Greetings from the Midwest!

Hi there! I just joined this site because I love OES's. I've always grown up with dogs, mostly sheepdogs. Right now I'm trying to train my 1 year old OES, Maggie. Right now we're in advanced obedience but hopefully within the next month or two I'll have her tested for Therapy Dogs International. I think she'll be a great therapy dog...she's always so happy and she absolutely LOVE the hugs and affection.
Truthfully, she's dumb as a bucket, but she's such a love that I don't care. And sheepdogs aren't always the brightest crayons in the box! :D
But anyway, I'm really interested in the psychology of different they think, how they learn, history, etc. I think knowing about the breed really helps when trying to train the dog.
I love to train dogs. I've helped my mom's Golden Retriever and my sister's OES get certified for TDI. I'm also working with our 8-month Goldendoodle (she's very smart, but she tends to use her powers for evil! :) ).
I've noticed that Maggie is a bit more independent because of her breed history (the herding dogs are bred to work independent of the owner). Where the Golden's are always watching my eyes and my face, Maggie prefers to look out the window and that very interesting stick.
I love hearing about everyone's different sheepdog.
And I also love talking about mine :D

Hope everyone's days are good...full of sleeping, eating, playing, and sniffing.
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Welcome Shaggymaggie! From the picture in your Avatar, your babies are beautiful! :D

Look forward to hearing stories and seeing pictures!! We really like pictures!! **hint**hint** :lol: :lol:
Welcome! I'm happy to hear you have a little dummy too! I often find myself jealous of all the other people's smart dogs on the forum so it's nice to have someone to relate to. ;) Like your Maggie, Clyde is always bouncing, happy and full of love and that's what really matters!

Haha, I hate to say it, but Maggie is such a dummy, she barks at snow. And I mean snow flakes!!! :D
Hello Shaggimaggie :D .

Welcome to the forum :) . Your little babies are beautiful. That is too funny :lol: :lol: . I'm sure most of the sheepies out there have been getting off on the fumes from the same boxe of crayons. The way I look at it, if Maggie likes to bark at snow flakes, well you've got yourself a very happy camper there :) and she can come and play in Dallas's bucket anytime (or maybe she's using Dallas's old bucket) - The things they do during the day, you can't help but smile :) :? I'd have to get this on video!!

I think if Dallas could speak, she would probably sound like Edith Bunker :roll:

Uncle Pete :D
I want to tell you guys a funny story....

About 2 years ago we had an 11-year-old sheepdog named Max. Since he was an old dog and a large breed, he had developed really bad arthritis and couldn't stand on his own (that's not the funny part :( ). We had just gotten our Golden Retriever, Oliver and he had a tendency to go counter surfing and eat anything he could find.
The night of my sister's wedding, we were all staying at the hotel where the ceremony was, but I had gone back to the house with my brother and one of his VERY drunk friends, Matt, to change clothes. Well, I walked into the kitchen and saw blue. Everywhere! Oliver had gotten an inky blue pen off the counter, eaten it up, and proceeded to leave big blue paw prints all over the kitchen!!! But the funniest part was seeing blue paw prints all over poor Max...Max couldn't get up and Oliver had walked all over him....
So we got out all the cleaning supplies, and there's Matt, drunk Matt, on his hand and knees, wearing only his boxers, scrubbing the floor. My brother and I just watched him crawling around, scrubbing the floor...he gets to Max, lifts a paw, scrubs the floor, scrubs the paw, and then keeps scrubbing the floor.
Hahaha, it's been 2 years and I still laugh when I think about that whole scene! :D
That's very reminiscent of when Clyde went RUNNING through the house vomiting and threw up all over my Briard/Bearded Collie, Lucy. She never moved even though she caught it head to toe. She even sat still while I cleaned the carpet until I was ready to take her upstairs and get her in the tub. How can you not laugh though?

Where are you at in the Midwest?
Wichita, Kansas. We don't see a lot of OES's around here, mostly retriever breeds (goldens, labs, etc.)
Ah, serious midwest. I'm in Michigan and always hoping for a neighbor :)
I know, it's terrible...I live right smack in the middle of the Midwest, and I'm not necessarily proud of it...but I do hope I can find another sheepie in the Midwest...maybe just to make me feel better!!!
I hope Michigan is well. Maybe you can go sailing or travel over to Wisconsin for some cheese (I obviosly don't know anything about Michigan...sorry).
Ok, best to Michigan and best to all the sheepdogs out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And by the way Butterscotch, I like your picture and I hope you have more in the gallery. I also appreciate how friendly you have been! :D
And you too Uncle Pete and Beaureguard's Mom...thank you for being sp welcoming!!! :lol:
shaggymaggie wrote:
Wichita, Kansas. We don't see a lot of OES's around here, mostly retriever breeds (goldens, labs, etc.)

