Any thoughts on this issue?

Okay, Bentley is AWESOME in every way. Great pup just turned 1 on Dec. 22nd. This is my little issue that is driving me nuts......... When he pees he doesn't lift his leg but goes into a sprinter stance. Sometimes it works but most times he's peeing on the back of his front legs. It drive me crazy. I have to stop what I'm doing and wash and rinse his legs. I'm trying to get him in a full coat because he is just a gorgeous dog. Any thoughts? How do I teach him to lift his leg? Okay quit laughing already!!!

I have tried growing the hair at the end of his pee place so that it is a little longer and directs the pee better, but honestly it is yucky and I had to shave it.......

Thoughts anyone? He is my first male sheepie.
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Sherwood used to pee like that when he was that age but he grew out of it & started cocking his leg up to most things
So there is hope!! YEAH!!! :clappurple:
Brick was the same way (although he never peed on his front legs).
It was some where in his 3rdfront year when he decided to start lifting his leg.
We think he was copying the other boys there.
So maybe expose him to other males that are lifting & he'll get the idea.
if bentley doesn't catch on right away by watching, invite a friendly male to play and/or walk at home or his regular walking territory that will mark trees high. bentley will typically get that quickly.

:wag: :wag:
Oscar is a squatter, but he stretches out and does not pee on himself.

Have you tried cutting the foot part off of two men's long tube socks, and putting them on his front legs when walking him? That way, you just take them off and wash them, without having to keep grooming Bentley.

Laurie and Oscar
My male at 5 does the same thing and always has...Hate to tell you but my first sheepie, also a male, lived to be almost 15...and NEVER lifted his leg :roll:
When I had Zeke, he never lifted his leg and would always pee on his RF leg.
Don't know if he still does that.
I've had tons of male dogs over the years, and never had this happen (includes 3 male OES of our own plus fosters). 8O
Bently needs to go with a pack of boys on a pee-mission. Seeing all those guys lifting and marking, he'll figure it out real quick.

Only thought why he's not is he's unstable......hip problems? I know that's why Jack has never lifted a leg, crappy hips. Harry is a weak lifter, injured ACLs. Been quite awhile since I've had a high kicker.
Bloo doesnt lift either an he is 1 in march.
He squats and aims up the wall, he doesnt lift but he is a pretty good aimer, it does go up the wall!! BUT i have the same problem, all the private part is yucky and his front legs where it dribbles. I have noidea how to make them lift to wee, but i would rather bloo didnt to be hoonest lol :)
Long ago I remember reading that generally dogs that have been neutered early tend not to lift their legs or do so in a limited way. In a nutshell the earlier the neuter the less likely they would lift their legs.

Urine gives signals and signs to other dogs, so in a neighborhood of dogs you'll find the ones that go on regular walks will be aware of who is in the neighborhood/territory. Dogs that know they are in their own yard/territory may not feel the need to mark their territory for others. Sometimes just allowing them to smell poles while on neighborhood walks while solve the problem of leg lifting.

I also think that dominance comes into play as well. Submissive dogs don't need to mark their territory as dominant dogs that will try to mark their territory as high as possible for various reasons. One to give the impression to others of their status when they smell the urine of the marked territory and so that the smell will not be out other dogs. Two to give the impression of their impressive height which is why some aim as high as possible. Some females whom are dominant will lift their legs as well. Very dominant dogs may even scratch at the dirt to spread out their smell as far as possible.

Medical issues come into play as well or other factors. Gilligan has bad hips so is unable to maintain balance on three legs so one of his toes is pointed while he relieves himself. Panda whom spent years in a cage just peed standing up , making no effort to either raise his legs or squat. After about five years he eventually raised his legs and that was to pee over other dog marked spots which he discovered at dog parks.

Dogs leave a number of signals in their pee (which is why you see lots of dogs smelling poles on walks) Things like I'm top dog/ or I'm an intact male ..ect . Dunno how scientist figured it out but observations on dog walks can bear this out. Mine always try to make their pee the freshest and longest lasting. Gilligan will pee, the Panda immediately walks over and pees over the same spot, then Merlin the Alpha will pee over all of theirs. If by chance Panda gets a chance to pee over it.... Merlin will return to the spot ahd make sure he's the last one. Snoop the Pitbull (was neutered at 5 months) still squats at age 3 in the yard, but will lift his leg on walks.

Marianne > mom to four males. My problem is when they all gather near a bush to pee and one always gets peed on by one of the others...ewwwwww.
Marianne wrote:
Long ago I remember reading that generally dogs that have been neutered early tend not to lift their legs or do so in a limited way. In a nutshell the earlier the neuter the less likely they would lift their legs.

