Its that time of year again

Once a year I get Panda completely sedated at the vets and get "the works done" while he's under. He has his hips rotated (to see the advancement of his hip dysplasia), his eyes, teeth and ears checked, any shots that are needed, and he's completely shaved down. He has occasional x-rays and blood work done yearly. I've been fortunate that despite his hips (moderate dysplasia) and the occasional ear infections he's been quite healthy.

It's been almost 8 years since he arrived (anniversary will be in March) and although my boy is nearing 11, he still turns into a devil if he perceives any form of restraint. The majority of long time members (notice I didn't say old?) :D remember his story and how I found out about him when it was posted here. He loves everyone and is the best dog anyone can ask for, except when someone tries to restrain him( or as I mentioned if he perceives it as restraint) his years of beatings and living in a cage tweak his memory and he bucks, screams - Yes he actually sounded like he was screaming the first time we tried to have something done at the vets. :( I trust him 99% with people and he's the favorite amongst all the other smaller gentle with them. However, even after all these years I never let my guard down as there still exist somewhere in his brain the former abuse he suffered and as a result I still have to get him sedated.
The first time it took 3 of us to try to hold him and he bucked so hard the vet was unable to do so. This if I remember was just to check his ears. It was recommended that sedation was the best as the stress of the ordeal was too much for him.
Recently, my vet told me there is now new sedation stuff on the market that only puts them under for mins at a time and they awake fully within mins too. This was fantastic as it doesn't mean an all day recouperation after a vet visit. He had the stuff for the first time last year. However, sedation has it's risk and while it's the only way to get stuff done I find myself getting anxious at the time rolls around. He's getting older and I'm a basket case and worry so much before his appointments.
I've never had a choice as to his grooming as he gets completely shaved down while he's under. I

His appointment is next week :cow:

Here's an update I wrote in 2004 and the reason I'm so devoted to my boy
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As the great care giver that you are, I'd expect you to worry. But vet medicine is very careful about sedation, keeping them under only as long as necessary and with the least possible doseage. How wonderful the vet knows Panda's needs and is willing to accomodate them. All will be well........and you will be nervous.
Thanks for the kind words SheepieBoss!

Ha - Had to laugh at the post however, when I thought I'd eventually see Panda in full coat. That's never happened! While he allows me to brush him on his head and back - his wirey coat gets horribly matted as soon as any length appears and worse it's always near his ears and muzzle. No amount of treats and even muzzling him can have him overcome his fear of anyone trying to poke at his ears. (He had a massive ear infection and hematoma (sp?) near that area when he arrived and that's this "trigger".

Thanks for your post as I still feeling horribly guilty that I have to get him sedated to have this done yearly.
I can understand your concern but truthfully it's kinder to him to be sedated. He must have such terrible memories that even with all the love and care you've given him he cannot get over his fear. Poor Boy. I haven't read his story and I don't know that I will, I so hate to hear the terrible things people do to animals.
All I know mar, is you've done such a great job with him (and everyone else) ...panda boy is truly lucky to have you and you, him...give him a kiss from. E!
It will be a relief to get it over and done with for another year. Give him a hug for me!'s for ANYTHING you don't want to awake during....not just pain!

That's the whole concept of sedation dentistry for humans. 8)
I personally find going to the dentist relaxing, but I know I'm in the minority!

Obviously most of us want sedation during surgery and other obviously painful things. Many women choose pain medicine for child birth as well.... :wink:

Dino the Min Pin needed sedation for his cast changes he had as a puppy with his broken leg. He was just too upset without it, and went into a full blown panic. So every week he had sedation, his cast cut off and a new on put on...then reversed the sedation and all was well. :roll:

Thankfully, there is much less risk with the drugs available now. :clappurple: :clappurple:

Good luck Panda boy (and Marianne!) for the upcoming event. :hearts:
Marianne, you are doing what needs to be done. I know sedation is a worry, esp. as they get older but the stuff they have out now is some of the best and your Vet knows what he is doing.

Dawn...only you would find going to the dentist relaxing.
Simon's Mom wrote:
Marianne, you are doing what needs to be done. I know sedation is a worry, esp. as they get older but the stuff they have out now is some of the best and your Vet knows what he is doing.

Dawn...only you would find going to the dentist relaxing.

I do....really!
I used to make my appointments for 8am when I got off working 12 hour night shifts...and I often fell asleep! :pupeyes:
And I guess I've been lucky and had nice dentists and hygienists! :crossed:
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