My shadow-help!

My lexie follows me everywhere. I mean everywhere...from the kitchen to the bathroom to the mailbox back to the bathroom etc. well it's real cute and I don't mind it but it drives my husband crazy! When it's time to eat and she is called to eat with the other pups she WILL NOT even leave the room to go eat unles I walk with her to the kitchen. I have to sneak away after she has started eating to finish getting ready for work in the morning. My husband thinks she is just not listening to him when she is called. But I think it's this whole shadowing business. What should I do?!
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How old is she?
She just turned 2 in November.
They are velcro dogs. Plus she recognizes the routine, you getting ready for work and she would prefer you stay home and play. Stepping over the dogs is normal procedure here, including out of the shower.
SheepieBoss wrote:
They are velcro dogs. Plus she recognizes the routine, you getting ready for work and she would prefer you stay home and play. Stepping over the dogs is normal procedure here, including out of the shower.

Pretty much. My sheepie is with me when i get ready for work, i have to work out around her (under your feet is the best place no matter what your doing), when i watch tv, she loves when im done eating cuz it means she can climb in my lap, is next to me when i go to sleep and shes even laying below me right now.

Tell your husband to get used to it and get over it cuz it wont ever stop. Its a sheepie thing.
So last night as I was writing on this forum, we were getting ready to go to bed and my husband went upstairs with the other two dogs and called lexie to go to bed and she ran over to me and sat herself right next to me because I hadn't gotten up off of the couch yet. As soon as I stood up and started walking to the stairs she ran up the stairs and got into her bed. Then the day before, Jon and i took lexie to the vets and the vet tech went to take her leash to walk her over to get weighed and lexie turned around ran over to me sat down and would not budge. I sat their for a few seconds to see if she would go on her own. She didnt, so i got up and started walking toward the scale and she ran over to it and sat down to get weighed. Is this normal for other people and their sheepdogs? Is this just shadowing and we should just give up on trying to separate her from me if she doesn't want to be? I'm not sure if this is her having some sort of separation issue or is this is normal for sheepdogs. Thanks for the help!
Sounds very normal to me. All of ours have been velcro dogs. Cloud even tries to get in the bath with me. :)
Ziggi is the same way. People say if she could get any closer to my butt she would disappear. I've gotten use to it so it doesn't bother me. But every now and than I will think, "Where is Ziggi" and I forget that I just need to turn around, she is right behind me. If she didn't come to me with a name, I would probably call her Shadow.
Same velcro here.

But - Chewie is still expected to listen to Todd (or anyone else in the family), so he doesn't get away with not listening or doing what they say. That's not a good habit to get into - no command should ever be considered optional because the dog chooses to ignore it. :evil:
Yes, I think that is what bothers Jon is that she is not listening to his commands. He says "come, let's go to bed"and she turns around and runs to me and sits down and doesn't move. I think he feels like she doesn't listen to him. But he tells me all the time that when I'm not there, she listens to everything she is told to do. It's just when I'm there, she chooses me over him. I ought maybe he should start taking her to obedience classes so she gets accustom to listening to his commands. What do you think?
Yes - it would be helpful. Especially if it's something he never has done before.
Also - you need to not be party to it and give your dog the cold shoulder when she ignores your husband and looks/comes to you.
Ditto, time for Jon to become a pack leader too. Right now he's being treated like just a member. Obedience training, even feeding her (but only after she does a command for him, "sit" is a good start)

Jack is my velcro. It has taken him about 7 years to realize it is OK to go for a nap on his bed.......alone. Otherwise he is always beside me....yeah, right now. MO is more DH's dog, she would rather be with him. Harry being only part sheepie is a bit more independent. He loves to be with me but also loves to be outside.
sorry this was a copy of the above......erased.
Thank you for your help. This is what I suspected we should do but it's nice to get someone else's opinion who owns old English sheepdogs and know their behaviors. I bought lexie as a puppy and raised her on my own through her puppyhood. Jon then moved in with Lewis his sheepdog and his golden retriever. So l think lexie still sees me as the pack leader because I was from the very beginning. Now that we are a unit, lexie has to start seeing him as the pack leader too.
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