Eh, no.

Leg lifting is a learned behaviour. My neutered male can outlift the best of them. He also humps his sisters whether they are in season or not. Quite frankly he is the dumbest thing, poor boy, on four paws, leading me to believe that when you remove their testicles, you effectly do remove their brains... :sidestep: 8)

Anyway, the key to leg lifting is to give him a chance to hang out with some leg lifters. He'll get jealous and try to emulate.

Mind you, some leg lifters also don't have very good aim so be careful what you wish for. ;-)

Thanks for all the advice. All very informative. I have not neutered him yet as I believe (and I am sure there are many who disagree) that he has grows in stature his first year and the second year he grows in bulk. (He is a really big OES). I was told keeping him intact allows the hormones to help him bulk up. I do plan on neutering him this year. He is a really big beautiful friendly boy. We are thrilled with everything about him. He has yet to hump anyone and Lizzy our 7 year old, is the dominant of the two although she is 1/3 his size.

I think I may try and walk him more in the neighborhood rather than the trails at Quantico. Letting him smell all the mail boxes. At first I was glad he was a squatter but now I'm getting tired I washing the back of long furry legs!!

You all are so great. Thanks for the advice. I'll keep you posted.
Moe will be two on the 28th and he only started lifting his leg after we started going to the dog park on a regular basis. He still squats and hits his leg when he pees at home.However EVERYWHERE else we go he lifts his leg..and its not just marking he does it for big pees too... :?
Hi Again,

I had to do a search on the net,( not to prove anyone wrong) but to find out why the heck all these years I've been telling people about the neuter/leg lifting. Why did I always think that was the case? I had to ask myself. I didn't want to keep telling people that info if I was wrong after thinking that all these years. So I did a search on the net.
Anyhow, this site does confirm that statement - there does seem to be a correlation between early neutering and leg lifting. ... gs-urinate

Of course like any research it's always subject to speculation and we all agree that every dog is an individual, but generally it's viewed as a "calling card". It's important to note that it is speculation and no one can be absolutely sure it's 100% unless we teach dogs to talk and tell us why. :roll:

My Shaggy girl was one whom although female she not only lifted her leg to pee but would scrap and send the dirt flying afterwards. She was very dominant.

Merlin, my Alpha Male - egads lifted his leg at 3 months! 3 months!!! I remember thinking at the time I was going to have a dominant dog (which turned out to be the case for Mr. Bossy.)

Thankfully my other males are much more easy going.
I have a stretcher and a modified hiker that didn't work so well because he hikes to pee on the ground. Kobuck would soak the backs of his front legs so I tested some different theories. Remember this is being shared by someone who can say prepuce without blushing so it's likely too much information...

Easiest solution would be to teach the boy to hike a leg.

A dog sniffing the ground, also part of marking behavior, encourages peeing on the back of the front legs... distraction to one side or the other can be detrimental to a clear shot through the uprights. This boy was so talented he could even pee on his elbows and his beard. Yes... it's a video of a dog peeing! (It was for the vet.)

So... I did some thinking on how I might make life easier here and came up with "Potty Pants" and they made life easier. Oil cloth or rain gear material are good fabric choices. A double layer of rain gear fabric is still very lightweight and worked best. One tube slips on one leg with an attached strap that lies across the dog's back. The other tube is slipped on the other leg and is velcroed to the back strap. The velcro allows for faster on/off. Kubby and I got really good at putting them on quickly. :wink: But... you have to wash them off each time and hang them to dry or they'll stink to high heaven. It's at least better than having to wash the dog. Having multiple sets makes things easier. If the pee ends up dripping down the bottom of the foot area, put a non-slip bottom on each leg tube.


Longer hair... cough... might help a little as a barrier or stream diverter but not enough in his case so he was shaved short. 8)

A super full bladder strengthens the stream. More frequent out-times may help.

Shorter front leg hair lengthens the distance between point A and point B. If I allow Kobuck to get beautiful pillars of leg hair, he'll will still pee on them on occasion.

Fortunately, neutering stopped the ground sniffing within 3 weeks and that was a biggest cause of his wet, yellow legs.

Lordy... I'll probably regret having shared way too much info and risk moderator editing. :oops: Just know that you are not alone! :lol: :sidestep:
Not too much information as far as I'm concerned.

