Excessive Shedding

For the last month or two Rudie has been shedding A LOT. Recently I really noticed it, everytime you run your fingers through his coat you get a clump. We took him to the groomer today and the groomer said he is shedding a lot more than usual.

He has no thin or bald spots. Should I be worried?
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OES don't usually shed like this...Losing hair and clumping as you descrive is a classic sign of a thryoid problem...Not to worry too much. An easy fix if thats the problem but a blood work up at the Vet is in order...If thryoid problem, a tiny pill will fix it..but he will be on it for life. Its not expensive so don't despair...I recommend a Vet check...
OES shouldn't shed, but when you consider he's a mix it may just be the non-OES in him. Friends with Goldens and Tervs were just complaining their dogs are shedding like craz thse days. A Golden in agility class this week left tufts everywhere she went and my instructor joked that she had to vaccum her flannel sheets every night before getting into bed.

Then again, it could suggest his thyroid meds need to be adjusted. Have his levels been checked lately?

He is a mix, his DNA test said part Akita. I'm just concerned because he's never shedded like this before and even our groomer that he seems every 3-5 weeks noticed.

He is hypothyroid and we had his levels checked 6 months ago. He's on the low end of normal.
It may be worth it to recheck. Esp if he was at the low end of normal last time. Increasing his dose may put him more solidly in the normal range.

Is he still a hoover, or is that a stupid question? :-) Let me rephrase that: is he also inexplicably gaining weight?

His weight is actually way down, he's very fit and trim right now! This may sound awful, but we don't want to increase his dosage because it makes him hungry and crazy and I don't want him to ruin any more of our kitchen!

Could it just be seasonal? Even if he didn't "blow his coat" last year?
I think it could, yes. And if he doesn't have any other things going on that suggest thyroid maybe it's just part of his New Year's Resolution to get svelte. Any cute canine chicks move into the area lately? ;-)

Harry is blowing coat right now: OES x coonhound. We have black tufts all about. Even brushing the two full bloods, I notice some times they contribute more than usual, but then I've never been concerned about show coats so probably take more underwear than I should.
Is "blowing coat" at certain seasons a myth or is that a legit thing?

the groomer really thinned him out and took out a lot of the undercoat, but he's still very sheddy (not as much). Had to laugh when she said not to brush him as much because it could cause more shedding... um we brush him maybe once every 2-3 weeks. :cow:
With dogs that blow coat, it is a seasonal thing. Usually twice a year for the major seasonal ones. And add in a few more if the weather gets wonky.
Then add in the intact females, who usually blow coat after they are in heat....crazy! (and that is for most breeds, not just the ones who "molt" twice a year - they just get extra!) :roll:

One more random thought - Illness or even some meds can cause a dog to lose gobs of coat. A fever is a common culprit. That gets our sheep (if one gets sick or an injury) - and it's weird seeing a sheep shed off their wool in gobs like that.
Bitches after season....makes sense so the pups can find the milk bar.

I worry about Harry losing his underwear, but he seems fine in the cold either way. I'm sure Nature has a plan, I just don't understand it though.
We are enjoying unusually warm weather so far this winter in Chicago, so maybe the temps are causing him to get rid of the excess.

Laurie and Oscar
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