Sounds like time for a road trip, how about heading for
New England in your sheepiemobile for the NEOESR Picnic
on June 4 !! Cool sea breezes, lots of beautiful sheepdogs
and a wonderful group of people dedicated to OES!
Other options:
(The Philadelphia Picnic is today !)
And Saulmr is working on a date for a Southwest Picnic....
So lots of vacation options to meet other OES and their
devoted owners!!!!! :D :D
We midwesterners gotta stick together.... Welcome shaggymagie!!! I loved the blue paw story!

I think we need a midwestern picnic! There are enough of us out here in the prairie country!!!

Karen :)
Hi ShaggyMaggie!

The MI people are going to do something this summer...maybe you and other midwesterners could meet up with us :D
Welcome Shaggie Maggie!! I've never been to the midwest but hear it's lovely. Your picture is adorable!!!! My Tasker is not "the brightest crayon in the box" either but that is part of his charm. Loved your wedding story.......... my son get married this summer I'll have to make sure the pens are put away :D

Hi, everyone!
I've been taking some college courses, but I can't seem to find anything I feel REALLY passionate about at the moment. So now I'm taking a break, doing some volunteer work at our local Humane Society, but tonight I found a site where you can be a certified dog trainer. I love working with our dogs...I find that training dogs is very gratifying. But I'm not sure, so what do you guys think about this? Maybe until I get a college degree I can work as a dog trainer. We have a lady that comes to the house and helps both to train the dogs and teach us how to train the dogs. So anyway, here's the website...and it would be very helpful if you guys could tell me what you think.
Just got to read your wedding story...very funny!! I've been fortunate, so far, that Beau hasn't gotten himself into anything that messy. I'm sure it will happen -just a matter of time! :lol:

I'll check out the dog training website. Sounds interesting! :lol:
Welcome to the Forum, shaggymaggie!!
Welcome to the forum! I can't wait to hear more about your crew, they sound like a lot of fun :)
Hi, ShaggieMaggie - I'm from Wichita, too! I've seen only a few other OES around town. There are 2 others who go to the Doggie Playground where Truman goes occasionally. I think there is another OES owner on the forum from ElDorado. We should plan a sheepie get together before (or after) it gets too hot! By the way, we now have a dog park in town at Chisholm Creek Kennels! Yay!
Hahah! We're members at the Pup Park. It's so great, the gang loves it! The first time we went was right after Yappy Days, and it was so funny to see Maggie go into the pond...I don't think she realized that it was water and she was just chasing the Golden Retriever and the next thing she knew she was doggy paddling in that smelly pond!
We really should set up a play date for the Kansans. I'm so excited to find another OESer in Wichita.

Happy sniffing!
The more I think about it, I really think it would be great to have an OES play date. I have Maggie and my sister has Marty, and I just think it would be so great to see all that fur at the same time. To any of the Kansans, we could meet up at a park or something and walk all the dogs, or even take them to a doggie park or playground and see what they think. Maybe they'll think they're boyfriends and girlfriends!
Ok, well I'm so excited that there's another Wichitan on this forum. By the way, you wouldn't happen to be the guy that does the doggie look alike contest? That's so hilarious, I love it.
Nope, I'm not the doggie look alike guy. In fact, I'm a 58 year old grandma of 2! I read about the dog park in the paper Sunday and I think we're going to check it out in the next couple of weeks. I'm off work for several weeks this summer so maybe we can all meet up at the dog park. I'd love to see Truman's reaction to another OES! BTW, I've never heard about the doggie look alike guy. What's the story on him?
Welcome to the forum! There will be a picnic in the Chicago 'burbs in October. Last year was our first Sheepiefest. Debcram (Pirate's mommy) is the "organizer" and will post details as we figure them out!

I don't have a live sheepie (yet) but have a stuffed one named...Maggie!

Paula O.
Hi ShaggieMaggie,

Welcome to the forum. I'm Marianne and mom to a variety of furballs in my home...Blue, Merlin and Panda the dogs, 4 cats and a rabbit and mom of two uprights.

Ohmygawd!!! Hee hee just read your post for the first time tonight and how ironic!! Just this evening Blue whom is 15 and never races but did this evening..stepped into a can of white paint (urg had to be oil based) when I was painting a door threshold...and raced throughout the carpeted house...rose colored carpets. Boy could I relate as I've been scrubbing white dog paw prints all evening.....egads!

Going to love hearing more stories of your furballs antics and pics!! Love your avatar.

