message.

he's sleeping through most nights too, until around 8am when he knows my mum gets up for work and gives him breakfast. He was a bit unsettled for a couple of nights but I think he had a poorly tummy. I think he's mostly better now :plead:

How's it going for you?
Im no way a expert on this as Max is our first sheep dog ever, but I must have done something right in the process, when we got max he was only 12 weeks old and after a week of pure hell (house breaking amoung other things) I went and got two things an electric collar and a crate. he is now 5 months old and we havent had a accident in the house and his behaviors both in the house and outside the house are very good. Now about 7:30 I open his crate and tell him its bed time and he goes right in, now he does bark if he has to go outside and up to the time we go to bed we take him out . but after we go to bed we dont hear a whimper out of him till breakfast time. Not sure if its Max or just the way we decided to train him, but either way I sure will take it. lol lol Good luck all of you. :wag:
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