Butchy doesn't pee on his legs but the problem I have is the hair whether cut short or long on his penis gets so yellow. I wash him but it doesn't seem to make a lot of difference. I use a whitening shampoo but maybe there is something better. Any advice would help.

He drinks plenty of water so don't think his urine is too concentrated.
At home, Brick squats.
He lifts a leg when he's out & about.
Jaci - You rock!! That was very informative! Thanks for sharing.

ICH wrote:
Butchy doesn't pee on his legs but the problem I have is the hair whether cut short or long on his penis gets so yellow. I wash him but it doesn't seem to make a lot of difference. I use a whitening shampoo but maybe there is something better. Any advice would help.

Huh... not sure about yellow hair. Keeping the hair trimmed short at the end and using something like a Douxo 3% Chlorhexidine shampoo and wipes between spot baths might help but only if there's a bacteria/yeast/licking factor. It's something to run by your vet before trying.

Breeders here may have better ideas.
OMG!! I need some of those potty pants! So you made them??

I shave his penis area and leave a little hair on the tip that does help to direct the pee and he doesn't pee on himself every time but often enough to be a pain in the butt. I did just shave the end because It was getting a little yucky. I will likely let it grow back.

Thanks for all your advice!! You are awesome!! :bow:

I do like to keep him clean because we do a lot of this!!

His right leg looks a little yellow there.....EWWW! I just noticed that. YUCK!! See what I mean!!! :roll:
Carefull what you wish for 8) leg lifting can be messier with the boys then a standing squat. Think a dribble or flood underneath on both sides, depending on which way they lift the leg right down to the paws and sometimes part of the belly coat too. 8O :roll: :lol:

Yes you do need a tuft of hair or beard on the end as it helps the you know what when peeing in full stream from shooting up more and having a life of its own, it does help drag it down to a better angle. 8) :lol:

Syd is 3 and a half and I am not encouraging him to lift the legs to pee. Way neater underneath doing what he is still doing. Been years for me with a boy dog and another friend said Dont encourage him to lift either leg to pee, it can if not in full stream dribble everywhere and create more yucky mess. Syd mind you is surrounded by sheepie girls so I hope he never catches on that boys should lift those back legs to pee. :wink: :lol:

Johnsons has a "Baby Corn Starch Powder" you can find it in the baby section of the supermarket, has a hint of "Lavender" in it, if your guy squat aims and hits the back of the front legs, sprinkle that on and run a brush through to eleviate the wees & wetness on his front legs and it will also dry it off, minus the urine eau-de-cologne smell as well. A dry clean method especially good for mis-aiming boys. 8) :lol: :lol: and done after will also stop that darling mustard colour on the back of the front legs and saves also having to continually wash those legs to stop the staining and smell. :wink:

Sheepie girls are way neater in the peeing department :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
He's adorable! :hearts: I wouldn't let a little pee keep you from snuggling. :lol:

Yup, I made them. I'm no seamstress but I can make do if necessary.

Bigger picture-

You have to take measurements like across the back and also the legs... leave a little extra so you can adjust the fit. It really saved time in having to wash Kobuck off... there were times I'd get him washed/dried only for him to do it again a couple hours later. :roll:

I got him to pee on command and stop marking around the yard. So all I had to do was put them on him, let him outside, tell him to do his business and he'd empty his bladder. I'd then take them off him and release him to play.

His pants worked well and I'd use them again if needed... but I'm glad they're no longer necessary. :phew:
Thank you so much Jaci!!
Baley is a leg lifter and Baxter stretches out. He is 5 and I don't think he is going to change. He doesn't pee on his front legs thank goodness!
Once you get him neutered the smell won't be as bad. I couldn't even sit beside Langley. I was constantly washing his legs. I had him done when he was a little over an year probably close to 1 1/2 for the same reasons as you. Once it was done life was easier. He occasionally lifts his leg, not often. He takes one big pee maybe 3 times a day that is it. Laika (female) on the other hand when can will lift her leg and marks. And the pee stream hair helps. I was horrified two grooms ago the groomer shaved it off! I said clean up Laika's area but leave him I think they did the opposite!
Kenny does the same thing.....hoping he learns from Schubert on the super squat....seriously, Schubert nearly touches the ground. Many paper towels and wet ones later, Kenny gets cleaned....sigh
Just another observation...
I've found that deep snow helps prevent boys from peeing on the back of their front legs. :lol:
I hear Alaska has a lot of snow...
HA!! Too funny! I've praying for snow, but nothing yet......... I will just send Bentley up to Dave's I hear they have a sheep dog halfway house... <snicker>
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