Ok, first off, the doggie look alike guy is this guy who comes to Woofstock with his OES every year dressed the same as his dog. Any dog and their owner can participate, but this guy seems to always win. He has the most BEAUTIFUL OES, looks like the dog has always been groomed for show. It's so funny, though. I met him last October (briefly) and I think Maggie thought his dog was her new boyfriend!!! I'm sure if you check out the October or November 2004 issue of the Wichita Eagle you can find the article about him. It really is funny because he dresses up just like his dog and he always wins!

Who's the OESer from El Dorado? He/She chould also come to our play date.

I know this is completely off the subject, but I'm really really sad lately because I had to break up with my boyfriend. (I know that's so corny, but I can't stop thinking about it). I met him at WSU. He was here studying Aerospace Engineering, but today he is leaving to go home to France to work in the European equivalent of NASA. He's brilliant, and so unlike any American boy I've ever dated. I know, I know, it sounds like teenage angst, but isn't is depressing when you finally find the perfect guy and he's out of you lead....or even your country?!
I'm not trying to get a lot of sympathy (maybe a littly), but I can't stop thinking about he LOVED Maggie and put up with all my doggie dog quirks (I'm always talking about, reading about, thinking about, dreaming about.....DOGS!!!!)

Maybe I should get a French poodle and move there to be with him..........................................................


I'm loyal to my breed, and I don't really like poodles too much :wink:

But on the brighter side, I got this from my sister. I hope I don't offend any cat people (I also have a cat):

How To Clean Your Toilet - The Fun Way
Instructions on how to clean your toilet

1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.

2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.

3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid.

4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.

5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power-wash" and rinse".

6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.

7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.

8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.

9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.


The Dog
shaggymaggie wrote:
I know this is completely off the subject, but I'm really really sad lately because I had to break up with my boyfriend. (I know that's so corny, but I can't stop thinking about it). I met him at WSU. He was here studying Aerospace Engineering, but today he is leaving to go home to France to work in the European equivalent of NASA. He's brilliant, and so unlike any American boy I've ever dated. I know, I know, it sounds like teenage angst, but isn't is depressing when you finally find the perfect guy and he's out of you lead....or even your country?!
I'm not trying to get a lot of sympathy (maybe a littly), but I can't stop thinking about he LOVED Maggie and put up with all my doggie dog quirks (I'm always talking about, reading about, thinking about, dreaming about.....DOGS!!!!)

I (somewhat) understand how you're feeling. My best friend dated the most amazing guy from Greece. I'd never seen her so happy and it was the first guy that ever treated her really great-- she seemed to really have a knack for picking losers before him. So, long story short, they're all happy and then he has to go back to Greece to serve in the military for 2 years-- I guess all men are required to serve. She was devastated so I can understand how you must feel. How long were you dating?

Sometimes it's nice to vent on the forum because we're all far enough removed that we can give objective advice and sympathy. Lol-- and a lot of us are older and have been through it. Ugh, I never thought I'd be saying stuff like that and I'm only 29!

Hey, where is WSU? I work at Wayne State University in Detroit and we're WSU!

I'm sorry to hear about your boyfriend. I remember (way back) when I was going to WSU and had a boyfriend I was crazy about. Boy, was he cute! After we broke up, I was really sad for a long time. Long story short: Another one came along! Hard to think of now, but that will happen with you too!



I am SOOOOO embarassed! I went to the grocery store tonight and I took our Golden and my sister's OES (I thought they would like the car ride....bad idea). I ran in to pick up some soda and some prescriptions, and I came back out to my car...and when I opened the door to put the groceries in the Golden jumped out and Marty (the OES) ran after him. Well, I panicked, so I ran after them, and then....they ran inside the grocery store!!!! (The doors are automatic.) I chased them until the frozen food aisle, when someone finally cornered them. Oh my god, I can't believe that just happened! And both of them are therapy dogs, so the whole time I'm running after them saying, "It's ok, they're certified, they're certified!" Jeez, I'm so embarassed. I cannot believe that just happened. It's like something out of a movie!
OK, I also posted this under "Tricks for Beginners," but does anyone know any SIMPLE doggie tricks?

P.S. I'm still mortified about the grocery store incident.
The energency down command might be a good one to work on.... we ALL should work on that. Not that it will really work all the time with our sheepdogs, but it'll sortof be like OES group therapy.

"Hi. My name is Ron, and I'm trying to teach the ED"
"Hi Ron."
"Yesterday was a good day. We tried 8 times, and managed to hold the lead as our dog tried to run into traffic."
"Amen Brother."
"It's isn't easy, but one paw at a time, we'll make it"
<clap clap clap>
OH MY!! I'm laughing so hard I almost spit out my coffee!! :lol: :lol: I can fully understand that it was embarassing for you at the time :oops: , but oh so funny afterwards!! :lol:

It reminds me of that scene from the movie that was out a few months ago - something about WinnDixie - did you see that?
Sorry, but I had to laugh about the grocery store incident. I take Truman to the store with me too but so far, he has stayed in the car! He does, however, bark like a maniac until I get into the store! BTW, just curious, was it Dillons? That's where I shop but I think they need some competition. Their customer service has gone to the dogs (so to speak!)
Welcome, ShaggyMaggie! Be prepared to be addicted to this site!
:D I was addicted before I was a member...

But anyway, I have a question. Does anyone know about Pitbulls? I have a friend who wants to adopt one, but I'm not sure if he's experienced or responsible enough to properly care for and train this dog.
I can't tell you makes me so happy that you all are so attentive. I am so happy that everyone can relate to me.

Thank you all for being so great to me.

Happy sniffing!
Maggie says thank you, too. She's a little green...not with envy...more with chlorine, but anyway, she appreciates all of the support you have given. Pants (the cat in the avatar) is too embarassed to talk, but she want to tell you that she loves tuna and pieces of string!

(Maggie has been getting into the swimming pool; a.k.a. CHLORINE!)
I'm so upset. I've been working so hard with Maggie. She broke her leg twice at age 3 months and she rebroke it at 4 months. For a lot of her puppyhood she was sedated and in a kennel, so she was basically the neglected dog so I finally adopted her as the love of my life and since then I've been working so hard with her.
Well, yesterday we were walking in the rain, and she was so bad on the leash, and I slipped and really hurt my ankle. I thought it was just sprained, but it's so bad today that I'm afraid it's broken. I don't know why, I'm just so upset that I finally find something I'm passionate about (dog training) and I can't even train my own dog to walk on a leash. And I guess I'm blowing this out of proportion, but I feel like I knew so much and now I'm not so sure.
Now I know how my parents felt when I was bad.
I'm not taking this out on Maggie, but I'm not sure if I'm more disappointed in me or in Maggie; I know she knows walking on a leash, but it does make me question my own training skills.
I'm not holding a grudge, though. She's sitting right here with me, smiling as always; she's a pleasure to be around, as always.
So have you guys ever felt this kind of's not just about making your dog "good" general I want to help all dogs be a great pet; where the owner gets as much pleasure from the pet as the pet does from the owner.
Ok, thanks for listening.
-Me :cry:
Oh, wow, this is pathetic...5 replies in a row! :lol:
OK, I'll break the streak... :)

Sorry about your foot :(

I hope it gets better quickly! :D
Oh no! I hope you heal quickly too :!:
OK, I want all my supportive OESers out there to do me a favor:

June 24th is the night of the TDI test.

Our trainer came over today and she told me that if the test was today Maggie would not pass, so I start the TDI class tomorrow night, we have 3 practice nights, and then the 4th week is the test.

So I just want everyone to shout out some motivational slogan for me :D

"You can do it, Julie!"
"Go, Julie!"
"Julie, you're the best!"

Those are pathetic examples, sorry. That's like a basketball game or something! :lol:
But just some supportive words, and it's totally ok to give the generic ones too.
And if your dogs want to tell something to Maggie I can relay the message.

"Woof, ruff ruff!"
"Bark bark, Maggie!"
"Arf Arf!"

OK, thanks!

Remember the story of the Little Engine that Could....I think I can...I think I can...that's gonna be your matra for the next couple weeks....

Come on can do it!!!

Good Luck!!!

Marianne and the boys
Haha, thanks so much!

Haha, poor Maggie got a sunburn on her nose today!

Marty has the same problem.

Do you guys get sunburned sheepies?
Oh yeah, and don't forget June 24th!
Good luck! :)
June 24th is also the day Dancer goes to the vet for her hip certification xrays etc....
Best of luck to Dancer!!! I really really hope everything goes well!

Give my regards to Canada!
I'm very sorry to inform you that the guy who attended the Wichita Woofstock, and who each year won the doggie-look alike contest, has passed away, June 2006. He died suddenly while working in his yard. His beautiful OES, Denver, went to live with this sister in Ohio. (The poor dog was devasted at the loss of his human dad). We were very saddened at his untimely passing, and I wanted to share this news with the devoted OES posters on this forum.

Bill was an exceptional person; his life was devoted to helping people cope with chronic pain and other emotional issues. He is deeply missed by those who loved him.
At the moment, Ch. Denver is featured on our homepage of

Just in case you read this late, here is the pic:
Dear OES members. What a surprise when I was directed to this post to see discussion on my brothers dress up antics from 2005. He certainly made quite a statement with Denver. It really touched our hearts to know he made such a lasting impression on those he met.

Thanks again.
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